November 2015 Moms

What do you sing?

I discovered that I don't really know any children's songs or lullabies, so I've been singing random pop songs I like to the baby. Some of them are not really appropriate for kids. It's okay for now, but I should probably learn some baby songs. What do you sing to your LOs?

Re: What do you sing?

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    I just sing regular music, too.  Ingrid Michaelson and A Fine Frenzy have been my favorites so far to sing to Baby.
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    I used to listen to Raffi as a kid, so I made a Raffi pandora station that I sometimes turn on for LO. Now all the kid songs I used to know are coming back to me. Baby Beluga, This Old Man, Down by the Bay, Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me, etc. But mostly I sing church songs because those words come to me the most readily. She also seems to like Ingrid Michaelson radio.
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    I find myself remembering the words to the most random songs in the middle of the night!! Old folk music, random songs my siblings and I made up as kids, church music, current pop music, Disney songs...
    I don't think it matters what you sing, so much as that LO hears your voice :).
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    Lolo427Lolo427 member
    edited December 2015
    Well 'normal'/ mainstream music most of the time. We have quite a few playlists on Spotify. I think DD is partial to Paul Simon and Frank Turrner. We also do some Celtic to change it up a bit- the Wild Rovers are fun for that. Past that we do a lot of camp songs or school songs. I'm semi fluent in sign language (I'm working to become an interpreter) so we sing to her in sign some too as its good practice for me and good language skills for her.
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    I find myself always singing "You are my sunshine - My only sunshine - You make me happy when skies grey - You'll never know dear how much i love you - So please don't take my sunshine away" :) xx
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    I Googled the lyrics to Hush Little Baby and sing that a lot lol other popular tunes in my house:

    Mary Had a Little Lamb
    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
    A Bushel and a Peck
    The Itsy Bitsy Spider
    And for reasons I can't explain, Get Low by Lil Jon. It keeps popping into my head :/
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    I do the classics: twinkle twinkle, Mary had a little lamb, etc. Most of the time though I either make up a song or sing Coldplay or slower Queen. DS really enjoys listening to Yellow and Somebody To Love so I put those on Rhapsody occasionally because I'm tone deaf. DS will definitely not grow up being able to carry a tune after listening to me for years!

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    i love to sing Gregory and the Hawk's 'boats and birds' to my LO. He seems to like it too, as it almost always puts him to sleep while we rock in the rocker(:
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    I've had to reach way back in my memory and use old Girl Scout songs. Those are always fun and come with actions which will be nice when he gets a little older.
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    My favorite to sing is Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds", although I do sing more traditional stuff like Twinkle Twinkle. DH caught me singing her Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA" the other day and I didn't hear the end of it!
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    Christmas songs keep coming to mind now. Also supercalifragilisticexpialadocious (sp? Lol). Usually I sing whatever comes to mind. But a lot of times my mind is blank so I shuffle music on my iTunes and roll with whatever it spits out
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    Twinkle twinkle little star
    Michael bubble's Christmas album
    Me and my girls by Selena Gomez

    Safe to say LO has interesting taste in music as these are the songs she likes the most lol.
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    He gets a lot of...interesting song choices. Like Mambo #5 lol. Right now it's mostly Christmas music and pop music. He also gets an abnormal amount of Elvis and Dean Martin sang to him too.
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    I don't really sing to my baby, I like to read to him or play music from the radio. I'm tone deaf and sound just horrible trying to sing . DH likes to sing Kenny loggin's "Danny's song" and he loves it.
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    My son is understandably not a fan of my singing, so I usually don't sing to him all that often anymore. But it usually consisted of whatever song popped into my head. Rarely ever typical lullabies or kid songs.

    The one time singing actually put him to sleep was when my husband and I realized we don't really know any good baby songs and so he sung him a cadence. Out like a light!
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    I usually sing the music from Disney's Cars because that's Julian's favorite movie so we sing those songs all the time at my house.
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    I played a lot of the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Radiohead before baby was born, so I just continued singing that.  Downloaded the Rockabye Baby cds for the same artists and play those in her nursery.  Dance/sing along to a lot of Jack Johnson and Bob Marley.  

    I worked in a daycare during my pregnancy and she definitely responds to the songs we sang every day, so I sing those as well.  Good Morning song, Skinnamarink, You Are My Sunshine, etc.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I like to sing the old Disney songs. Baby Mine from Dumbo, Stay Awake and Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes from Cinderella.
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    I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Les Miserables, alphabet song ( silly I know but it helped DS learn the alphabet when he was a toddler), Disney songs, and Somewhere over the rainbow ( video below)
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    I sing anything. Hubby and I met doing musical theatre, so there are a lot of show tunes. Baby loves everything!
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    semulcahy said:

    i love to sing Gregory and the Hawk's 'boats and birds' to my LO. He seems to like it too, as it almost always puts him to sleep while we rock in the rocker(:

    So in love with this song now! Thanks :)
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    I used to work at a summer camp so I sing tons of camp songs...I am also constantly singing the Michigan State University fight song, it has helpedso much with fussy diaper changes...I'm hoping that the more LO hears the fight song the more he will respond when he hears it when we watch the games! My DH and I will also just randomly sing-talk to LO, he finds it funny
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    The Growing Pains theme song!! Lol "Don't waste another minute on your crying. You know we're near the end. The best is ready to begin. As long as we got each other, we got the world in the palm of our hands baby you and me, we gotta be, the luckiest dreamers ever dreamin'! Wow woooow!!"
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    Mine loves Adele, Beatles, Coldplay, Ben Harper, Ray Lamontagne
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    We wing everything. ...just random things we're petting the cat or getting a cup of coffee lol my 7 year old loves it too
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    I sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald, I Believe I Can Fly, and then I will hum any other song that I can think of.
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    Me and my LO get down to Hip hop and Disney which ever comes on first on Pandora :)
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