We have really been struggling with bed time for the last few nights and it is getting worse. Around 6:30 he will eat and then take a quick nap for about an hour. Around 8pm he wakes up, I do a bath if he needs one and Pjs. We keep him calm and cuddle with him until he is hungry around 9. After he eats, it's like he knows he is about to fall asleep and gets terribly cranky and fussy. He goes in spurts of dozing off for s minute or so, acting hungry and nurses for a few seconds, crying, using a pcifier, all while being held and rocked. Eventually he will wear himself out and cry/scream himself to sleep in my arms around 11:30-12. Last night it went on until 1am. Is this a growth spurt? Witching hour? Any suggestions? I would like to figure out what I'm doing wrong sooner rather than later as I go back to work next Monday and work either very early hours (2,3,4,5am) or late at night (until midnight).
Re: Bedtime Struggles, at my wits end
6.00pm bath then dressed & swaddled
6.30pm bottle
7.00pm into cot
Then at 10pm I would go into his room and pick him up without waking him and give him a bottle (as a top up - babies automatically suck without even waking) and he would sleep another 3+ hours.
At first he wouldnt sleep till the 10pm feed so I would just feed him as soon as he woke up and get him back to sleep and back into cot but eventually it stretched further enough that he slept till 10. Now at 11 weeks he sleeps from 7pm till between 2.30 & 3.30am betfore hes up for another feed. with the top up feed at 10.30
So much easier with him in bed by 7! Gives me time to prepare dinner, tidy up the house and relax with hubby.
Yes we have tried having him go to sleep in his crib at 7 when he falls asleep but always wakes up between 9-10 to start the crazy fussy period.
I suppose I just need to accept the fact that this is just a phase and won't last forever.