July 2015 Moms

Breastfeeding Distractions

I used to be able to breastfeed my little guy anywhere with a cover and now if I talk or anyone around talks he's too distracted and refuses to eat! He will cry until I uncover and give him a bottle! Any other breastfeeding moms dealing with this? Tips?

Re: Breastfeeding Distractions

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    My DD breatsfeeds best at night and in the morning. During the day she is also much more easily distracted, sometimes only taking one side and she's always been a two sider. I notice it helps to take her to a calm and quiet place to feed her, but sometimes she just wants to play! So I will let her play for a bit and then try again.
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    LO used to be able to eat anywhere and anytime. Recently she gets very distracted. I have to take her in another room and close the door (so her dog brother can't come in and distract her) so she can eat in peace. Doesn't always work as then the dog cries at the door to come in and then she gets distracted at the crying.
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