
Last ditch effort

Lolo427Lolo427 member
edited December 2015 in Breastfeeding
Hey guys!, so I've been back and forth here and my bmb trying to get ideas. About five days ago my daughter randomly went ballistic during a feeding and refused to relatch after getting so worked up. She won't latch with the shield or to me directly. This progressively has got worse daily to the point my supply has taken a hit and DD will only have maybe one successful feeding and will only latch 3 or 4 feedings for a few minutes before going into meltdown. I've posted here about nipple confusion, and having issues with the nipple shield. The lactation consultant was somewhat 'baffled' and is having me try new positions- none in which is working and taking fenugreek to up my supply. I've been married to my pump but we've had to supplement with formula as my freezer stash is gone now. We're doing skin on skin again as recommended and tomorrow we're going to double check that there's no issues with thrush. Past that, I'm getting really torn and upset about throwing in the towel as things are just regressing so bad. Anyone have similar experiences?

ETA: when DD does latch, it's either shallow and lazy or insanely desperate.

Re: Last ditch effort

  • I'm in the same boat myself and I've personally decided quitting is best for us. LO is 4 months today and chomps down and pulls like he's pulling the pin off a granade. I went back to work 5 weeks ago and he just prefers bottles now. I've been bit, hit, and the worst is screamed at while trying to feed him. My supply has tanked and I'm sure that's why he's gotten worse. I don't have it in me to pump ATC I'd rather enjoy my time with him when I'm not working. Just pumping shorter sessions now and happy I've done as much as I have and atleast I'm quitting because he doesn't want to nurse anymore not because I don't want to. Somehow that makes it easier for me. Best of luck to you.
  • I've been supplementing from day one, we BF ever feed and then top her up.
    My LC recommended the shield which works for us but I'm worried she won't latch again ever so I reached out to another LC and she is going to help me Monday to get off the shield.
    Do what's best for you and baby. I've contemplated quitting a few times but then suck it up. I love the bonding time and would miss it.
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  • I had this issue when I had surgery at 2.5 week post partum. My LO has just started nursing again in the last week or 2. I EP for 2 or 3 weeks. Then I started latching him after giving him most of his bottle, when my breast were full. That way he was calmer since he wasn't starving, and there was plenty of milk in my breast. He is doing better, and will nurse for an entire feed. We do about 50/50 nursing and pumping.
  • @GoogleMD I'm going to try this now. We are having a heck of a time getting on breast after a few days off and i exclusively EP.
  • have you ruled out reflux?
  • This happened with my oldest son.  He would go on a strike and it was awful!  Milk supply would go down, baby would be frustrated, I would be frustrated... When he would strike completely I would not supplement, I would only offer him the breast.  It usually worked within a day, and he'd be back to breastfeeding, but it was exhausting for us both.  Do what you think is best!  There are so many benefits to breastfeeding, but if baby won't eat, then it doesn't really matter.  Good luck!
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