September 2016 Moms

fitness check in or healthy mama check in ?

Hey ladies. ...

Just wondering if anyone is interested in some kind of fitness checkin.... whether you are following your fitness routine or just trying to keep active walking or swimming. ...a focus on healthy mama would be nice!

Let me know your thoughts. Daily or weekly catch up? 

Re: fitness check in or healthy mama check in ?

  • I'd love a fitness check in. Today I did Yoga booty ballet.

    It was slow and just what I needed today.
  • Sounds good! I give all the credit to staying active for my easy pregnancy and quick L&D.
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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  • Does anyone have a recomendation for a heart monitor?
  • I'm in! Daily or weekly is fine...though daily would probably keep me on my toes a little better! ;)
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  • Sounds good to me! I worked out most of my first pregnancy and love doing Barre now.



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  • @Smallinetta I use this one and I really like it:

    I've found that anything without a chest strap just isn't accurate. I checked this one against a telemetry monitor at work and it was spot on. I have inappropriate sinus tachycardia so I have to keep a close eye on my heart rate when I'm exercising.

    I'm doing physical therapy 5 days a week right now so I can get back to work, and I hope to continue the same exercises when I'm done to hopefully prevent my back from getting really bad when I start to get a giant belly and loose pregnancy joints!
    Me: 29, DH: 29
    Married 9/27/14
    TTC #1 since 8/15/15
    BFP: 1/2/16, EDD 9/13/16 - MMC 2/10/16
    BFP: 3/17, EDD 11/23/16
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    November 2016 April Siggy Challenge - April Showers

  • @zrain- I have the worst lower back pain since having DS. I have been to the chiropractor but not a PT. Would you say the PT is helping?
  • @RedMar I'm only on day 2, but it's helped in the past! I have SI joint dysfunction (which I hear happens to a lot of women after pregnancy) and they've taught me some stretches/exercises to do throughout the day to realign the joint, plus lots of strengthening the muscles around the SI joint and lower back to decrease pain and risk of re-injury. I'd definitely recommend it if it's a chronic issue for you!
    Me: 29, DH: 29
    Married 9/27/14
    TTC #1 since 8/15/15
    BFP: 1/2/16, EDD 9/13/16 - MMC 2/10/16
    BFP: 3/17, EDD 11/23/16
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    November 2016 April Siggy Challenge - April Showers

  • I would also love to participate in a fitness check-in. :) I say this as I skipped my run tonight...but I ran the 2 days prior so I am forgiving myself. But I am sitting here craving junk food which I know is bad. Let's support each other! :smiley: 
    Married: 3/21/15
    First time mom to a human but have been a puppy mamma for over 12 years :)

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • love this concept!  I'm hoping to keep moving with running (or walking if I need to) and yoga!  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
  • edited January 2016
    Count me in! Also down for fitbit challrnges. I workout 3-4 days a week. So more motivation as I get bigger is a great thing!
  • On my last board we did a weekly checkin and it was more reasonable as we got further along.  Some wins for the week, what type of exercise we were doing, any questions for other moms, etc.
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  • A fitness checkin is a great idea! My last pregnancy I was so nervous that I skipped working out for the entire first trimester. This time around I'm determined to stay active in the gym for my entire pregnancy and look forward to any motivation I can get!
  • I think it'd be a great idea! I workout daily and walk my dog while pushing the stroller to the park. By the end of the day I'm exhausted , but I feel great throughout the day.
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    Our Rainbow Baby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
    Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
    Married my Marine 05.23.14

    TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
    BFP 9.7.15 CP 
    BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
    BFP 10.14.17 CP
    BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
  • I'd be interested. I'm not very fit but want this pregnancy to be a motivator to try harder! I mostly just go on walks/bike rides with our dogs and do light yoga, but I still have been skipping every once in a while!
    Another big part for me is eating well. I have rheumatoid arthritis and possibly another autoimmune disease not yet diagnosed so I'm supposed to stay on top of my diet that suggests no bread, few grains, no lentils, small amounts of fruit/sugar, and even no dairy! But considering the baby I've been increasing my calcium intake significantly. It's hard to find tasty food thats on the approved list especially while I'm feeling so tired and queasy.
    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • I'm thinking weekly...I'm really not on daily. 

    I'll start tomorrow with a Fit Mama Friday check in our week!
  • Awesome! Thanks for taking the lead on this. :)
    Married: 3/21/15
    First time mom to a human but have been a puppy mamma for over 12 years :)

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I'm in! (Once I get rid of this cold) I can't stand waking up with all over pain. I know that I need to stay active, I need to regain muscles especially in my back since I have the most pain there.
  • I'd love to be a part of this as well. I work out regularly and plan on keeping this going throughout my pregnancy.
     ****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned****
    Me (39) DH (40) 
    From my first marriage DD: 03/04 CP:01/06 DS:12/06 
    DH- no kids
    TTC: since 2/15, RE Consult 9/15
    IUI #1 10/15: Letrozole = BFN 
    IUI #2 11/15: Letrozole + trigger = BFN
    1/08/16: Surprise- BFP!!  2/16/16: MMC @10w 2days,  D&C: 2/17/16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI #3 5/27/16: Letrozole+trigger=BFN
    IUI #4 06/24/16: 7.5mg Letrozole+trigger= BFN
    IUI#5 08/24/16 Menopur+trigger = BFN
    IUI #6 09/19/16 5 mg Letrozole +Menopur + Trigger= BFN
    **10/2016: No more medicated cycles, TTCAL on our own**
    12/03/16: BFP!! EDD: 08/12/17 It's a girl!! 
    Eleni was born on 8/14/17!!
  • I'm going to bank on there being a Fitness Friday check-in next week, and that's going to motivate me to actually move after my son goes to sleep instead of parking my tush on the couch all night so I have something to report to you guys.  Tonight - Elliptical! BOOM! Doing it.  See you all back here next Friday!
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  • I'd love a fitness check in as well! Could we maybe do these on Friday's instead of Mondays/Sundays though? I feel like we already have a lot of early-week check-ins and it'd be fun to have something to recap our week/make plans for next.


    How do you like Yoga Booty Ballet overall? I'm currently doing a mix of T25, 21 Day Fix and PiYo (sometimes using the modifiers and always taking breaks as needed) but I'm sure I'd like a slower program further along in pregnancy.

  • @PoodleDoodleOoo yoga Booty Ballet is waaaaay slower than any Shaun T or 21 day fix workout, but unfortunately my doctor won't allow me to do 21 day fix as I'm high risk. I begged and he promised me AFTER the baby. Booth Ballet is Ok though. It's from the early 2000s I think...Autumn is the modifier and she's pregnant! I'm going to go on my Beachbody ondemand and see if there are any other low impact workouts I can try. If yu find any let me know!
  • OMG Pregnant autumn? She is my total girl crush so now I have to buy it ;)
  • Whoop! Glad to see this popping up! Weekly is where I'm at with it too, daily just doesn't happen in my lifestyle haha. I barely make it on here regularly, it's a day by day thing.
  • I'm in whether daily or weekly though daily better to keep me in check.
    Had started insanity prior to conceiving then had a bad "holiday period" travelling around the place and not able to work out as much. Scaled down to 7min workout HIIT and want to continue and build throughout pregnancy.
  • roxgibbonsroxgibbons member
    edited January 2016
    Did a cardio interval workout today which is something I do on a regular basis- it felt harder to me than normal. Anyone else feeling less energetic during workouts? 
     ****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned****
    Me (39) DH (40) 
    From my first marriage DD: 03/04 CP:01/06 DS:12/06 
    DH- no kids
    TTC: since 2/15, RE Consult 9/15
    IUI #1 10/15: Letrozole = BFN 
    IUI #2 11/15: Letrozole + trigger = BFN
    1/08/16: Surprise- BFP!!  2/16/16: MMC @10w 2days,  D&C: 2/17/16
    TTCAL: May 2016
    IUI #3 5/27/16: Letrozole+trigger=BFN
    IUI #4 06/24/16: 7.5mg Letrozole+trigger= BFN
    IUI#5 08/24/16 Menopur+trigger = BFN
    IUI #6 09/19/16 5 mg Letrozole +Menopur + Trigger= BFN
    **10/2016: No more medicated cycles, TTCAL on our own**
    12/03/16: BFP!! EDD: 08/12/17 It's a girl!! 
    Eleni was born on 8/14/17!!
  • I've been so zapped. I hate scaling back on intensity, but I keep telling myself that something is better than nothing.
    September '16 -  May Signature Challenge
    Awkward Family Fun

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I am having a really hard time getting motivated to work out at all this week. :( I ran 5 miles on Friday and that was the last time I worked out. :( I feel so tired and lazy. I am hoping this group can help me get back on track. I know there is a reason I am tired but I also know how important at least 30 mins of exercise is.
    Married: 3/21/15
    First time mom to a human but have been a puppy mamma for over 12 years :)

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • We recently got a puppy and I was working tons of overtime, so wasn't getting much fitness in during weeks 1-6.
    It's week 7 and finally made it to a Crossfit session. It was grueling (and scaled obviously for little peanut) - I was eking out every rep even on the jumprope! Now that I'm home, I feel great.
    I'm hoping this thread can keep me motivated too. :]
  • This post makes me feel like a blob. Most I have been doing pre pregnancy is 30+ minute walks. Now I wish I started something more intensive
    Me: 26     DH: 25
    DS1 -- 9/30/2016

  • @AmMcc12 30+ minute walks is great! I haven't even been walking this week. :(
    Married: 3/21/15
    First time mom to a human but have been a puppy mamma for over 12 years :)

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • Today I did Beachbody's Active Maternity for trimester 1. It's a program led by Autmn Calabrese for those of you familiar with her -- she's my fav. I had to take it a little slower with the ab exercises, but other than that I really enjoyed it.
  • @smallinetta I'd love to try that. I love her 21 day fix workouts. Is it only on demand or can you get DVDs?
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • before finding out I was pregnant, I started on a mission to lose the 30lbs I gained over the course of last year due to depression... the medication I took to help alleviate the symptoms did a number on my body. I also turned to emotional eating to cope, so yeah I had just started on a mission to blast those 30lbs off of me... got 1 and a half weeks in and 8lbs down and then bam 2 positive pregnancy tests. I am currently 224lbs I know I don't need to gain much weight at all until near the end of my pregnancy. So it is my goal to stay active and to properly nourish my body for myself & baby of course... Last pregnancy I gained maybe 15 lbs total *if that* and my pregnsncy, labour & delivery were smooth sailing... I wholeheartedly believe it was due to my staying active. I used to jog all the time... but, I haven't been able to without getting killer I'll be treadclimbing throughout my pregnancy ....oh, there's this other thing, I wed on 12.31.16~1.1.17 I am EXTRA motivated to stay active. Therefore, I love this idea.

  • Doing my 7 minute workouts, was building up from 3 days a week to alternate days when I found out I was pregnant. Now heading to daily and was gonna start increasing number of circuits but feel less energetic with being pregnant (or is it what I'm telling myself).
    But at least one circuit is better than none!
  • Yes!  I'd love it!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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  • @dlebari seriously! I was doing lateral jumps as part of my workout of the day at my gym, and instead of continuous jumps, I was huffing and puffing and stopping after each one! Cardio nowadays is tough!
  • I'm in. I was training for a half marathon before finding out I was pregnant. I just need to find the energy. No morning sickness as of yet but I can take a nap at any given point during the day.
  • Count me in! I am so far from being a fitness anything, but I definitely want to start doing something. Anybody have a list of good simple exercises that are good for doing at home while watching TV throughout pregnancy? I always opt for lunges or wall sits (because those are the two exercises I feel most confident about having the right technique for) but I think I'm ready to mix it up a little.

  • @AmMcc12 the most I've been doing is walking up two flights of stairs to get to my apartment. And that's just out of necessity! Hahah. You're definitely ahead of the game in some way already!
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