June 2015 Moms

Feeding LO - January

Because we are in a new month.

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Re: Feeding LO - January

  • We did eggs today so tomorrow is the day for allergy to possibly strike. Fingers crossed! We cooked it like an omelet and cut it into strips for him to pick up
  • I know this has been discussed before but I've got a major Biter on my hands. LO will nurse & then bite me to tell me she's done. She seems to enjoy it too! I tell her no loud & push her head into my boob. I guess I just stop feeding her when she does this but sometimes it's hard to tell if she's done. We used to always nurse on both sides each time but now only one at a time due to the biting. Sometimes I try to nurse her when I'm not sure if she's hungry or not & she does it then too. Anyone have any tips for me? As I've said before this girl has a strong personality. I'm at a loss.
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  • 7425cait7425cait member
    edited January 2016
    If love to start proteins soon, but I'm just not sure how much to give LO. I was thinking freeze a chunky chicken purée in half ice cubes. His way I can mix it with other things like rice and apple. Does anyone know if that's enough protein for a baby? I don't want to over do it. She's also a petite 15 lbs. She will usually only take about an ice cubes worth of food per sitting so far and she's been eating 'solids' for a month. We give her 1 meal of solids per day about 30-60 minutes after I nurse her.

    ETA I'd not if. This not his. Spelling is hard.
  • I thought about freezing chicken, but it seemed kind of gross to me. Maybe just start with half a cube and work your way up? We plan to start proteins soon too. Right now my LO eats about 1-2 cubes of fruit and oatmeal at breakfast and then 3-4 cubes of veggies at dinner. She's also 15 lbs, but I swear she's like 18 lbs after I pick her up out of that high chair. Ha.
  • @ciennah99 DS was a biter. I don't have any suggestions since after the third time he drew blood, I stopped nursing and pumped exclusively.

    LO has only bit me once, when I was trying to feed her at home before we had to leave and she wasn't hungry. If she's not interested, I don't push it. She also doesn't have any teeth.
  • My child likes to eat so we started protein. Chicken and turkey purees so far. The only thing he hates is green beans. Still pounding formula too. He's a tank.
    • Married 6/1/2012
    • BFP #1 - 11/17/2012 -  MC 12/10/2012
    • BFP #2 - 2/12/2013 - EDD 10/17/2013 - DD Born 10/10/2013
    • BFP #3 - 1/29/2014 - Ectopic pregnancy discovered 1/31/2014
    • BFP #4 - 9/28/2014 - EDD 6/4/2015 - DS Born 5/31/2015

  • For meat I personally tasted the chicken and turkey dinners from Earth's Best.. They were fine and she loves them.
  • ElRuby said:

    For meat I personally tasted the chicken and turkey dinners from Earth's Best.. They were fine and she loves them.

    We tried these with LO and she immediately gagged and then threw up. I'm sure it was more from the texture than the taste, but it was still really funny.
  • janit368 said:
    Eggs for the win! I'm eggcited about this as it's the only thing I really know how to cook

    I eat eggs for dinner like 3-4 times a week.  I cannot wait until LO hits 7 months and i can try eggs with her.  It will make my life so much easier.
  • Wait is there a rule about no eggs till 7 months ??
  • I thought just after 6 months
  • And is it still just the yolk? Or the whole egg? I hate all these rules.
  • I didn't know about these rules.. I gave her some scrambled eggs the other day. Well I doubt she actually ate any so that makes me
    Feel better
  • I think the official "rule" is no egg whites until 1 year... But lots of people start them early with no issues... I haven't tried either yet.
  • You also are supposed to avoid tomatoes but I gave LO my homemade vegetable soup with a tomato base oops
  • We are going by everything except honey is ok before 1.... Although, we personally don't really eat gluten and I've read things that babies don't have great enzymes to digest it until they get back molars so we are deciding if we will intro some for allergies now or hold off

    Accidently posted in Dec but my guy freakin loved gnawing on a chicken drumstick last night.
  • Wait is there a rule about no eggs till 7 months ??

    I had read not to start meat until 7 months so I was grouping eggs in with that? Since it's protein? I don't know. She barely eats an ounce of puree at a time so I don't even know if she'd know what to do with eggs.

    My pedi suggests starting whole eggs and PB at 7 months in small doses unless there is family history of allergy. They are of the "starting early reduces allergies" mindset.
  • Our ped said "everything is ok but honey" as well.
  • Same here on the "everything is ok except honey" train. Our pedi said even peanut butter is safe. DS is 3 now, and when he was born, it was no pb until 2. Crazy how much things constantly change!

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  • My doc said no eggs and honey until 1 and no pb until 2, but the nurses that do LOs vaccinations said only no to the honey. Doc also said to start meats asap
  • I made a big pot of vegetable barley soup.... I am going to purée this and freeze it for future dinners and lunches... So easy and you can put whatever you want in it (I have a ton of organic veggies from our CSA) I added beans and barley... And my whole family enjoys it!
  • I've read too of the no egg white till 1 year old but my doctor said she was ok with giving him whole egg. He LOVES scrambled eggs.

    Tomatoes or anything acidic for that matter she also said was fine, but she'd hold off to closer to a year so his tummy could handle the acidity better.

    Basically the only thing I'll be holding back on till a year is honey.
  • I'm really struggling with how to continue feeding LO solids. I feed her pre made purrees because I'm a bad mom but don't know how to progress into real food. She chews and doesn't gag.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • ElRubyElRuby member
    edited January 2016

    I'm really struggling with how to continue feeding LO solids. I feed her pre made purrees because I'm a bad mom but don't know how to progress into real food. She chews and doesn't gag.

    You are not a bad mom! I use pre made purees all the time I just find it fun to experiment with baby food because I don't like to cook grown up food lol.... And I literally have boxes of vegetables so I figure I better cook them and freeze them instead of trash them! Like just yesterday I got a huge bag of beets .... And DH hates them and how many can you really eat so LO will be eating some beets this week!
  • I'm really struggling with how to continue feeding LO solids. I feed her pre made purrees because I'm a bad mom but don't know how to progress into real food. She chews and doesn't gag.

    You're doing just fine!

    We've got their whole lives to get them on "real food." Don't worry that you're not there at 6/7 months. She'll be ok.

    If I recall correctly, you were pretty worried about her rolling over. That turned out ok. Food will turn out ok, too.

  • @dancegurl1118 If it makes you feel any better, my LO really has only gnawed on breads and broccoli. She still has no interest in being fed.
  • I've been trying to decide about starting some kind of protein. The premade ones, I just assume they taste yucky. I mean, canned chicken? Yuk. My Dr gave us the go ahead to try something like chicken blended with some formula to thin it. Only problem is - I eat like crap. I very rarely make myself dinner, microwave dinners are my jam. I'll make fish or chicken every now and then, but its always after LO goes to bed because I don't think he'll sit contentedly in the high chair the whole time I'm preparing a meal. And I have no other way to keep him safely under watch while in the kitchen. I guess one night I could just make some chicken and blend it up and freeze it like y'all are doing... I dunno. I'm uncertain how to proceed beyond the current purées I am using, like @dancegurl1118

    My Dr didn't really give me age limits for anything. Maybe its because he knows i bother to read the current recommendations. He did advise waiting on pb until 9m tho. Its his compromise for the old way (not until 1 year) and the new study (prior to 1 year).

    I'm excited that I've picked up some regular cheerios, tho, for LO to (maybe) try to pick up and eat. He's pretty dexterous with his hands, he can pincer grab larger items (I tested with a bottlecap). Gotta review my baby Heimlich maneuver tho, before he gets any cheerios
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  • @dancegurl1118 I'm a nutcase, and worried about LO choking. So to move her from purees to chunkier stuff, I bought some puffs. I know they dissolve quickly, so that's good for my neurosis, and it's nice to watch her learn to feed herself and have something with more texture.
  • @mellymar my lo loves sweet potatoes. I found sweet potato and chicken purée. I think it was beech nut. She loved that the other day when I tried but of course they were out at the store yesterday.. Also they have earths best dinners which are meet mixed with something so it actually smells good.
  • @dancegurl1118 store bought purees here too. I did want to give him a tiny piece of a noodle but DH was scared and against it. I did buy happy baby tethers so he picks those up and chews those. They dissolve as he chews and he loves them!
  • @mellymar can you get him set up and happy in another room while you cook and just check on him every few minutes? Or can you pull a jumperoo/playpen/whatever up to the kitchen doorway so he can play and watch you? Or just put a blanket on the kitchen floor and let him play around your feet during the safer parts of cooking? My baby won't happily watch me from the high chair either and I don't have the option to not cook so I do all of these all of the time. I also do a LOT of cooking one handed with a baby in my other arm.

    Sounds like you still spend almost all of your baby's awake time entertaining him and I know he doesn't nap a whole lot. That's gotta be tough.
  • @mellymar do you have a crock pot?

    I made a bunch of chicken breasts in the crock pot, ate some for dinner 2 nights in a row, and pureed some.

    Though, my babies liked the Ella's Kitchen Chicken Casserole pouch better.
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