June 2015 Moms

Poll: Feeding at 6 months

edited January 2016 in June 2015 Moms
We're all about at the 6 month mark or over. Just wondering if our feeding methods have changed. I know most of us have introduced cereal and solids at this point, so I didn't add that to the poll. It would've made it super long.

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Poll: Feeding at 6 months 79 votes

Still exclusively breastfeeding
27% 22 votes
Still exclusively pumping
3% 3 votes
Still exclusively formula
11% 9 votes
Still breastfeeding and pumping
30% 24 votes
Still breastfeeding and formula
1% 1 vote
Still pumping and formula
0% 0 votes
Still breastfeeding, pumping and formula
6% 5 votes
Switched to formula from breastfeeding
10% 8 votes
Switched to formula from pumping
7% 6 votes
SS - Please explain
1% 1 vote

Re: Poll: Feeding at 6 months

  • Still breastfeeding! Plus yummy solids 2/3 times daily.
  • I'm still bf-ing, pumping, and just started formula this weekend with the intent of switching to formula in the next couple months.
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  • Breastfeeding & pumping while at work. But I've had to start giving him another 2 oz from the frozen stash most times after nursing because he's just not satisfied so I fear our BFing time is coming to an end.
  • Breastfeeding about 5 times a week (lol) and pumping 6x a day.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • Breastfeeding and pumping on the days I work. And I agree @cait7425, I hate pumping too!
  • Mostly exclusively breastfeeding but I pump every morning to make his oatmeal and freeze the leftovers. He gets solids twice a day.
  • Exclusively breastfeeding. I do use a little formula to make oatmeal though. I stopped pumping because I absolutely hate it. My freezer stash is running out and when it does, she'll get formula bottles when I'm not around.
  • amccoy129 said:

    Mostly exclusively breastfeeding but I pump every morning to make his oatmeal and freeze the leftovers. He gets solids twice a day.

    Ditto this exactly
  • Just switched to adding formula to up her weight gain. Still pumping even though only get 2 oz a pump session at work. Will do it until my freezer stash runs out.
  • MommaswizzMommaswizz member
    edited January 2016
    Formula since week 7 when exclusively pumping became way too hard/ ineffective/ inconvenient/ annoying. I give you exclusive breastfeeders and pumpers soo much props! It's so hard.  I'm both jealous + not envious at all at the same time.

    eta: typos
  • edited January 2016
    I'm still breastfeeding and pumping! I've got my freezer stash up to about 1,000 ounces! Thankfully I dropped down to 30 hours a week, so my girls only get one bottle a day each. At that rate, I have 5.5 months of milk frozen! If I was an exclusive pumper, that would be about 20 days worth with twins! I applaud you exclusive pumpers! I couldn't do it. They're also loving their solids!

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  • I'm still breastfeeding and pumping! I've got my freezer stash up to about 1,000 ounces! Thankfully I dropped down to 30 hours a week, so my girls only get one bottle a day each. At that rate, I have 5.5 months of milk frozen! If I was an exclusive pumper, that would be about 20 days worth with twins! I applaud you exclusive pumpers! I couldn't do it. They're also loving their solids!

    I still EP for twins.

    I HAD 1100 oz in the freezer. We're using it up, though. My supply took a hit when I got sick (twice--stomach flu and a cold), which was conveniently times with growth spurts. I need my supply to rebound some, so I can stop defrosting 18 oz a day.
  • I can't imagine feeding twins! Especially in the beginning, now it's probably a piece of cake!
  • My supply is dropping, have y'all taken anything to help drive it back up? Did it work?
  • How do you know if your supply is dropping ? Asking because recently we went from 5 min each side to about 4 and 3.
  • slr1229 said:

    My supply is dropping, have y'all taken anything to help drive it back up? Did it work?

    My sketchy baggie of pills has stopped the supply crash but I don't know how much longer I should keep taking all this stuff, at a certain point most rational people would say we've had a good run and let it go but I'm just not ready yet.

    All taken 3 x daily:

    2 Motherlove More Milk Plus caps
    2 Brewer's Yeast tabs
    3 blessed thistle caps
    3 fenugreek caps

    And I swear red Powerade is better than any other flavors for supply purposes. Specifically Powerade.

    I'm debating asking the ped to prescribe me Reglan, I've read it can work wonders. Just don't know if asking for an Rx is a step too far in pursuing this. We've had a good 6 months, which was my initial goal, but now I'm looking at 9 months...
  • I think pumping after nursing sessions is the best way to up supply. Not easy but effective
  • slr1229slr1229 member
    edited January 2016
    I only pump 1 oz total each session at work now. But when she nurses she gets what seems like a decent amount. We are supplementing and using my freezer stash because I can't pump enough. Just want to try something before I throw in the towel.
  • I think red Gatorade really helps my supply. Maybe it's the red coloring? Who knows. I took honest company supplements for a while and they seemed to work. I still eat a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal every morning and normally pump 5-7 ounces each session.
  • I'm exclusively BF and have been since two months old. If I could go back I would continue to offer one bottle a day at least. My LO refuses all the bottles, even the one that looks like a boob. This in turn makes me feel like I have no other choice than be committed to BF until at least a year. She has occasionally taken an ounce out of a cup, but that's in no way enough per feeding obviously...so we continue on. I have bottle feeding envy.
  • Yesterday I got stuck at work late (only working like 4 hours a week) and lo drank 2 oz from a cup!! She also still won't take bottle. My fiancé tilted it up for her so it just went into her mouth but she was getting the hang of it I guess!
  • LO was doing great with bottles but I was just home for 2 1/2 weeks for winter break and only worked two days a week during that time. He refused bottles those days and all of this week. Basically nursed a 4oz bottle for 8-10 hours. I guess the good news is that we don't need to budget for formula but we'll definitely be nursing all night! My first did this too. I think they just don't like how DH feeds them??
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