@schuenk2 Sadie loves our dog too! She cracks up laughing every time he runs by her or jumps up on something...I love it! Ps both Veda and your dog are adorable
I couldn't get LO to cooperate this morning so this was the best shot ha ha. He just wanted to eat the bear and rip the sticker off. He's been a goofball all morning.
I can't believe they are 6 months already, Beautiful and handsome babies!!!! May God Continue to bless and keep them all safe and healthy, and also the mamas and papas!!!!! GORGEOUS BABIES!!!!!!
I can't believe they are 6 months already, Beautiful and handsome babies!!!! May God Continue to bless and keep them all safe and healthy, and also the mamas and papas!!!!! GORGEOUS BABIES!!!!!!
Amen to that!! Soon we'll be posting their 1 year pictures!!! :
Re: 6 month pics
My handsome Jafari 6 months today! I am extremely grateful for him
MJ turned 6 months 1/3
Lucy is 6 months tomorrow!!
Could I be any cuter?! Liam was 6 months on the 1st.
My Ovulation Chart
Oliver is 6 months old today. I can't believe how fast the time is going by! I'm so in love with this little snuggle bean.