
Cyst aspiration anyone?

Hey all! I have a cyst as a result of my medicated iui cycle in oct/nov 2015. It has not gone away after 6 weeks with BCP. Fortunately they are letting me proceed with another cycle in Jan 2016. I am current CD2 and going in tomorrow for a baseline and cyst aspiration before starting stims. Anyone have any experience with a cyst aspiration??? Advice on what to expect? Thanks!

Re: Cyst aspiration anyone?

  • I had a cyst prior to starting an IVf cycle this fall. For my procedure, they put me under anesthesia- the "twilight sleep" kind that they use when you get your wisdom teeth out. The procedure took no time at all- less than 5 minutes total. What they do is pretty similar to an IVF egg retrieval- a needle goes through the vaginal wall into your ovaries and sucks the liquid from the follicle. Sounds scary, but I never felt a thing, just had some light spotting a few hours afterwards
    ***pregnancy mentioned***

    Me: 27/ DH: 29
    Dx:  obstructive azoospermia 
    IVF#1:  October 2015
    10/7/2015:  ER  11 retrieved, 8 mature, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI
    10/12/2015:  Transferred 5AA and 4AA blasts, froze one 4AA and 4BB
    Beta #1 9dp5dt:  122!!! BFP!
    Singleton, due June 2016

  • Thanks! All done over here! You were right on...much easier than I expected :)
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