2nd Trimester

Hernia on left side of BB

I went to my doctor yesterday about pain on the left side of my belly button. I am 26 weeks. It turns out it is a small hernia. Has anyone else ever experienced one of these? My first question was if it can harm my baby, and he told me no. But, has anyone else ever had the pain from a hernia? Just when you stand up you feel it being pulled by pressure, or even turning the wrong way. It will just randomly hurt! Has anyone had this before?

Re: Hernia on left side of BB

  • I had an umbilical hernia as a teenager. They are very painful. Plus side is fixing it and recovery are fairly quick and easy. I am, however having issues with my scare tissue and muscles stretching and tearing again during this pregnancy (my second baby since the repair. My hernia tore my abdonimnal muscle down the center, I had it repaired with stitching and a mesh.) the hernia will not harm your baby and your pain will not cause pain to the baby. Talk to your doctor about correcting it after delivery. You don't want to leave it too long as it could cause complications and pains.
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