Ok so I told my work about 3 weeks ago that I was pregnant. I wanted to wait until I was 12 weeks, to say the least it didn't go well. He was very quiet after I told him. I explained that I knew we were a small office and I would work with him on the leave time. I would take my computer with me and would do any emergency things that popped up and would work from home after about 6 weeks so my work wasn't falling too far behind. He was mad I didn't tell him sooner (sorry not telling my boss before my family) 12 weeks was pushing it for me as it was. Then he said he was disappointed but happy for me? Still not sure what he meant there. Well less then 24 hours later the shit hit the fan. Up until now I have gotten nothing but praise about the work I do. I am the Director of Marketing and have gutted the entire marketing plan to start fresh, which was loved by everyone. Well the day after I told him he called a meeting with me to discuss my performance, he told me I need to follow procedure better (My first time requesting time off in the 6 months I have worked here I turned it in 1w6d prior and it needed to be in 2 weeks prior). I needed to take more charge of our website change, I created, wrote and designed our entire new site, the IT department was responsible for taking the old site down and moving the new one to production. This was severely messed up, but was out of my department, meaning not my responsibility there is nothing I can do! He also told me he noticed a change in me in the past 10 weeks, meaning because I was pregnant. He then went on to say he is not sure the company can afford "this". He was grasping at random things to try and say my performance wasn't great! He then told me the other day that I will not be getting my Marketing Assistant (which is desperately needed to meet my numbers, it is too much for one person), he said "I guess you are just going to have to work 80 hours a week then". Then our next meeting he told me everyone in our office now has a team to help meet numbers (except me) and anyone who doesn't meet their numbers will be out the door with no questions! He knows by taking the assistant away there is no way of me getting everything done.
There was a girl here before me that was pregnant and recently went on maternity leave, she reports to me and I was told by my boss to talk her into just working from home on a per blog post basis so we don't have to pay her anymore. His words were "she can't handle 2 kids and work". He also told me he was not paying a lot for his daughter to go to a good school because when she gets out she will meet a guy and be a stay at home mom anyway so it would be a waste of money!
I was then talking to another coworker after the holidays and said I was exhausted from the holidays and I am glad to get back to normal... his response "well you do have a parasite so..." I was so mad. I understand not everyone wants kids in life but come on don't make comments like that to a pregnant person!
I am so stuck on what to do! My husband and I cannot afford for me to not work. I make the majority of the money, we decided years ago to love what we did for work so we weren't stressed the rest of our lives, mine just paid more than his. And at this point I can't find another job most aren't thrilled about hiring a pregnant person.
Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated on this one!!!
Re: Legal/General Advice Needed - Work problems
Otherwise, I would say do you really want to work in that kind of environment? It might be tough, but finding a more family friendly workplace might be a good idea just for your own sanity and stress levels. If not now, then maybe after the baby is born.
I just moved to Ohio so I am unsure of the laws here. I think I might be checking into things this week and make sure I am prepared when it does happen.
Eta: I didn't see that you had no HR. Still call a lawyer and tell them what has happened so far, get advice, and keep them on standby
It also sounds like you're an awesome employee. It wouldn't be awful to take a look around at your options while you're not being accused of underperformance.
Call your state discrimination hotline and start the conversation now. Get advice directly from them. Most states have a much shorter period to qualify for maternity leave. Although either way, it's a disability discrimination case since pregnancy is a disability protected by federal and state law.
You are being discriminated against right now. It can be really hard to prove in court (although sometimes just the threat is enough for the company to do the right thing) so make sure to save everything in writing and start a log for all the verbal harassment you've been through.
You may want to talk to the other lady on maternity leave. She may elusive experienced the same thing. 2 women coming forward with discrimination cases may be a stronger lawsuit versus the company
^^Exactly this, especially the shitbag part
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
They can change your job though.
ETA: I'm sorry you're going through this! I know it's terrible but you will make it through to the other side and be stronger for it!!
I work in HR and am familiar with FMLA and standard leave policies. FMLA usually applies to companies of 50 or more employees