I'm 40 + 3 days pregnant
I'm scheduled to be induced tomorrow 530am
Got to call hour ahead before I arrive
I'm very nervous and anxious tomorrow is the day
I'm currently 4cm dilated 80% efface
2nd pregnancy having baby girl
Can't wait to meet my baby Ava
But I'm nervous as hell getting induced and something goes wrong
Since I'm already dilated, do u think the labor will go quick? Less chance for cesarean?
Can you please let me know your experience being induced?
Re: Getting induced tomorrow am
I would say that your body's progress would help, but of course, I don't really know. Try to relax and rest, breathing calmly through contractions. You can do it, Mama!
I was only given cervadil.
I was told at the time that if you've birthed vaginally before that you're quite likely to have an issue free induction.I have no idea if that's research based, or just anecdotal evidence from my mw.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old
I was induced with my second and my labor was about 7 hours long with 15 min of pushing. Granted I got lucky and didn't need a c section or have a 20 hour labor, but it was definitely rougher than my first as far as pain was concerned. I also had some issues with dilating. One side dilated more than the other and I had a "lip" my dr had to physically try and push in. I refuse to go through another induction unless it's 100% necessary. I disliked and regret that experience for sure.