Someone please tell me this comes in phases and doesn't just go for 4 or 5 weeks straight.. I may legitimately lose my mind if it does.
I haven't been able to put LO down for days without the repercussion of screaminh like he's in pain and I do mean SCREAMING. He's cried so much his voice actually went hoarse. My parents think he has colic. I even took him to the doctor thinking something was wrong (ear ache, sore throat, anything??) But alas, he's perfectly healthy. He's been fighting sleep so hard I've had to resort to sitting in the bathroom with the lights off and the bath water running at full blast (the only sound that seems to sooth him) and even that doesn't work sometimes. Putting him to bed used to be the easiest part of my day. Bath, bottle, and into the crib still awake to quietly suck his thumb until he fell asleep.. now? Omg I miss my child! I put him down drowsy and he screams.. so I put him down asleep but no matter how long I wait the moment his head hits that mattress his eyes are wide open and he is once again screaming. I used to be able to guarantee he'd be asleep in bed by 7:30pm.. the last 4 nights it's been much closer to 10 or 11pm after fighting him for hours.
This has been the most trying and difficult time so far. And everything I've read said it's because of the 4th leap. And I need this stupid leap to be OVER. K sorry for the long rant but I needed it.
Re: 4th leap vent
With that said the storm cloud has many more weeks under it, so I shall enjoy happy baby while he's here!
@rjanice as long as there is a break. That's my biggest issue right now is the thought of it being like this for 4 or 5 weeks straight.
He has figured out how to grab his toes and roll from back to tummy so I'm proud of that but otherwise he acts like he hates everyone
I'm scared to see the full leap. Eeek
Help) all I have done is apologized for how fussy my baby is. I'm excited he is growing but holy shit... I don't know how much more I can take of this. I have read the first few days are the worst.. So hopefully all of us will be back to normal soon! Good luck momma. Hang in there.
@xJKxOR THERE'S HOPE! lol Gosh I hope we're going to get a break soon. We went to SIL's for a few days for Christmas and the new enviroment coupled with 4th leap and teething made for a really difficult time. It was like having a newborn all over again with him up every 2 hours throughout the night.