September 2015 Moms

How many oz. of formula in a day?

My little man is 3 months old and weighs roughly 17 lbs and is about 26 inches long. He takes between 30-34 ounces of formula a day but I keep reading that the rule of thumb is 2.5 oz per pound. His next appointment isn't for 4 weeks. How much formula are your LO's taking in and how much do they weigh and how long are they?!?

Re: How many oz. of formula in a day?

  • Our little gal is 26 inches long and just over 13lbs. We give her 5oz bottles, we are increasing to 5.5oz.
  • My DD takes 5-6 ounces every three hours in the day and goes 6 hours overnight. She's 14 weeks - no idea of her weight or height. She was 13.3lbs at 9 weeks.
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  • I'm the odd man out, I've got a tiny LO. She's 13 weeks and is only around 11-11.5 lbs and I'd say 23 inches long (length is a total guess). She takes about 24 oz a day, six 4 oz bottles roughly every 3 hours during the day and she sleeps about 8-9 hours at night. I've been gradually working her up to some 5 oz bottles a day then hopefully we'll go to 5 oz each feeding. She's only in like the 10th percentile for weight, but she's maintained her own curve so I'm not overly worried about how tiny she is.
  • edited December 2015
    What a cutie! at Noahs 3 month visit he was 17.12 lbs and 26 inches so just about the same size as your LO. His pediatrician told me he should be having 32 oz a day so you're perfectly on track with what my doctor says at least. I don't count how many ounces he has anymore, I give him 5-6 oz bottles each feeding and most of the time he doesn't finish them anyways. If my baby is hungry I personally would rather just feed him and not specifically be like "well you've had this many ounces today so I can only give you this much now. Hope it's enough." Noah is now 16 weeks and will be 4 months old on the 3rd. He sleeps 8 hours, eats and then sleeps 4 more

    Edited to add more
  • My daughter is 15 weeks weighs about 13 pounds and she takes around 20-25 ounces in a day and then another 5 for her middle of the night feeding. She feeds every 3 hours roughly in the day
  • My daughter is 16 weeks (4 months on the 4th) weighs probably close to 14 lbs and she eats every 3 hours (6 times a day) anywhere between 18-22 oz a day total. She sleeps a solid 9-10 hrs straight
  • Our lil one is 13.5 lbs, 14 weeks, she eats a 6oz bottle roughly at 7am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, then around 10/11pm, has an 8oz and sleeps until morning. So basically every 3-4 hours and then sleeps overnight.
  • My son is probably 13/14 lbs and eats roughly 30 ounces a day. I think the 2.5 times their weight thing is a rough estimate for smaller babies but there's a limit. When my daughter was small the recommendation was no more than 32 oz a day up to a year old. Then they'll be eating more food than milk so I think we just had a morning and night bottle of cows milk after a year.
  • 1) what a cutie you have! 2) my guy is 14 weeks, 13lbs, 25'' and usually eats between 28-34 ounces per day. I never heard about the 2.5 oz per pound, that's interesting!
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