October 2015 Moms

What do you do...?

...during your LO witching hour. Every evening ...like clockwork..715 she loses her shit!!! Theres no consoling. No feeding, nothing calms her. She screams for 45 mins straight no break.
And it doesnt help that that is usually the exact time were trying to eat dinner. So DH gets to eat half his meal hot, then he relieves me and i can eat half of my meal warm. And we both lose our appetites.
What do you do when your LO loses their crap? And how long is their witching hour?

Re: What do you do...?

  • My little guy's lasts from 6pm-midnight on most nights. We sit on a large exercise ball and bounce him. It's the only thing that calms him. I hope this ends soon...it's exhausting!!!
  • White noise and a tight swaddle
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  • The only thing that calms my LO is eating, or a bath or I shower with her, instantly calms her down. The shower has turned witching hours from 5-8, to about an hour each day. Then she sleeps, wakes up at about 930-10 to eat then sleeps until 4 or 5.
  • I guess i should consider myself lucky that its only an hour max. Just absolutely nothing calms her until shes good and ready. I have tried everything!!! We by no means let her "cry it out" we rock her and bounce her and attempt a bottle or bath. Everything, it just seems she needs scream at that particular time. And it literally ends just as quick as it began.
    I can not wait for this phase to be over.
  • Our little one liked to bounce walk around the house in the dark while listening to Elizabeth Mitchell sing You Are My Sunshine. After about an hour I could sit down in the glider.
  • I second the shower. She loves the shower. I've also found that if I sit down in the back of the shower with her and freed her, I can get her to calm down. I think the noise and the warmth help her. A tight swaddle also works well with her. Or kind of loud music, especially if I sing along with it to her (though that works better earlier in the day).
  • The bottle is the only thing that calms my little one. I usually try all the other things he likes like a swaddle, swing, bouncing. If none of it works I just give him a bottle.
  • He loves the tub so I usual let him go tire out in the tub with calming burts bees lotion after! Then we glide and he breast feeds till he gets booby drunk after that he's pretty easy to put down. (This entire week we've co-slept though, I went back to work and miss him too much)
  • Bath is our go to. I also just walk around and do whatever I need to do around the house while holding her. (Loading dishwasher, singing/dancing with DD1, cleaning up, etc.) The movement and noises distract her. Have you tried to the vacuum? I turn our vacuum on when LO has completely lost it, purple in the face and can't bring herself back down. Like chick, bring it down a notch.
  • Im going to have to use the carrier i think. Then at least I can get stuff done while she scteams!
  • Developmentally, the witching hour is a good thing! Even baby animals go through something similar!

    There was no consoling my LO when she went through that phase. I would change, feed, swaddle, rock, use white noise, etc. and nothing worked so I would lay her in the bassinet and have a small glass of wine outside on the porch because it just has to run its course. Five minutes later she would be exhausted from exercising those lungs and just picking her up would help her settle down and she'd fall right asleep.
  • Tonight's was rough...baby wearing helped. He finally passed out so I put him in PnP. When he woke up he was calm
  • I usually swaddle and rock her. My husband tends to let her scream until she falls asleep but I can't do that. Sometimes it's gas or she just wants attention. She likes being in the same room with us.
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  • Glass of wine @ameares721 !!! Genius!! We thought we got out of it last night she took a little nap around 7 o'clock but then her witching hour seem to just transfer to 9 o'clock. I will be starting the glass of wine routine
  • Our LO cries every night and honestly, we let her cry. I don't feel bad because I don't feel like I'm neglecting her. I go through the motions of everything...new diaper, rocking, white noise, burping, bottle, paci, etc and of course every night none of it works or she refuses because there's nothing wrong. At that point I don't feel bad laying her down and walking away to do something because there's nothing I can do for her. She literally could not care less, she's just pissed off to be pissed off. Obviously I come back in 5-10 minutes to try something again, but I see nothing wrong with taking a mental break, finally eating/drinking or getting something around the house accomplished.
  • Glass of wine always helps calms the nerves and makes momma happy :)
    And Christmas cookies to go with it lol
  • Hey I posed awhile back, but will keep doing so.

    Join me and 75 other moms on our own FB group of October 2015 moms. Its somewhat easier to keep track of. We still always as questions, give feed back, ask for advice and give it. The group has been open for awhile and there has been NO DRAMA which has been fantastic!! Shre your stories, ask questions and let us see pics of those cute babies! Hope to see you soon!



  • If it's the same time every night, I would starting to calm down her surroundings around 6:30. Turn the lights down low, put on some white noise. A lot of time the witching hour is due to overstimulating and can be avoided if you start to wind down prior to the "witching hour" time. Our LO used to be pretty fussy in the evening, but we started to put her down for a nap just prior to that time. Now she naps for 30-60 min instead of crying for 30-60 min.
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