January 2016 Moms

UO Thursday

Unpopular opinion Thursday
Married 2006
DS1 2010
DS2 2013
DD1 2016

Re: UO Thursday

  • I hate this warm weather we are having. Winter in my second favorite season, after fall, and I just want a white Christmas. I am happy to not have to put on boots well this big but a little layer would make me very happy. Come on NY you should be white right now! My son asked me if we could go sledding on the grass the weekend. I told him we would try but I don't know if it will work.
    Married 2006
    DS1 2010
    DS2 2013
    DD1 2016
  • I hate Christmas music. I can't take it.
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  • I also miss winter weather. I love winter.
  • I can't wait for Christmas to be over!
  • I can't wait for Christmas to be over!

    Ditto!!!!! My induction is scheduled for Jan 10 and I feel like the days are CREEPING BY!!!!!

  • @mrsgetz4000 lol I was just thinking that today !!!! It's even more annoying now that I'm pregnant !! I work in an area that I constantly get asked for money on the street or at gas stations etc.... I'm sorry there is only so much giving I can do ! I am still working a fairly physically demanding job and I'm about to deliver in 2 weeks , that means get off your ass and make your own money ! Don't you see this bump under my boobs people !? This means broke mommy to be so back off , .... That is all
  • I love this thread
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