We're all about at the 6 month mark or over. Just wondering if our feeding methods have changed. I know most of us have introduced cereal and solids at this point, so I didn't add that to the poll. It would've made it super long.
Poll: Feeding at 6 months 79 votes
Still exclusively breastfeeding
Still exclusively pumping
Still exclusively formula
Still breastfeeding and pumping
Still breastfeeding and formula
Still pumping and formula
Still breastfeeding, pumping and formula
Switched to formula from breastfeeding
Switched to formula from pumping
Re: Poll: Feeding at 6 months
eta: typos
I HAD 1100 oz in the freezer. We're using it up, though. My supply took a hit when I got sick (twice--stomach flu and a cold), which was conveniently times with growth spurts. I need my supply to rebound some, so I can stop defrosting 18 oz a day.
All taken 3 x daily:
2 Motherlove More Milk Plus caps
2 Brewer's Yeast tabs
3 blessed thistle caps
3 fenugreek caps
And I swear red Powerade is better than any other flavors for supply purposes. Specifically Powerade.
I'm debating asking the ped to prescribe me Reglan, I've read it can work wonders. Just don't know if asking for an Rx is a step too far in pursuing this. We've had a good 6 months, which was my initial goal, but now I'm looking at 9 months...