July 2016 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday


Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday

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    Today, I'm calling out the posters on another board (not baby-related) that can't handle snark or being called out like you ladies here on this board.

    Eff off.
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    I'll go. DH's friend who is getting married in April. I love you, man, but WHY does your bachelor party have to be a 4-day cruise?

    The last several of his friends to get married have had to to blowout trips for their bachelor parties. First, money. Ever heard of saving it? Second. I have a kid, with another on the way, I'd like my husband to be around to help.

    I said he can go, I can handle things just fine and I'm not going to be that witch who says no, but why doesn't anyone do a one-night bach party anymore?? 

    Bonus, DH told me "I didn't even ask you about the after party in Orlando ;)" -- an afterparty. After a 4-day party.

    I cannot wait for these childless mofos to experience the joy that is babies/children. I'm going to laugh so hard at them.
    Pfff. DH's friends suggested a Vegas bachelor party for him. We didn't have any kids then but I was so glad DH laughed it off and planned a one night party in a nearby major city. Plus of his groomsmen, most were married or in serious relationships, 2 had young kids, and 1 was underage (his brother), so I'm pretty sure it was either a half-hearted suggestion or was a suggestion from the lone single partier which was probably shot down pretty quickly.

    When my brother got married (and they had 2 young kids!) his friends, all single childless guys, took him to Mexico for 5 days. His wife was annoyed but mostly that her friends didn't do something similar, she never considered asking him not to go. DH was invited and I WAS the witch who said HELL no (we had DD at that time and we didn't have the disposable income for the trip to happen without us sacrificing doing something fun as a family). Luckily DH wasn't that interested in going anyways as he didn't really know bro's friends. 
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    I'll go. DH's friend who is getting married in April. I love you, man, but WHY does your bachelor party have to be a 4-day cruise?

    The last several of his friends to get married have had to to blowout trips for their bachelor parties. First, money. Ever heard of saving it? Second. I have a kid, with another on the way, I'd like my husband to be around to help.

    I said he can go, I can handle things just fine and I'm not going to be that witch who says no, but why doesn't anyone do a one-night bach party anymore?? 

    Bonus, DH told me "I didn't even ask you about the after party in Orlando ;)" -- an afterparty. After a 4-day party.

    I cannot wait for these childless mofos to experience the joy that is babies/children. I'm going to laugh so hard at them.
    Pfff. DH's friends suggested a Vegas bachelor party for him. We didn't have any kids then but I was so glad DH laughed it off and planned a one night party in a nearby major city. Plus of his groomsmen, most were married or in serious relationships, 2 had young kids, and 1 was underage (his brother), so I'm pretty sure it was either a half-hearted suggestion or was a suggestion from the lone single partier which was probably shot down pretty quickly.

    When my brother got married (and they had 2 young kids!) his friends, all single childless guys, took him to Mexico for 5 days. His wife was annoyed but mostly that her friends didn't do something similar, she never considered asking him not to go. DH was invited and I WAS the witch who said HELL no (we had DD at that time and we didn't have the disposable income for the trip to happen without us sacrificing doing something fun as a family). Luckily DH wasn't that interested in going anyways as he didn't really know bro's friends. 
    @DobbysSock Nothing wrong with being the witch who says no, for sure. If I really wasn't up for it, or we couldn't afford it, I would do that, too. A couple of years ago there was a beach trip a few states away for a bachelor party, and some of the guys were going all week. DH dared to ask if he could, I said not all week, too much. A weekend was approved.

    As for this trip, it's one of his best friends in the world, and I'm not going to ask him to miss it. Give me a medal, I guess. But after kid #2 I'm not sure how much generosity will be left. (This will be in March). Luckily I don't foresee any more wild bachelor parties from the single guys who are left.
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @mandyjulie definitely nothing wrong with him going, either, as long as it's not a financial hardship and you're up for the extra work for those days :) And I'm sure he'd stay behind if you really wanted/needed him to. I'm sure he'll have fun and it's awesome that you guys help each other enjoy time away with your friends when special events come up. 
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    Mine is insurance and grad school. Dealing with both today I spent about 2 hours on the phone. Also apparently I need a pregnancy pillow, I wake up several times a night with numb hands from sleeping on my side. Sleeping on my stomach is almost impossible especially if I have eaten in the past few hours.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AAAG13 I love my snoogle, so I highly recommend it! For your numb hands, I'd suggest buying wrist braces. The braces help from keeping your wrists bent, which seems to help a lot!
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    @soberkfell that's funny that you mentioned the braces because I am really only experiencing this in my right hand. I broke my right wrist badly this fall in a car accident and I have a brace I wore after the casts came off. I'm going to try wearing it tonight. This sounds crazy but it's actually really painful when I wake up and have to message the feeling back into my hand. I think the pain is also amplified because it wakes me up out of a dead sleep and I'm disoriented until I figure out what is going on.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    chanfa said:
    @MDmomma1217  is the blood from irritation?!? Hopefully it goes away and feel better =(

    I am also having a runny nose with headaches and just resting before it gets worse..
    @chanfa I think my sinuses are super dry, which is why my nose is bleeding. I went back to work yesterday, and after nobody being in our building for a week and a half, the heat was awful. Not making my sinuses any better! Hope you feel better soon!
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    I have a snoogle mini. I adore it.
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    I either can't poop or can't stop pooping, figure it out body FFS!!
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    Just bought a snoogle today. This son of a bitch better make me sleep like a baby.
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    The past two nights I've had some serious Restless Leg Syndrome... my DH was like what the mother ef is going on right now cause I could lie still...it was miserable... I've never heard of this being a pregnancy symptom but also rarely get anything like that. No fun... also, I haven't pooped today so I'm extra cranky

    I had restless leg almost immediately with my first. This go around I haven't had it yet, but the sciatica turned nasty real quick which tends to make me flop around trying to sleep. I found hubs is the perfect height when he's laying on his side for me to prop my knee on and my sciatica eases right up haha.

    My twat waffle today is cranberry juice. How I love you, you cold hearted bitch, but oh how you give me heartburn.

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    The company I ordered my snoogle from. If I am not aloud to enter a po box in the order form, then why did FedEx transfer it to the post office?! Since the post office does not deliver to my physical address I don't get my damn pillow. It will be sent back for having an undeliverable address.
    Also, I may be a twatwaffle for sending above company a long winded email regarding the flaws in their ordering/shipping system. I just want to be comfortable and get some sleep!
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    My twat waffle is the vampire at my OB who not only stuck me twice and hurt the hell out of me, but she took the wrong tubes for the Harmony testd.. so I have to go back thursday and now she had delayed my results by 3 days!

    But I did have a good appointment and got to see my alien.
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    @DominiqueU nothing personal, but dammit I want my snoogle to be here!!! I want my cocoon of comfort
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    @marowan  I got my leachco pillow last week and I'm loving it! I've always slept with a pillow between my legs anyway, but I needed something longer to support my sore boobs more lol and then the belly when it starts getting bigger.. I'm 11w5d
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    My twatwaffle is the fact that when my gag reflex randomly got triggered (for seemingly no reason, as I'm sure you are all familiar with), it made me pee my pants a little. I didn't even need to pee, thankfully I was at home, but seriously?!

    Also, bless my husband for not laughing when I ran to the bathroom and begged him to bring me jammies.
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    Nerdchild said:

    My twatwaffle is the fact that when my gag reflex randomly got triggered (for seemingly no reason, as I'm sure you are all familiar with), it made me pee my pants a little. I didn't even need to pee, thankfully I was at home, but seriously?!

    Also, bless my husband for not laughing when I ran to the bathroom and begged him to bring me jammies.

    Story of my life these days. DH just laughs as I gag and then run to the bathroom.
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    @Taymiller it feels good to know I'm not alone. My hormones got the best of me and I teared up as I dropped my clothes in the washer.
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    The NP at the doctor's office today. When I told her I was anxious about having to stick myself with anticoagulants daily for 6 weeks after giving birth she said, "Well, if you don't, you could get a blood clot and worst case scenario die, and you'd be leaving behind a newborn." What the actual fuck was that?!?!? Who says that?!?!? That might have pushed me over the line to move to the Center for Midwiffery that's in the same hospital. I've loved the OBs I've seen, but I couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth. And me, once again, not having a good comeback. Womp womp.
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    Why do people feel the need to comment on zombie threads?! I don't need some random discussion from November popping up on page 1.

    At least they searched, right...?
    Meh, maybe. Or maybe they perused through months of stuff and just had to add their two cents. Either way..boooo!
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    Nerdchild said:

    @Taymiller it feels good to know I'm not alone. My hormones got the best of me and I teared up as I dropped my clothes in the washer.

    I would say on average I gag and pee myself 3 times per week. Pregnacy is so beautiful :)
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    The NP at the doctor's office today. When I told her I was anxious about having to stick myself with anticoagulants daily for 6 weeks after giving birth she said, "Well, if you don't, you could get a blood clot and worst case scenario die, and you'd be leaving behind a newborn." What the actual fuck was that?!?!? Who says that?!?!? That might have pushed me over the line to move to the Center for Midwiffery that's in the same hospital. I've loved the OBs I've seen, but I couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth. And me, once again, not having a good comeback. Womp womp.

    Wtf!! The NP at my ob office is horrible too. She kept on going on and on about how marijuana is lowering test scores and that pregnant people are now smoking it all the time. Umm weird because I just said no to drug use so why are you even talking about this!
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    MrsRo731MrsRo731 member
    edited January 2016
    The NP at the doctor's office today. When I told her I was anxious about having to stick myself with anticoagulants daily for 6 weeks after giving birth she said, "Well, if you don't, you could get a blood clot and worst case scenario die, and you'd be leaving behind a newborn." What the actual fuck was that?!?!? Who says that?!?!? That might have pushed me over the line to move to the Center for Midwiffery that's in the same hospital. I've loved the OBs I've seen, but I couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth. And me, once again, not having a good comeback. Womp womp.
    @LinzerBinzerWhat a bitch!

    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    Duck phone!!!!!! I not-so-secretly miss that show.
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    @LinzerBinzer what a bitch. that is awful. I'm so sorry she is awful. on a side note, I'm on blood thinners now for the whole pregnancy and 6 weeks post. Mentally thinking about doing it is SOO much worse than actually doing it, at least that's what I think. Thinking about giving myself shots makes me want to throw up, but if I dont think about it and just do it, its not bad at all. 
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