
Fenugreek tablets... Warning to mommas who are taking this.

My supply decreased around the time of my period and like many of you have mentioned I tried fenugreek tablets. WORST CHOICE I COULD HAVE MADE! Mommas: please please think seriously about taking fenugreek tablets. My DD has had belly problems for four days now: constantly pooping (occassionally diarreah), extremely fussy (almost to the point of colic), not sleeping whereas before all this she was sleeping through the night, she is also extremely irritable and fussy... I realized it was due to the fenugreek tablets. Since I have realized this I have stopped taking the tablets but it is still taking time to exit DD's system. Just thought I would warn other mommas...

Re: Fenugreek tablets... Warning to mommas who are taking this.

  • Just FYI if you take blessed thistle capsules with the fenugreek capsules, this will help with the gassiness and fussing!
  • I wish I would have known! For now though I'm not taking anymore chances. It hurt me seeing DD like that. Thanks for letting me know about that!
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  • I started on a low dose of fenugreek because the bottle warned that stomach issues may be a side effect. Idk if starting low and working our way up helped us avoid the gasto issues or if we just got lucky to avoid that.
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