Baby Names

Irish name help

Is anybody from Ireland and can tell me the correct pronunciation of the name Cahir? My husband wants to use it, and I think I like it, but I want to make sure we know how to pronounce it correctly, and the internet is inconsistent.

Re: Irish name help

  • Hi I'm from Dublin Ireland. There's a county in Ireland called Tipperary and they have a town called Cahir and I know that's pronounced like "care"
    I think it's a lovely name but like the majority of Irish names abroad they don't tend to get pronounced properly.
    My best friend is called Aoife (very common name here) pronounced "ee-faa" since moving to London no one can pronounce her name properly but it makes her feel unique.
  • Jodiggity said:

    Hi I'm from Dublin Ireland. There's a county in Ireland called Tipperary and they have a town called Cahir and I know that's pronounced like "care"
    I think it's a lovely name but like the majority of Irish names abroad they don't tend to get pronounced properly.
    My best friend is called Aoife (very common name here) pronounced "ee-faa" since moving to London no one can pronounce her name properly but it makes her feel unique.

    Yup, second "care" as pronunciation. I love Irish names! I have one. Pronunciation issues really don't bother me (a real conversation starter!) but consider if it's a problem for you. Anyone familiar with Irish names should have no problems.
    Expecting Double Trouble, April 2016

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  • MaryBB77MaryBB77 member
    edited December 2015
    See I'd pronounce it Ka-her. I too am from Ireland.
    How do u think it's pronounced?
  • MaryBB77, I'd tend to pronounce it like you say, but I had seen it like care also. My older son's names are Fionn and Malachy, so I'm used to having to correct people on pronunciation and spelling, and it doesn't bother me. Thanks for the help!
  • MaryBB77 said:
    See I'd pronounce it Ka-her. I too am from Ireland. How do u think it's pronounced?
    I am also in Ireland and know a few Cahir's and they pronounce it Ka-her too.
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