I am 22 weeks pregnant and have been at my current job since June. I don't mind it but the pay is terrible. I only took the job because I had been job searching for a few months and desperately wanted to get out of the house. I planned to keep job searching, but DH and I found out we were expecting in August. I didn't want to look for or start a new job pregnant, so I just stuck it out. I have very limited vacation or sick days till I'd be with this company for 3 years, so all of my time off would be taken for maternity leave in May. If I would take the full 6 weeks, one would go unpaid due to my lack of days.
Since I have no days off to go on interviews, I was planning on job searching around the time I'm due and going on interviews during my maternity leave. I planned on informing my current employer immediately if I got a new job, but my question is...is this legal? My sister in law told me I have to return to my current job after maternity leave, even if it's just for a week. Is this true? Could I somehow be in trouble or sued for not returning? I understand how much this would put my employer out, especially since they'd be paying me while I'm on maternity leave and not filling the position for all that time, but I'm not sure what my other options are. I wouldn't mind continuing to stick it out till summer-ish but my husband is almost sure he will get demoted right before baby is due as his company is downsizing. The extra income would be necessary if I could get it.
Re: Job hunting while on maternity leave. Is it ok?
I say if you want to look for a better job than go for it but be sure that's what you want. Keep in mind that when starting a new job you most likely won't have time off immediately and there are times when baby gets sick, has appointments, etc. Some people at your current job might think it's a little shady but most people might consider the same thing if it was better for their family. Above all else, in my opinion, do not let your current employer find out you are looking for employment until you have secured a job offer. Even posting your resume online can get back to your employer rather easily and makes for an awkward situation, if not termination.
My feeling is that if they really wanted to keep you, they'd pay you a living wage. Since apparently they don't -- you've said the pay is terrible -- then go forth and do what's best for you.
Anyone else job hunting? I plan on brushing off my resume and sending out some feelers - I love my boss but hate the corporate company I work for and on top of that DH was offered a great opportunity in another state so I'm going to apply for some jobs near there to help make our decision easier.
I'm planning to apply internally again in the fall/winter for better opportunities, but if nothing comes through, I may have to move on.