June 2016 Moms

What's your guilty pleasure??

Confession time - what's your guilty pleasure? Something you'd be embarrassed for people to know about IRL??

Mine is Teen Mom... Totally binge watching old episodes right now.

Oh, and I'm a secret Taylor swift fan. So what if I'm a grown ass woman in my 30s? Girl has some catchy tunes!!

Re: What's your guilty pleasure??

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    Yes, to Teen Mom. Only the original girls though, minus Farrah. I can't stand her.

    Mine? Pretty Little Liars is my favorite. I've been watching it since it came out when I was in high school and I still do religiously. My cousin and I get together on the days it's on and watch it. I have no shame. I get frustrated AF with the story line and such because it's crap but I keep watching and I'll keep watching until they cancel it. I'll be low key devastated when they do, too.
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    OMG my mom, sister, and I binge watch Teen Mom and Keeping Up with the Kardashians lol. We might sometimes pretend to talk like them too...it's a good time!

    Also DH and I watch Teen Wolf...and our dog's name is Stiles. I do have to say the show is not as good as when it started IMO
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    Yes to the Bachelor and Teen Mom! Maybe we need weekly threads on those. Bump and watch at the same time!
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    I kind of love the crazy that Ferrah brings to the table. Girl is completely nuts. Also love her ugly cry. But it's a love to hate kind of thing
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    Jerry Jerry Jerry!!

    I watch Springer more often than I would like to admit ... And 90 rap, I turn OG real quick!!
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    I kind of love the crazy that Ferrah brings to the table. Girl is completely nuts. Also love her ugly cry. But it's a love to hate kind of thing

    I'll give you the cry. It's my favorite.
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    I kind of love the crazy that Ferrah brings to the table. Girl is completely nuts. Also love her ugly cry. But it's a love to hate kind of thing

    I'll give you the cry. It's my favorite.
    To be fair...it might be slightly cuter if she cried without those giant lips. Looking at her reminds me that I need to learn how to apply false lashes.
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    Linsbins said:

    I kind of love the crazy that Ferrah brings to the table. Girl is completely nuts. Also love her ugly cry. But it's a love to hate kind of thing

    I'll give you the cry. It's my favorite.
    To be fair...it might be slightly cuter if she cried without those giant lips. Looking at her reminds me that I need to learn how to apply false lashes.
    True. It could also be worse. She could be crying with these lips....
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    @Lyette1206 I too am a grown woman in my 30's who considers herself a Swifty... how can you not? Girls got talent & I've loved her since her first single "Tim McGraw"... and she's classy which is a lot more than you can say for a lot of other women who grew up in the business.

    I am also a Bachelor Nation addict... I participate in Bachelor pools and I've even gotten my husband involved in watching it to the point that he'll make appetizers (and we used to have wine!!) every Monday night for a little viewing party! 

    Wow- reading this back I sound like I need a major social life, hahahah I promise I have lots of friends! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    Oh yes ladies. Taylor Swift, Kardashians, and the worst/BEST of them all, Shahs of Sunset!!!!!!

    Side note: try listening to Taylor's old song "Best Day" now without sobbing your face off. Your welcome.
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    Bachelor and Teen Mom.  Also Kate plus 8.  I'm always a few days behind, though. 
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

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    PLL. Last season I was all "Just tell me who the F A is already?!" I had my short list, but I needed to know. No shame.

    Kate Plus 8. Just love it.

    Sister Wives. The dynamic of 4 wives and one husband is very interesting anthropologically. Super entertaining.
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    I used to watch all those TLC shows, but we got rid of cable a year ago and they aren't streaming anywhere, so I can't watch them anymore. I don't watch much tv now, but I do love me some Gilmore Girls and could watch that again and again. I started watching it when it first aired on TV.
    I also love Taylor Swift!
    I really love the Olympics and will record and watch basically every event they I can. I follow gymnastics, figure skating, and swimming year round, not just during the Olympics.

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    Teen mom and greys anatomy are my big ones.

    And I seriously don't understand why I watch greys - I cry every f'ing episode.
    Mrs. H
    Crohn's Dx: August 2008
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    Married: 05/19/2012
    TTC #1: June 2013
    BFP: December 2013
    DS: Born 08/29/2014
    TTC #2: July 2015

    BFP #2: September 25, 2015

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    Investigation Discovery. Like, I'd watch it all day every day if I could! Obsessssssssssed
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    Yes to anything on TLC, DH always side eyes me if he walks into the room while I'm watching the random stuff on the alleged "Learning" channel but whatever. Also I can't stand the original Teen mom group, I didn't start watching until teen mom 2 and find them to be infinitely more entertaining. And 16 and pregnant.
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    NLewis1 said:

    Teen mom and greys anatomy are my big ones.

    And I seriously don't understand why I watch greys - I cry every f'ing episode.

    Yes to Grey's!! I watched all 10 seasons on Netflix in literally less than a month. It was ridiculous.
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    Greys...every time my son comes home from a weekend with his dad he asks how I'm already to season X.   I don't know Netflix must be broken. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    EDD: 06/25/2006  M/C: 11/03/2005
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    @PBear93 I follow skating year round too, but I think that's because I'm a skater myself :) and I know a good handful of the elite (junior/senior) level skaters since a lot of them train here in Southern California lol. And I LOVE me some gymnastics!!!!

    My guilty pleasure: Dance Moms!!! I'm obsessed. It's bad. Lol. And I'm not even embarrassed to admit it IRL. :)

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    The movies "while you were sleeping" and "you've got mail". The great romantic comedies of my youth ;) I'm almost 30 and I still like watching them.

    Also listening to the backstreet boys I can't help but dance, haha.
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    Teen mom and greys anatomy are my big ones. And I seriously don't understand why I watch greys - I cry every f'ing episode.
    Yes to Grey's!! I watched all 10 seasons on Netflix in literally less than a month. It was ridiculous.
    Greys. Every single night as soon as the kids are in bed my laptop is on and I am zoned into Grey's. I'm about three seasons past when it jumped the shark but I keep watching it anyways. It's SO DUMB now.
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    Unfortunately, I still watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette.  I keep telling myself that it is so I can see the places they travel to, but really it is because I am a sucker for romance! 

    My other guilty pleasure is indy romance novels!  I swear they all end the same, but I still read them
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    Teen Mom!!! Even my husband loves it!

    Also, hot dogs. I love them but rarely eat them.

    I love trashy TV and celebrity gossip- but that's not a real secret ;)
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
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    @btorgers - Ditto on the romance novels!!

    PLL is also a guilty pleasure, but I got behind this fall and haven't been able to catch up. No spoilers!
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    I love Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2....except Janelle and Farrah, ugh.  I am still a HUGE Hanson fan and listen to Hanson radio on Pandora every morning while I'm in the shower. I LOVE Grey's, too! I make sure to squeeze in my girly/drama shows in when I get home from work and before my husband gets home cause he rolls his eyes and hides in his "man cave' when i have them on. 
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    Lately I've been into Married at First Sight. I'm also a fan of the Bachelor (the Bachelorette not so much, not enough drama for me :wink: ). I also watch most of the Real Housewives series, Vanderpump Rules and Hoarders. 
    I tell my DH I need these mindless TV shows after being so serious at work all day. :smile: 
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    The Bachelor.  My husband and I watch it together.  It started as a "let's watch this to make fun of how dumb it is" and now we look forward to every episode.  I didn't love Bachelor in Paradise though, glad there's a *real* season again.

    I like Sister Wives too but I no longer get TLC or American Netflix.  I'm way out of touch with it.  
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    I love teen mom 2! Not as big of a fan of teen mom OG. I also watch keeping up with the kardashians, though don't openly admit it. I also love Selena Gomez for some reason... I'm definitely too old to be a Selena fan!!
    Married July 2014
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    I also follow Kylie Jenner on SnapChat. I'm not proud, haha. I don't know why, her snaps are so dumb! Fun to see the glamorous life I suppose.
    Married July 2014
    DD born June 2016
    Second due August 2020 (team green!)
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    @sdLindenberg I've never done more skating than circles at an ice rink, so I don't have that excuse.

    @AmberLiz99 I love those movies too!!!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 
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    @CocoaPuff818 I like Married at First Sight too! I missed Season 2 but watched all of Season 1 and now am into Season 3! 
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    SMLmom said:
    "The Bachelor.  My husband and I watch it together.  It started as a "let's watch this to make fun of how dumb it is" and now we look forward to every episode.  I didn't love Bachelor in Paradise though, glad there's a *real* season again."

    This is exactly what happened to my husband and I too! 

    Also, will catch a teen mom marathon every now and then. But mostly watch HGTV all day. I also love The Challenge on MTV
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    Yes to Grey's here too!

    We don't have cable but whenever I'm in a hotel I secretly hope that the Kardashians are on and I hate myself just a little bit each time.

    I also love dark, real-life, murder mysteries. Dateline, 48 Hours Mystery, Investigation Discovery...many, many documentaries about murder. My Netflix account is a little creepy and DH sometimes gets weirded out by my watching habits. 

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    DeePaddy24DeePaddy24 member
    edited January 2016
    Married at First Sight...I just can't stop watching! It seems like the worst idea, & it can be such a train wreck..so entertaining, lol. 

    ETA: Greys, too. Since day 1! 
    Me: 30 || DH: 32
    Married: May 3, 2014 

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    OMG how did I forget Grey's!!!!! I am obsessed!! And I cry all the time at it
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    @DeePaddy24 - I forgot Married at First Sight!  I watch that one too.  H thinks it is moronic and doesn't understand why the concept of marrying someone you just met is completely shocking (he is Indian and although our marriage was a love-marriage his parents'/grandparents'/etc. marriages were all arranged).   
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    catherinekatecatherinekate member
    edited January 2016
    Hell yes to everyone admitting that they watch Teen Mom. It's a trainwreck that I just can't stop watching.

    PS:  https://www.mtv.com/video-clips/ojunxb/teen-mom-butch-breaks-it-down-farrah-abraham
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