July 2015 Moms

No sleep!

FTM don't know what I am doing wrong. My daughter is almost 6 months and for the past 2 to 3 months she does not sleep through the night. She is getting enough food and is not sleeping much during the day but will not sleep through the night.

Food intake
Morning - cereal
4 hours - milk
Lunch - veggies and milk
4 hours - milk
730-8pm - cereal

She knocks out and then will wake up. She doesn't wake up crying just her playful scream.

FTM that wakes up at 5 am for work and husband works 3rd shift so it's all in me.

All help is appreciated.

Re: No sleep!

  • Could she be growing through a growth spurt!? Also I don't know if you have the wonder weeks app but leap 5 has to do with this. Hang in there mama and you're doing great!!! But you can definitely look forward that With every growth spurt she learns to master a new skill! Good luck mama!
  • I'm a mom of 3. My first 2 were both horrible sleepers. My third, my daughter was sleeping through the night from about 3-4 weeks of age and I would say the past month is exactly what you described. Waking up every couple hours all night. My exact thought was the same and probably a growth spurt. Glad I'm not alone and I hope it gets better for both of us! Good luck!!
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  • n3na94 said:
    Could she be growing through a growth spurt!? Also I don't know if you have the wonder weeks app but leap 5 has to do with this. Hang in there mama and you're doing great!!! But you can definitely look forward that With every growth spurt she learns to master a new skill! Good luck mama!
    I just realized my LO is smack dab in the middle of leap 5. She wasn't sleeping through the night but was doing 4-5 hour stretches which I was okay with. Now she's up every two hours, and once it hits 4 AM or so, every hour. It was driving me mad until I realized I hadn't checked the Wonder Weeks app in a while! Any ideas as to when things will settle down??
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  • It lasts about 4 weeks but for my son it's getting better! I. Check your wonder weeks app to see how many days your little one has left! What I'm sure about is during this leap my son has learned so many new skills! So it's definitely worth it!! Hang in there mama!! :smile:
  • Thanks everyone for the positive responses. Felt like I was doing some wrong and I was the only one going through this.
  • The 4 month sleep regression can start anywhere between 3 and 6 months. Mine is 6 months and last night, she woke up a few times. She's also at the tail end of Leap 5.
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