
6dp5dt FET w/ assisted hatching

I'm 6dp5dt, it was an FET of our only embryo. The clinic also did assisted hatching, which speeds up the timeline by a day & RE said the embryo should implant within 36 hours of transfer if this was going to be a successful transfer.
I took a FRER with FMU this morning & honestly it could not have been more negative. I'm assuming this means, I'm out ? I wanted to hear from folks here if they have seen otherwise with their cycles ? TIA

DH :  36, has Chronic Kidney Disease, on dialysis & is waiting on the transplant list (average wait for B+ is 5 years)

Me:   36, Hypothyroidism, PCOS, BMI 32, need to be done with "child bearing" ASAP so that I can be a Kidney donor (was fun realizing we didn't as much time as we thought :-/ )

We're TTC#1

IUI #1 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + Ovidrel Trigger + Had the one follicle = BFN  (March 2014)

IUI #2 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + 150 iu Bravelle on CD9 (after much begging!) + Had the one follicle = BFN (April 2014)

7th May 2014 - changed REs, this one seems to care (we think....)

IUI #3 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 3 follicles (2 under 15mm) = BFN(May 2014)

IUI #4 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 1 follicle + DH gave best sample so far = BFN(June 2014)

IVF#1 -  ER Only Cycle Sept-Oct 2014, 17  eggs Retrieved, 14 mature, 10 fertilized, 6 made it to Blast & post PGS  5 were not viable due to chromosomal abnormalities
Not sure where we go from here...

We're parents to two very adorable, bratty, affectionate & goofy Bernese Mountain Dog pups who would very much like a 2 legged baby brother or sister of their own!

Re: 6dp5dt FET w/ assisted hatching

  • 6dp5dt is still early.  Lots of people don't get a positive until later.  I never tested before BETA so I don't have personal experience, but this seems to be a common question that only BETA DAY can answer!
    ***Pregnancy Mentioned***
    ME: 32; DH: 34; TTC since 3/2014; Diagnosed Unexplained Infertility 2/2015
    3/2015-5/2015 IUI #1-3 with clomid + trigger:  CP + 2 BFN
    6/2015 Prep for IVF + ICSI + Assisted hatching
    7/2015 17 high-quality blasts, transferred 1 & froze 16
    8/2015: IVF#1 BFN; prep for FET
    9/2015:  Transferred 2 top grade hatching day 6 blasts
    10/2015:  10dp6dfet 754!! 13dp6dfet 2327!! 15dp6dfet 4919!!
    Present:  TWO heartbeats and all is well!!  G/B TWINS Due Date:  6/16/16
  • ***loss/bfp mentioned***

    6dp5dfet is way early to get a positive. If the embryo implanted 36 hours after transfer, HCG may not even be hitting your bloodstream for another 3-5 days.  I had my transfer done on Dec 8th and I literally didn't have ANY implantation bleeding until 8 days later and my embryo was hatching when they transferred. Every person's body is so different so I really wouldn't count yourself out until your BETA.

    *** Pregnancy & Miscarriage Mentioned***
    ME: 34/DH: 33
    TTC (On & Off) Since 2008
    Diagnosed DOR August 2013 
    2009-2013 6 Clomid Rounds which resulted in 3 Cysts/Had to take some time off from TTC
    10/2014 ~ BFP (Natural Pregnancy) after 3 months Acupuncture/Miscarriage at 10 wks
    7/2015 ~ Med Protocol#1: Failed Cycle/Only 1 Egg/Unable to convert to IUI because thin uterus lining
    08/2015 ~ Med Protocol #2: Started stims 09/13
    ER 10/9 with 6 Eggs Retrieved/3 SNOWFLAKES!!

    10/22/15 ~ AF Showed up, waiting for Fibroid removal.
    10/28/15 ~ Saline Ultrasound - Fibroids were gone. FET scheduled for December 3rd!
    12/08/15 ~ FET of one hatching Embaby

    12/21/15 ~ 13dp5dfet Beta 755! I'M PREGNANT!!!/ 
    12/23/15 ~15dp5dfet Beta 1539!

    01/05/16 ~ 1st Ultrasound - 2 little beans and 2 Heartbeats (120 & 125 bpm)

    My Fur Baby: Diva Celeste McClendon

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  • I agree with the others, too early to rely on a hpt. I am also a chicken though when it comes to hpt so I don't use them at all anymore. Too many bad experiences. I find it best to wait for the blood test to really confirm pregnancy.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • **MC mentioned**

    I agree with others that it is too early to test - On the cycle that I got my bfp I got a faint positive at 8dp5dt - we also had AH done - unfortunately I had a MMC. I wouldn't count yourself out just yet - BUT I would wait another few days before testing again. Seeing the negative is so discouraging. Good luck!

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • ***bfp mentioned***

    Too early darling, please don't count yourself out!
    I tested early (shame on me because I had days like you're having today) and I kept testing until the date of my first beta. At 8dp5dt of 2 embryos with assisted hatching, I got an extremely faint positive. So faint in fact that DH said it was negative. I took tests the next two days, both looked more positive and on 11dp5dt we had our beta which confirmed the bfp
    I was also pregnant with twins, which normally gives off a higher hcg level, so the tests still struggled with me.

    I won't tell you not to test because if you're an early tester like me, you won't stop testing. But please, don't count yourself out until the beta.
  • Thank you so much @mclorn , @ShayLatrice  , @AandDM2014 , @susykat77
     & @suchaglencoco

    I was determined not to test until my beta but my anxiety and my type A got the better of me! I have this unbelievable need to get ahead of the grief and deal with it and be prepared for it (I know, crazy right ?) :-)
    I guess I will wait until Saturday and I will either be pregnant or not and I will deal with it then. Thanks again ladies, I didn't cry when I saw the BFN but your response and support made me all tear up. Thanks again!

    DH :  36, has Chronic Kidney Disease, on dialysis & is waiting on the transplant list (average wait for B+ is 5 years)

    Me:   36, Hypothyroidism, PCOS, BMI 32, need to be done with "child bearing" ASAP so that I can be a Kidney donor (was fun realizing we didn't as much time as we thought :-/ )

    We're TTC#1

    IUI #1 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + Ovidrel Trigger + Had the one follicle = BFN  (March 2014)

    IUI #2 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + 150 iu Bravelle on CD9 (after much begging!) + Had the one follicle = BFN (April 2014)

    7th May 2014 - changed REs, this one seems to care (we think....)

    IUI #3 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 3 follicles (2 under 15mm) = BFN(May 2014)

    IUI #4 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 1 follicle + DH gave best sample so far = BFN(June 2014)

    IVF#1 -  ER Only Cycle Sept-Oct 2014, 17  eggs Retrieved, 14 mature, 10 fertilized, 6 made it to Blast & post PGS  5 were not viable due to chromosomal abnormalities
    Not sure where we go from here...

    We're parents to two very adorable, bratty, affectionate & goofy Bernese Mountain Dog pups who would very much like a 2 legged baby brother or sister of their own!

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