
Starting clomid and LH strips

My husband and I have been TTC for about 2 years. We finally found a doctor who would listen to us. My last doctor , we are convinced was just waiting for retirement.
My new doctor doesn't feel I have pcos after testing and ultrasounds of ovaries and I've always had a regular period. My husband's sperm count is good and we got the green light to go ahead to start clomid and to start testing with the LH strips.
Has anyone had luck with clomid and testing ovulation with the LH indicator strips?
I'm 38 and would like to have a child soon.

Re: Starting clomid and LH strips

  • lmroz8605lmroz8605 member
    edited January 2016
    **BFP Mentioned**

    Hi! My husband and I were TTC for 15 months before we started Clomid. I was ovulating on my own, DH sperm was great, periods were super normal, and HSG results were normal so we ended up falling into the unexplained infertility category. We went to see a RE at the end of August and he wanted us to start off with Clomid since it was the least invasive of all procedures (which I agreed with). I didn't want to do an IUI at this point because I wanted to keep this whole process as normal and intimate as possible. My first round of Clomid I took it on CD 5-9. The side effects weren't terrible...I mainly had hot flashes, vaginal dryness (used Pre seed during this month because of it) and loss of appetite. I was monitoring my cycle with both the LH surge sticks and BBT charting. My temps before ovulation were kind of all over the place but my temps after ovulation were definetely higher than they've ever been. I ended up ovulating on CD 18 which was waaay later for me (normally day 14 like clockwork). I had some light bleeding around CD 24 and again on CD 26 and some extreme cramping. I for sure thought I was getting my period. i guess I was wrong though about them being period cramps. I ended up getting a BFP on CD 32. I never would have guessed that Clomid would have been my miracle drug since I was ovulating on my own but I'm so glad that I ended up taking it.

    Best of luck to you guys. I hope this can be your little miracle pill too. Baby dust and best wishes!!!!
    Married: 05/13
    TTC: 08/14
    HSG: clear
    Sperm Analysis: No mobility issues
    Current Diagnosis: Unexplained infertility
  • @leamide I would definitely recommend springing for the digital opk. They are much more expensive, but worth it! I tried non digital ones and could never read them properly. With a digital one it takes all the guesswork out of it and just tells you soon, yes or no. I had several positive opks while on Clomid (no for reals bfps though).
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

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  • I'm in the same boat as you. I'm 38 and my husband and I have been trying for a year. I started clomid yesterday. Glad to hear there's success with it almost immediately. Here's hoping a BFP to you and your husband.
  • I started clomid yesterday and was apprehensive about it because I wanted this process to be as normal and intimate as possible. But because I don't ovulate every month, this was our option. I'm so happy to hear of you success story with it. I'm not looking forward to the hot flashes but I welcome them if is going to help with getting that BFP. I'm glad I saw your post, I feel more confident about taking it. Congratulations on your bundle of joy.
  • Best of luck to you and your DH, @RaingeBaby!!
    Married: 05/13
    TTC: 08/14
    HSG: clear
    Sperm Analysis: No mobility issues
    Current Diagnosis: Unexplained infertility
  • Hey I think that clomid might actually mess with the accuracy of LH strips. That's why it is better to have clomid cycle monitored with ultrasounds and trigger shots. My RE told me not to waste my money on them.
  • I'm on my second cycle with Clomid and used digital opk, which resulted in a positive for ovulation about the time the RE expected. On my first IUI cycle we used HCG trigger, on the second one the positive opk showed up a little early and so we just confirmed ovulation via ultrasound. I'm pretty sure I was ovulating w/o Clomid, and so far we had at least one mature follicle, but "maybe" two.

    Me: 32
    DH: 46 - Borderline Male IF
    Married to DH since 9/13
    TTC since 5/14
    12/15 1st IUI BFN (Clomid)
    1/16 2nd IUI BFN (Clomid)
    2/16 3rd IUI BFN (Clomid)
    3/16 4th IUI BFN (Clomid)
    7/29/16 - 1st IVF - Transferred (2) 6 day blastocysts, PGS. One Frozen 6 day blastocyst. - BFP
    Beta #1 - 8/10/16 - 10dp6dt - 481; Beta #2 - 8/17/16 - 17dp6dt - 6,635; Ultra Sound - 8/26/16

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I had to stop my clomid treatment before I got that far... But the digital opks are much easier to use. The dip strips were always harder to read for me. It's VERY RARE but I had hyper stimulated ovaries from the clomid and had to stop

    Married February 2014

    Me:34 DH: 34
    TTC since May 2014

    Jan. 2016: 1st round of Clomid - stopped due to OHSS

    Feb 2016: 1st RE apt - diagnosed with PCOS still possible uterine septum. Put on BC for cysts, HSG will be in March

    March 2016: HSG showed both tubes blocked (right tube holding fluid), no uterine septum, need surgery

    April 2016:  Surgery to remove right (hydrosalpinx) fallopian tube and adhesions from the left - all went well!

    May 2016: Waiting to start 3 months of un-monitored cycles in July with metformin and letrozole. If no success, going straight to IVF!

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