Cloth Diapering

Keep going!

I just wanted to share my positive experience with cloth diapering so far, as I know CD'ing for the first time was overwhelming at first. LO is 3 months old and has yet to have a rash with CD. We bought (and received as gifts) about 30 diapers total - 18 or so OS Charlie Bananas, 6 Alva baby and the rest bum genius 4.0 and Freetime. The bum genius dipes have been my favprice so far for a couple reasons - 1) they're all on piece with no pockets to stuff 2) there are only 2 snaps on each flap, I find that's easier to get on baby and 3) they're slimmer than my Charlies

We're using 2 medium sized wet bags and wash once they're both full, pretty much every other day. We have had her sleep overnight in them once or twice but we typically do disposi at night.

Hang in there mommas, CD really does feel so good when you get the hang of it!!! It's been kinda fun!

Re: Keep going!

  • I agree! We love cloth. We exclusively use the BG 4.0. Honestly, I think it is easier to do the laundry then coupon clipping and worrying about getting the best deals on disposables. We use disposable when we travel and we had so many blowouts.
  • I'm glad everything is working out for you! I love reading about positive experiences with cloth. We are still TTC but I've been buying 1 diaper with every pay check while we have the extra money. I'm really hoping that we're able to follow through with it when the time comes. I've been buying a lot of different brands but most of the ones I have are bum genius.
    Me:27 DH: 28
    Married May 2012
     TTC#1 July 2013 - July 2015 (no success)
    Again TTC#1: Dec 2015
    First RE visit: Feb 2016
    BFP: 9/16/16 EDD:5/26/17
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