Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

First Birthday

Would it be weird to have a winter wonderland themed 1st birthday party in March?

Re: First Birthday

  • At first I wanted to reply with "no, go for it" but when I thought about it and the time of year, it would be a little out of place. My son has his birthday in March so I was trying to think of what that time of year is like when I throw his parties.
  • I would say yes, since winter will be over.

    **** Formerly Snoflakes4eva****

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  • The dilemma is that my son's actual birthday is February 18th, but the party for his birthday is not until March 12th because my out-of-state family is not able to visit until then.  Before I knew this I had my heart/mind set on a winter wonderland theme :(.  Oh well, there are plenty of other cute themes I guess.
  • The dilemma is that my son's actual birthday is February 18th, but the party for his birthday is not until March 12th because my out-of-state family is not able to visit until then.  Before I knew this I had my heart/mind set on a winter wonderland theme :(.  Oh well, there are plenty of other cute themes I guess.

    I don't know. Maybe you could make it cool but I'm leaning towards picking a different theme.
  • I don't think that's weird if that's what you are imagining and see for your little one. Technically the first day of spring isn't until March 20th so still winter! I think it sounds fun and you could definitely be creative with that theme:)
  • I think a first birthday party is really for you, not your baby, so do what you want!!

    Unless your family is judgy. Then maybe to avoid hurt feelings change the theme...

    How about Vivaldis Four Seasons? ;)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In terms of the season/weather matching your theme, it really depends a lot on where you live. Here in the northeast, winter weather lasts all the way through the better part of April! Lol
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