October 2015 Moms

Mommy confessions

Let's hear the things you get crap for, things you do but said you wouldn't, or just plain out fails lol.

I'll start. I was just clipping Damien's nails and I clipped his thumb. Actually clipped it pretty good unfortunately :-( he cried for a few seconds but I feel terrible.
I take Damien everywhere with me. I'm not overly cautious with germs and let most people hold him.
I said we weren't going to co sleep but after he wakes up after his big stretch he's in bed with me. It's just easier

Re: Mommy confessions

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    Ugh i have clipped a thumb too!!! I hold her more than i said i would. I love cuddles but my cousins 1year old cant even be out of her sight or he cries because she NEVER put him down
    I also occasionally sleep with LO in bed. Shes in her crib 98% of the time but some morning i hust want that extra hour and shell fall back to sleep in bed with me.
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    I have definitely clipped a finger tip! Her nails are talons now.
    I don't bathe baby girl as often as I should !
    I've cut the bedtime routine down dramatically because she continues to have major crankiness and fussing from 6-8pm. I end up just changing diaper, feeding and rocking her to sleep :(
    I look forward to her bedtime soI can finally have some ME time.
    I often find myself turning on the TV and letting her watch for short intervals when she gets super fussy.
    I definitely drink my wine during the witching hour and don't feel guilty... In fact I look forward to it! (Still witching hour at 3 months :neutral: )
    I don't snuggle LO as much as I want to. DH and I have become obsessed with creating good habits since our baby is very cranky and fussy and high maintainence at 13 weeks. We used to co-sleep or let her nap in my arms but we have stopped doing so and I miss it! (Although I secretly love my sleep more)
    I'm jealous of SAHM and sad to leave my sweet baby with the sitter on Monday - biggest guilt of all!!!!
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    I've totally clipped his thumb too :(

    I rely way too much on the bouncy chair to soothe my baby to sleep. He hates cuddling, so that and his rockaroo do my job for me.
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    @FatPony I'm so jealous, my LO hates his rockaroo. I got a $5 swing for my parents house and he LOVES that, $150+ rockaroo he hates....
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    J1DJ1D member
    All you ladies who accidentally clipped a finger, when are you trimming their nails? I find clipping my baby's nails to be hands down one of the most terrifying things I've ever done. I'm scared $#!+less that I'm going to cut him.
    I've found that waiting till he's been asleep for about 20 minutes is the easiest time to trim his nails. Basically once he's so asleep he's a floppy ragdoll. Then I can separate out individual fingers and get em right up close to my eyes. Still scary as all get out, but *knock on wood* I haven't nicked him yet.
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    Urghh, so hard to stick to what I wanted/didn't want to do! I said I never would, but I let my baby watch TV with us. He loves it! I don't bathe him as regularly as I think i should, but he is not dirty, so I think it's okay. We don't have a bedtime routine. He goes to bed when I do. He does sleep thou, on my chest while I watch telly. He can sleep through any noise and volume!
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    @J1D I try to do it if he's calm. He doesn't really nap during the day and no way I can do it when I'm sleepy lol. This time he moved just as I was clipping :-(
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    I put on baby TV for him in the mornings while I get ready. He LOVES it. I also watch TV while I am feeding him or he is sleeping, but I keep it quiet and put subtitles on. I said I wouldn't let him watch TV until he was 2! During naps, I let him sleep on his tummy. 
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    J1D said:
    All you ladies who accidentally clipped a finger, when are you trimming their nails? I find clipping my baby's nails to be hands down one of the most terrifying things I've ever done. I'm scared $#!+less that I'm going to cut him. I've found that waiting till he's been asleep for about 20 minutes is the easiest time to trim his nails. Basically once he's so asleep he's a floppy ragdoll. Then I can separate out individual fingers and get em right up close to my eyes. Still scary as all get out, but *knock on wood* I haven't nicked him yet.

    Try nail scissors! I can't use regular clippers on him, but the scissors are super easy. It's impossible to cut him with them. They don't get quite as short as I would like, but it still works.
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    I said I didn't want to get into the habit of rocking baby to sleep and sleeping in bed with us

    I said I wasn't going to let him be one of those clingy babies that doesn't like being put down but after having an emergency c section all I did for the first few weeks was sit on the lounge or in bed holding him which I'm now trying to break that habit and letting him cry in his swing when I need to do things although I do love being his favourite person and the one he always wants and love cuddling him as much as I can because he's not going to be this little for very long and one day he's not going to want my cuddles

    I said I would have a routine! but at the moment we're demand breastfeeding and eats when ever he wants and sleeps after he's been awake for an hour/hour and a half, but we do have a night tim routine that we've stuck to since he was about 4 weeks!

    I feel guilty that he might not be learning what he should because I do hold him quite a lot and he hates tummy time

    I feel guilty not taking him out the house every day either because I'm to tired and have to much anxiety going anywhere with him to run errands by my self still
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    J1DJ1D member
    midge519 said:

    @J1D I try to do it if he's calm. He doesn't really nap during the day and no way I can do it when I'm sleepy lol. This time he moved just as I was clipping :-(

    My baby is a hardcore flailer so even calm I don't have a snowballs chance in h-e double hockey sticks that he'll stay still enough for me to trim his nails. I have to do it during the day too cause at night the light isn't good enough. Luckily my boy likes his naps so it works out ok for us.
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    I bite my baby's nails, may be gross but it gets the job done.

    I hold her a lot, I've started using her swing more, but I feel like she's too young to become spoiled. At least I hope so?
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    tulegrl14tulegrl14 member
    edited January 2016
    When LO gets up earlier than I want I put him in his swing and turn cartoons on and go back to bed. He will normally let me get another hour lol. I have also hit his head on the door.
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    I watch TV around my LO a good bit, but until the past week or so she hasn't paid it any attention. My husband (we're separated) says she watches it a good bit when she is with him though.

    I always said I wouldn't cosleep, and for most part she sleeps on her own in her rock n play. We're now transitioning to her crib, but once she wakes early in the morning I'll put her in bed with me to get a little extra sleep since I know she'll go back to sleep in my bed.

    I don't do tummy time as much as I should. I'm trying to be better.
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    Let's see...

    1. Bathing frequency. I don't bathe baby as often as I've read other people do on forums like these. I bathe her once every like four days and do little sponge baths/wash ups in between. She's not really dirty. I mostly just don't want people to judge me lol.
    2. She watches TV more than occasionally. Sorry not sorry.
    3. I don't do tummy time as often as I should either. She does it maybe twice a day, but she really doesn't like it that much.
    4. We co-sleep every night. And we love it!
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    co sleeping the first week and a half till we got the rock and sleep cradle. 
    i took him to the mall to get out. he slept but i was terrified i'd be one of those annoying parents that brought out their newborn and let them cry a pitiful newborn cry.
    i don't do tummy time a lot. its growing on him. but mostly he doesn't like it.
    i veg in front of the tv while he's napping or nursing. i wish i was doing something more productive with my day but i'm sooo tired. :/
    Baby Riker - 10/20/15 11:46pm 7lbs 9oz 21in
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    Baby girl and I watch HGTV a lot and we cuddle a lot..
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    The only way I have been able to get my son to sit still for his nebulizer treatments (damn RSV I hate you!) is to turn on the Kardashians!!! 
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    mommav83 said:

    Baby girl and I watch HGTV a lot and we cuddle a lot..

    We watch Property Brothers a lot. Oh and Fixer Upper.
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    I also cut her finger once. A tiny tiny snip. I scratched her leg once when changing her.

    I co-slept a lot more than I wanted. It's so dangerous and DH was so mad because he'd wake up to find her next to him and he's a big guy. Then I kept saying I'll stop doing that but just couldn't. Now she finally sleeps through the night so we got that out of the way. But last night she woke up and I spent an hour with her on the futon in her nursery.

    I was bored during bf'ing so I played casino games on my phone and it slipped from my hands on her head one time....

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Tv is on most of the day here. I should feel more guilty about that but I dont. I am a teacher and I know what the experts say about screen time....but I just can't stand the quiet. And I wanted to get a radio but our house is concrete and DH says it won't come in. I grew up with the TV on all time and I know its not good to have in the background when kids are playing but at this point she only pays attention when I need her to (when being fussy)...not when eating and sleeping (it doesn't wake her). She has started to pay attention while we are playing so I turn it off. I guess I will have to do that more and more and she is awake and playing. But when she sleeps it will be on...I like watching it or having it the background while I get stuff done!
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    I licked the seal I pulled off of baby soap subconsciously thinking it was off of a food product.. So sleepy
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    Sometimes I tell my husband I really have to go to the bathroom upset stomach and just sit on the potty perfectly fine to get a few minutes to myself. He would do it if I just asked but I feel guilty since he works all day and I am a sahm .
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    I got a different brand of gripe water today and the syringe it came with required lots of effort to push down the liquid, so I pressed hard and got too much into LO's mouth. He chocked on it pretty badly, with lots of coughing and tears, but still managed to smile at me. I felt quite terrible.
    He also scratched one of his little toes by being restless when I was cutting his toenails. It bled for a while and I was frantically trying to make it stop. Not a single peep from his side, as if nothing happened!
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    I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who watches a lot of TV with their little ones! Our TV is on pretty much all day here and to be honest it didn't really occur to me that it was probably not good until people on other boards were talking about how bad it was... Oops! We did stop putting the TV on at night while sleeping though. DH says he can't wait to watch TV at night in bed again once LO moves to her nursery.

    We don't cosleep every night but we definitely do it more than I ever wanted to! You gotta do what works to get everyone sleep!!
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