...during your LO witching hour. Every evening ...like clockwork..715 she loses her shit!!! Theres no consoling. No feeding, nothing calms her. She screams for 45 mins straight no break.
And it doesnt help that that is usually the exact time were trying to eat dinner. So DH gets to eat half his meal hot, then he relieves me and i can eat half of my meal warm. And we both lose our appetites.
What do you do when your LO loses their crap? And how long is their witching hour?
Re: What do you do...?
I can not wait for this phase to be over.
There was no consoling my LO when she went through that phase. I would change, feed, swaddle, rock, use white noise, etc. and nothing worked so I would lay her in the bassinet and have a small glass of wine outside on the porch because it just has to run its course. Five minutes later she would be exhausted from exercising those lungs and just picking her up would help her settle down and she'd fall right asleep.
And Christmas cookies to go with it lol
Hey I posed awhile back, but will keep doing so.
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