June 2015 Moms

Allergic reactions

Has anyone's baby had any type of allergic Reactions to anything? Food? Medications? What did you do to make them feel better?

My Boy broke out in a terrible rash after being prescribed amoxicillin for an ear infection, turns out he is allergic to penicillin. Doctor said I can give him Benadryl but I'm a bit nervous.

The joys of motherhood. FML

Re: Allergic reactions

  • No experience wanted to say I am sorry I hope he overcomes it quickly.
  • No experience with medications but my lo seems to be sensitive to foods. Peas she got a rash, she licked cheese and got a horrible rash on her chin and a few others. My pedi gave me an epi pen to have incase we need it since we've been havin a lot of issues
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  • No known allergic reactions here either. The only weird thing we've experienced was with our 3 year old ds. Whenever he'd eat ranch dressing, he'd get really red wherever it touched his skin. So basically just his face and hands. Our pedi said it's not a food allergy, because if it was, his whole body would break out and his throat would swell. On the safe side, we just avoid ranch now.

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  • ^^oh no, I love ranch! That would be very traumatic for me. Poor guy!
  • LO currently has hives and I don't know what caused it. And I don't know what to do.
  • I have a penicillin allergy, so its assumed LO has one, too. If we ever need antibiotics it's going to be a tense situation to see if he reacts.

    I can tell you, tho, that he has a fabric issue. You know those fleece sleep n plays? Those are 100% polyester and anytime he wears them he gets little red pinpricks on his torso, and if he continues to wear it longer than a day he gets a rash that's red, pebbly feeling, and very dry. It happens on his arms and legs, too, tho they just get very very dry first, and it seems I can keep it at bay if I use aquaphor every night. So I have to dress him in only 100% cotton during the day, and at night he goes into a cotton onesie to protect his abdomen, then a fleece sleep n play over that.
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  • I was told on peanut butter you can put some on their skin first as a test a few days before you feed it. Per the ranch comment I guess it might work? I wonder if it would work for eggs, etc?
  • ^ good to know! I've got to ask my pedi about that on our 6 month visit.
  • LO may be allergic to apples, which is a weird one. Going to try it for a third time to see if it's really an allergy. The first time he got a rash and threw up like 12 hours later. But I did let him gnaw on a Rosemary sourdough roll at dinner so that could have done it, but he's had bread before. The second time he kept rubbing his face like it itched and sneezed about 10 times after.
  • Our LO gets the marks on her face from eating anything, our doctor said its just contact with the skin, they go away within 20 minutes of her being cleaned up,

    @mellymar me & hubby both have penicillin allergies, our LO needed penicillin for her UTI and didnt react at all. The doctors gave her her first dose in the clinic with a nurse to watch her so
    If she did react they could control it straight aeay
  • My son was just diagnosed with allergies to Milk, Peanuts and Eggs after having the dairy protein and Soy intolerance. We go for skin testing in February because the diagnosis was based off blood work. We haven't used benedryl, just a topical steroid cream and lotion for his rashes.
  • My Ped suggested aquaphor for his drool rash, which we've also been using on what looks to be a allergic reactions to legumes and carrots. We've also tried tea tree oil and keep allergy med on hand in case he seems to be bothered/uncomfortable by it. 
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • LO has a scaly rash on her hands and face. It was red and bumpy and then they all scabbed over. Is it really possible to be allergic to green beans? That's the only new thing we've introduced but she was also at daycare the day it popped up so who knows what she put in her mouth.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • LO is allergic to carrots. She developed a rash and cried terrible for about three days.
  • Anyone see the allergic reaction show up in the eyes with eye goop? LO is on an antibiotic for a week now. Her eyes were looking pretty good until today. I fed her green beans & sweet potatoes the last few days. Looking back we fed her both around the same time the eye goop started. So now I'm wondering if there is a connection.
  • No but when lo had eye goop the nurses called to check on her to see if the drops were helping because otherwise they would switch it to a different drop with was resistant. Or the one we had was resistant, not sure but maybe you can get the other drops.
  • @caitlincunn we didn't even get eye drops just an oral antibiotic as the ped did not think it was a localized infection just congestion coming out through her eyes.
  • ^ my husband gets that! When ever he gets a sinus infection.
  • Our eye goop goes hand in hand with colds. Doctors recommended no antibiotics because it would clear with the cold. I'm against antibiotics this early unless necessary so I just dabbed breastmilk and it cleared.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • janat1717janat1717 member
    edited January 2016

    Edit: it's the middle of the night
  • bwow615bwow615 member
    edited January 2016
    Was putting LO down for the night, and he puked down the front of both of us. I wiped him down, changed his pajamas and laid him in bed. He seemed like he was going to fall asleep then he became restless. I turned on the light because I felt like something was wrong. He was all red, his face had splotches and his chest and tummy were red and he was scratching at it. He either had a reaction to his puke or the gerber peach yogurt blend cup I gave him 2 hours earlier. Picked him up and gave him a bath and I took a quick shower... We are going to cosleep tonight just so I can keep a closer watch over him. Very scary. But he seems to be doing okay now. He's sleeping on my chest, and his redness has subsided, not gone completely. But it's much better than it was.
  • Hope he feels better and you can both get some sleep!
  • Thanks! SO is in Lake Tahoe this weekend, so it's just me and the babe. He's laying in bed while I scarf down some spaghetti before joining him.
  • @swiebe So sorry! How many times has he had dairy before? With the skin and the puking it definitely sounds like an allergy.
  • @janit368 Only a handful... This was his third time having the yogurt blend stuff. i will definitely need to keep my eye on it in the future. Will probably be avoiding dairy for a while. And definitely will be avoiding the yogurt blends.
    He's slept pretty well tonight so far, thank goodness!
  • Babies puking is so scary. Hope LO feels better soon.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • That's scary! Feel better baby!
  • @swiebe hope LO is all better now
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  • Thanks, ladies. LO is much better! It was just that night that was a little rough. Will definitely be keeping a eye out for any signs of anything in the future.
  • Gave LO peanut butter for the first time today. I spread it thinly on some toast. He loved it.
    About 1-2 hours later he has a few very faint red blotches on one side of his cheek/jaw and another one underneath his eye. It's very faint that unless someone points it out you can't really notice it. Does this sound like an allergic reaction? He is almost 8 months old. No history of food allergies on either side of the families.
  • @moz3518 I would say not a reaction. But I would also start doing smaller amounts more frequently and monitoring. And bring it up at your next ped appt if it happens again.
  • @Sammy K thanks! I was thinking along those same lines but wanted reassurance. To say he loved peanut butter is an understatement so it would be a bummer if he was allergic. I'll be mentioning it at his 9 month check up next month of it happens again.
  • My kids both break out in weird rashes for seemingly no reason. Unless I see hives around the mouth or signs of distress, I don't attribute rashes to food.
  • My LO seems to have some hives on her thighs, not much but I can feel them when I bathe her. Didn't know if this could be a reaction to one of the new foods we've tried.
  • My LO has gotten several small rashes. He is very fair & his skin is so sensitive. I haven't thought any of them were food.
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