
Intro: 2nd IVF in 5 years **Loss warning **Child warning through surrogacy/foster care in 2nd part

Hello Everyone!

I'm Christopher. The people on these boards were very good to me during my wife and my first attempts at having a baby and now that we are going down the road of IVF again I wanted to join a second time. I was a very active member of TTTC for many years. We've had quite the journey which you can read more about after the warning below.

As of right now we are scheduled for an egg retrieval on Monday. It was supposed to be a mini IVF netting only about 5 eggs but my wife is an over achiever and we are looking at 10-15eggs. Her estrogen and lining are looking good for a fresh transfer for next Saturday assuming we get good embryos. Last time we did but we found out after all of the tries failed that she had an uterus full of polyps. (Insert eye roll) She has since had those removed. She's been on high doses of vitamins for nearly a year: 5,000 vitamin D, Omega 3, 300 ubiquinol. On the recommendation of our RE, she's been in ketosis for 4 months. Research is showing that it lowers inflammation in the body. Our RE has had much success with women in our clinic getting pregnant on ketosis so we thought we'd go all in. We have MFI and use donor sperm. We changed donors after our last vials ran out on the chance that was the problem. We have done 5 IUIs, 1 IVF. We are also foster parents. We have had multiple children come though our home from the ages of 2 days - 13years. Nearly every one lasted at least a year and most 2yrs in our home before moving to relatives. The baby was 11 months.

*** WARNING: Child and losses mentioned below.

We lost 10 embryos during our first IVF. We were so hopeful and then it all failed. Additionally, we've had 6 early miscarriages. We have since had a child through traditional surrogacy (our best friend become pregnant using our donor sperm and gave us the baby as planned). It was a journey of a lifetime and maybe I`ll write a book one day. We are blessed everyday that she was willing to do that for us. Our son is now almost 3. We also have a 6.5 year old daughter who is legally still our foster child although we are expecting to hear in the next 2 months if she'll be free for adoption by us although that's still officially a long long way away due to parental appeals. She came to us when she was 3 and therefore was apart of the experience of our son's birth.
***Loss and success mentioned***
Me:34, Wife: 32
IF reasoning = MFI: Zero Sperm Count using FairFax donor bank
IUI #1 - #3: 2011 = BFN
IVF: 2011 = BFN, lost all 10 embryos (with C/Ps)
Jan 2014 - OBGYN (not RE) found and removed wife's "field of" uterine polyps after failed IVF

Moving on to surrogacy (actually a planned adoption)
Surrogate IUI#1: 7.17.12 = BFP!! 15dpiui = 256, 17dpiui = 346
Oliver Zane born - 3/29/2013 on Good Friday!

IUI #4 - #6: 2014-2015 = BFN (with C/Ps)
Switch sperm donors, start ketosis diet to reduce inflammation late 2015
IVF 2: Jan and Feb 2016, 3 great looking, 8 cell 3 day embryos. Two ET, one frozen
2.18.2016 (8dp3dt) = BFFP!
2.22.2016 (12dp3dt) = 649!!

Started foster care experience in 2012. Now waiting to adopt our foster daughter, 7, who has lived with us for 3 years. 

"Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him - ever!" Hosea 12:6 (msg)

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Re: Intro: 2nd IVF in 5 years **Loss warning **Child warning through surrogacy/foster care in 2nd part

  • You have a beautiful story @Cmartin6706 - i really encourage you to write a book one day. Especially with the male perspective I think the infertility story is a special one to hear. I know my husband often feels at a loss, and guilty for all that I have to endure, but yet he experiences pain and heartbreak right along with me. Anyways. Welcome back. I'm so sorry to hear about your losses etc. Your transfer is right away here, so best of luck to you. 
    Started TTC April 2011
    Me: 32, DH: 32
    Diagnosis: Endometriosis

    • 2012 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    • 2013 - 1 Fresh IVF with 2 day 3 embryos - BFN
    • 2014 - 1 Frozen IVF with 2 day 5 embryos - BFN
    • Took a long break, continuing trying naturally
    • Feb 2016 - Biopsy = Endo, DH sperm improved from 1% to 6% morphology
    • March 2016 - Fresh IVF cycle with acupuncture & intralipids: 20 eggs retrieved (17 mature), 7 ICSI'd fertilized, 9 naturally fertilized. 16 total embryos!
    • April 8th - 2 embryos (1ICSI and 1 Natural) transferred. (7 blastocysts frozen), April 18th - Beta = BFN
    • Sept 23rd - Lupron Depot Injection for Endo control
    • Nov 15th 2016 - Started daily Lupron Injections for upcoming FET
    • Nov 22 - Baseline US/BW - Intralipid Infusion - Start Meds for FET with immune protocol
    • Dec 16th FET transfer of 3 embryos (1 - AA, 2 - BB)
    • TW below
    • Dec 22nd - first ever bfp (very faint lines FRER & cheapie)
    • Dec 27th Beta = 192, Dec 29th Beta = 379
    • EDD - Sept 5th 2017

    - - -
    I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
    Follow along at
    Instagram @liv4todayvlog 

  • Welcome!  It sounds like y'all have done some amazing work to build your family, and I'm sorry you have endured losses in the process.  A book would be great-- it sounds like you have an amazing story to tell!  I'm definitely interested in learning more about foster/adoption-- that's something we want to do, down the line (whether we have a successful pregnancy or not). 

    I wish you well on your ongoing journey. 
    Me- 39 (turning 40 in April), TTC for the first time ever (since Jan 2015), low ovarian reserve
    Married 3/14/14 to my wonderful wife, but her sperm count is rather low
    TTC with frozen donor sperm and science

    7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
    2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
    Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
    Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!  
    fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP! 
    Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)

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  • Wow! What a story-it is truly inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing. I wish and your wife a smooth, easy IVF process this time around (if that's possible). Praying yall get your BFP soon!!!

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
  • Welcome back!  What a story you have, thanks for sharing.  I used to work with foster families (I'm a marriage and family therapist) and helped with the adjustment process, particularly when the children had experienced trauma and/or had PTSD diagnoses.  I've met some phenomenal foster parents over the years, and I admire you all.  I hope your family will continue to grow!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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