July 2015 Moms

Sleep all over

My daughter fights her sleep. Even when being held she'll cry. A few weeks back we started CIO at night and it has helped. But her naps are still horrible. I never know when she is going to take her naps and it takes forever, of it even happens, for her to fall asleep. Lately she has started screaming when she doesn't want to.

Our schedule is usually goes to bed at 7pm. She wakes up random times through the night but goes back to sleep after eating. Stays up at 6:30 am. She usually falls back asleep an hour after, sometimes 3. Then she will usually sleep again before 1. After that she won't take a nap until 4. But lately she had been fighting at least one nap more than the others and won't fall asleep.

I wait until she is tired and showing signs of wanting to sleep. But she just won't. It's frustrating because I want to start working on naps in her crib and not on me.
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