October 2015 Moms

Can we talk about poop?

My little guy is 9 weeks old and the past two days he has been constipated. I feel bad for him when he does poop he has to work really hard at it and then it's like play dough that's been left out hard. We had to switch to formula about a week ago and his Dr said that it's just something he will have to work through and it'll go away but poor guy seems like he's in pain when pooping? We go back to the ped in a couple of days so I'll bring it up again but has anyone had to deal with this?

Re: Can we talk about poop?

  • I dealth with it for about 2 weeks. I used mommys bliss for constipation and started using mommys bliss probiotics. It has worked wonders!
  • I second the mommys bliss probiotics... Worked wonders on my little guy! I breastfeed and supplement so for the first few weeks he had a rough time adjusting! Just an FYI my LO has like a witching hour about 30 minutes after we give them to him, not sure if it's normal but I stay sure to be right near him to help him work through the gas pain rather than take him out and about to scream in pain. Just something to watch out for :)
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  • Poop consumes my life: color frequency texture.

    We just went through a bout of constipation and I have no idea why. It coincided with just after his 2 mo shots and I am still investigating the cause. Anyway it took time but prune
    Juice really helped to get him back on track. No more than half an ounce (the sugar worried me) and i would
    Give that in the syringe that came w
    His vit d.
    Me: 34 DH:38
    DS: 18 months   <3
    Dx DOR AMH .2
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  • Thanks guys he's been on probiotics for a couple of days. It's help a little but not much yet. Hopefully it'll improve soon. I'll ask about using prune juice. My mother and my sister in law told me to give him a little Karo syrup. I'll ask about that too before I try it. Lol
  • Limie said:

    Thanks guys he's been on probiotics for a couple of days. It's help a little but not much yet. Hopefully it'll improve soon. I'll ask about using prune juice. My mother and my sister in law told me to give him a little Karo syrup. I'll ask about that too before I try it. Lol

    It takes about a good two weeks of being on probiotics to see the full effects. My LO used to cry and strain when he pooped and only had a movement every other day. Now he goes everyday and no more crying when he does
  • We had this issue and our ped had us start putting a half teaspoon of miralax in one bottle each day. She now poops once a day and doesn't struggle.
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