July 2015 Moms

In crib not arms

I need tips to get my baby to start taking naps in her crib and not my arms. At night we put her in her crib and she cries for a while until she is asleep. Usually less than 20 mins. However for her naps, I can't always determine whether she is actually going to fall asleep or not. Occasionally she will act tired and fight to sleep. After giving up she will still cry for a bit then start playing for another 30 mins.

I really want her to get better at sleeping so I will fell better with leaving her with her grandparents. Right now with how she fights sometimes I don't really trust my in-laws to watch her.

Should I just try and have her CIO like nights? How long should I leave her to cry before grabbing her?

Re: In crib not arms

  • I have no advice, because I'm in the same boat. Just wanted to lend support and say good luck!
  • Lol right now my baby is napping in my arms sooo no advice here! I try and put her in her crib as well for naps and she wakes immediately, after trying 3 times she's up for good and then she's totally missed a nap. So, for now I just hold her. She only naps 30-45 mins so not too bad, but I'd love her in her crib for naps as well!
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  • After many months of trying and working at it my almost 6 month finally falls asleep in his crib with little crying for naps! For the first 3 months I held him pretty much for every nap. That started driving me crazy so I started by rocking him till drowsy and laid him down when he was awake but near sleep. Then I stopped rocking and sat by his crib to comfort him till he fell asleep. Then at about 4 months I started to lay him down awake and then leave. He would cry but I would check on him every 10-15 mins. The ferber method says to not let them cry more than 30 mins for naps, so then nap time is over and you make sure they fall asleep on their own. Now he cries right when I lay him in bed but is usually asleep a few mins later. There is bound to be some crying involved but if you stick with it they can do it! Falling asleep on their own is a skill they need to learn at some point. Also I lay mine down after being awake 2 hours.
  • @laurenbennett12 so you do it at the time not exactly when he seems tired? I just think my girl would get better sleep if she could do it alone. I usually have to pee before the naps is over. Plus I fidget making her wake. I usually lay down with her on my chest so getting up to lay her down is too hard. When I stand to get her asleep she looks all over and won't sleep.
  • Yes I have learned he sleeps sooo much better on his own! Yep I usually put him down after 2 hours of being awake even if he isn't acting tired because I know he will be over tired if I wait too long. I have read after 6 months most babies drop down to 2 naps. Right now he takes 3 but I am guessing that will change soon. My only probably now is that he only naps for 45 mins but I have also heard this is because they can't connect the sleep cycles. Usually after 6 months or so they take longer naps so I am hoping for that!
  • My LO takes 4 naps usually 30 to an hour and sleeps at least 11 hours at night(waking 3 times)... Maybe it will change when she hits 6 months. I'm definitely going to ask her doctor about it, however her appt isn't for another month.

    I don't know yet how her sleep training for naps is going to go yet. Hub and I decided to wait another week to start. She is teething so it's not really a good time to start. She is working on her 5th tooth.
  • I found my baby sleeps better on her tummy. (Yes- I know back to sleep is recommend) she can roll both back to tummy as well as tummy to back.
    And generally she sleeps 2 hours at a time and takes 2 naps. ( 10:00 and 3:00)
  • This 5th leap has LO all out of wack for naps, he normally naps around 10am and then 4pm and 7pm but the last few days he has napped once and only for 20 minutes its a mess.
  • I think she would sleep better on her stomach. Mostly because she sleeps on her chest when she is on me. However I would feel weird laying her on her stomach straight off and she doesn't roll in her crib, she rotates but doesn't roll.
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