Trouble TTC

TTTC Checkin 12/21/2015

GoldenKeysGoldenKeys admin
edited December 2015 in Trouble TTC
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and happy holidays to everybody this week!  I will be lighting my Christmas candle on Thursday and my wish will be for everybody to have graduated from this board by this time next year!

Congratulations to any BFP's this week and hugs to anybody who needs one.

Welcome to newbie @SummerBrooke13, and  congratulations @BrightenMySky for your BFP!!!

How is everybody doing?


stac12679: dx: Bilateral tubal blockage  treatment: mini IVF
tripplek1988: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid
KidShrink: dx:Immature follies, thin lining   treatment: Femara/Ovidrel/Prometrieum
krbjoy: dx: unexplained, low AMH, fibroids  treatment:Lupron, Follistim, Menopur + trigger
AdorkablePixie: dx: Hpyothalmic amenorrhea   treatment: Menopur, Ovidrel, IUI
kistra: dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid, Ovidrel, IUI
mylienc: dx:low follicle count  treatment: Clomid + Novarel
CopperLane:  dx: PCOS  treatment: natural BFP before taking Clomid
Alyeena dx: PCOS + MFI  treatment: modified IVF + ISCI
AL_TwinCities: dx: Unknown  treatment: continued temping
riveridgional: dx: Unexplained, hypothyroidism, suspected ovulatory dysfunction  treatment: injectibles
Aera11: dx:mild PCOS treatment: Clomid
BrightenMySky dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid+IUI


@kristylang ; dx:Low counts/quality  treatment: Clomid+IUI
@starlitfae dx:Unexplained, thyroid  treatment: Synthroid, femara, trigger+IUI
@mandasand: dx: low AMH  treatment:IVF
@jnissa: dx: DOR   treatment: IVF
@J_k4ever05 ;  dx: PCOS + MFI (morph)   treatment: benched/getting healthy
@BlissfulWifey: dx: Anovulatory: Progesterone + trigger
@SandyBrook: dx: irregular bleeding  treatment: testing phase
@AndieB83: dx:unexplained  treatment: Clomid/IUI
@Cupcakegal930: dx: MFI: count and motility  treatment: IVF+ISCI
@graphicgranite: dx: Possible PCOS treatment: Clomid + testing
@eekers: Unexplained treatment:Femara, Ovidrel, Prometrium
@amazeballz: DX: pcos treatment: TBD
@mmkipper: dx: MFI/motility treatment: Clomid + IUI
@ACleanLife24: dx: PCOS, MCTD and IBS:  treatment: testing phase
@Mando15: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@Inge Molon: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole + Ovidrel
@AshleySchulte87: dx: PCOS, Premature ovarian failure   treatment:Clomid
@clt2pwm11: dx:anovulatory PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@linne23 dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + trigger
@ceclarlinetlo: DX: septate uterus and PCOS   Treatment: hysteroscopic resection; low carb diet, exercise, myo inositol
@babyexpress: dx: unexplained  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@GoatSnakeMouse: dx: MFI  treatment:waiting for RE
@Osteoblastic: dx:Irregular cycles, unofficial pCOS  treatment: Getting healthy
@smfeuro:  dx: Unexplained and RPL  treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel
@Drove2u: dx:unexplained  treatment: IUI
@LauraNick2010: dx:unexplained  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@yellingbanana: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, metformin, trigger, TI
@twomommiestobe:  dx: annovulatory/pcos and DW-endometriosis treatment: reciprocal IVF
@turtle148: dx: LPD  treatment: Clomid + progesterone
@kaitlink33: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, dexamethasone, and injectable meds+ provera
@Whiggrrl65: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole and Ovidrel + IUI
@gardeniagirlknits: dx: hypothyroidism & thyroid cancer  dx: synthroid, thyroidectomy
@roosh1982: dx: Unexplained infertility  treatment: Femara, estrace + trigger
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR treatment: IUI
@jclaire2: dx: Unexplained Infertility & hypothyroid  treatment:  Letrozole, trigger shot, IUI and progesterone
@tiffany929: dx: Endo treatment: Lupron injects
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI
@mackenzie07: dx: Endo + PCOS  treatment: Provera, metformin, possible IVF
@lily55d:  dx: Endo + PCOS treatment: metformin, Femara and progesterone.
@calfherder: dx: MFI treatment: IUI then IVF
@Tawnie2929: dx: testing
@lablover78: dx: unexplained/irregular cycles/PCOS  treatment: acupuncture & herbs
@erica0901: dx: Unexplained  treatment:Letrozole, Ovidrel, IUI and progesterone suppositories.
@agriffin92013: dx: Unexplained treatment: IUI+femara
@JamieL31210: dx: unexplained treatment: clomid
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: IUI, then IVF if no luck
@vssbrm: dx: Minor Vercosis, morphology, high prolactin  treatment: Clomid + IUI + ovidrel + prolactin meds
@Praying4ayear dx: unknown  treatment: OPKs and temping
@mackenzie07 dx: PCOS and Endo  treatment: Clomid
@TryingforaTRbaby dx: Hughes Syndrome, immature eggs  dx: Clomid + novarel
@LauraNick2010 dx: not tested treatment: Clomid
@benten24 dx: irregular cycles, not tested yet
@ahende04 dx: anovulatory, treatment: in testing
@emgem819 dx: PCOS, treatment: provera, femara + Bravelle
@amyac15 dx: Increased prolactin, treatment: Parlodel
@wifeinraleigh28 dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid (DH) + TI
@WA85: dx: Endo + Fibroids  treatment: Clomid
@MrsB627: dx PCOS+kidney disease treatment: Clomid
@Plainjanie: dx: in testing
@katehutsen: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid, IUI with DS
@Soon2bemissG: dx: PCOS  treatment: Metformin + provera
@taragust dx: MFI  treatment: IUI
@iloverocksalot dx: high FSH, MFI  treatment: DHEA+ Clomid+IUI
@severmilli12 dx: in testing phase
@ErinJoshua2011 dx: anovulation/amenorrhea treatment: clomid + prometrium
@nberth dx: PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@kerismatic dx: PCOS treatment:  Metformin
@Curry78 dx: PCOs w/anovulation  treatment:  Letrozole, Dexamethasone, Menopur, and Ovidrel
@Linsay ; dx: Unexplained treatment: clomid
@MrsAlyssaT dx: One tubal blockage, low motility and Graves disease (hyperthyroidism)  treatment: thyroid medication, IF testing
@vnegron87: dx PCOS  treatment: Clomid, trigger, donor sperm
@MorganL925: dx  possible MFI treatment: Clomid for DH, + IF testing
@xtceyzz: dx: LPD  treatment: Clomid
@MrsB627: dx: PCOS + Kidney Disease treatment: Clomid (going into testing)
@kwetsell dx: anovulation, very low progesterone, endometriosis and adenomyosis  treatment: Clomid
@SummerBrooke13 dx: testing for congenital adrenal hyperplasia  treatment: metformin


To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2.  What is your diagnosis?

3.  What is your current treatment plan?

Question of the Week:  What are your plans for the year end holidays?

Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

Re: TTTC Checkin 12/21/2015

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    Morning ladies! I'm 5 days post op. Recovery hasn't been bad at all- no real pain to speak of - though the Estrogen pills are making me cry a lot lol. They told me after surgery that they actually didn't have to cut very much before they got to good vascularized tissue - so I was a little disappointed to hear that. I knew going in that I was in a grey zone in terms of whether or not the septum was causing my trouble but I was really hoping that was the answer. But there was no way to know for sure without cutting through it. i guess the bright side is that healing shouldn't take too long so I should be able to get of the bench early in the new year!

    QOTW: We are spending Christmas Day with DH family and on the 27th we will see mine.
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

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    I am in TWW at 4dpo today (finally learned to read my chart) the clomid seemed to work with o on cd 18 so I am feeling relieved but not optimistic it happened this month because I was sick with strep and only BD 2 days before o.

    We host parties for the holidays for our family so the next two weeks will hopefully go quickly!
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    Good morning everyone!  DH has been on clomid for 4 days now and (knock on wood) he is feeling really good.  I hope it continues!  The urologist has cut his dosage of androgel in half and he is only taking it every other day now just so that his testosterone level doesn't plummet while the clomid starts to take effect.  The urologist is hopeful that getting DH off androgel will resolve our MFI issue, since often times men become sterile on androgel.  I'm VERY hopeful that this will help, but also trying to not get my hopes up!!

    I'm CD14 right now and taking OPKs (still have yet to see a positive this month... last night and this morning I saw a very faint second line and I'm hoping it will darken soon).  I plan to start temping next month for more accuracy there.  We're BD'ing EOD right now, hoping it's my fertile window, and also hoping that the clomid is working, though I know it is still early.  DH gets his next SA on 1/28 to see if there's any improvement, but we were warned it could take up to 6 months.

    @ceclarlinetlo - I'm glad your recovery has been smooth!  I hope you have success (meaning a BFP) now in 2016!

    QOTW: We are Jewish but still love to celebrate Christmas (even though we don't celebrate the reason for the season...)  We are going to a close friend's Christmas Eve dinner party and then seeing a movie with some other friends on Christmas Day (movie has yet to be decided).  On NYE DH and I have plans to see Star Wars again (it was AWESOME), and then I don't know what!  I'm hoping we make it to midnight this year (last year we didn't... we're morning people)!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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    I go in tomorrow morning for my follicle check and trigger shot. I responded well to the 50mg of Clomid last time so we stuck with that again. Debating on whether or not to do an IUI. Hubby thinks we need to just stick with TI but he's not the one paying the bill every office visit lol

    We spend Christmas with my family. DH's family doesn't really celebrate (weird, I know).

    @ceclarlinetlo Hoping you have a quick and painless recovery!

    @wifeinraleigh28 FX that the meds work and he has a great follow up next month!
    Me: 31  DH: 32  Dx: Unexplained
    TTC #1 off and on since 2010
    11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN
    5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $
    1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN
    3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
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    Good Morning Everybody!

    We are preparing for DH's first appointment with the urologist tomorrow afternoon. I'm both excited and nervous for that. I worry that there is nothing they can do to improve count and morphology. Other than that we are trying our hardest to relax over the next month or so and not do a whole lot of thinking about TTC. I put my natural path appointments on hold and we are going to just concentrate on enjoying the season!

    QOTF: My MIL is coming for dinner on Christmas Eve and will sleep over as she heads to my BIL's place Christmas morning to watch his Children open gifts. Christmas day is my FIL's 60th birthday so we are doing a bday party that day for him. And boxing day we are heading to the Dominican with my fam jam!! My dad is sick so my parents are taking all of us on a vacation to spend some time together. I am excited to just get away and enjoy each others company!

    Me: 30 DH: 33

    Married: February 15, 2013

    TCC: October 2013

    MFI- low count/morphology

    May / June 2016- Monitored cycle and TI- BFN

    June / July 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #1- BFN

    August 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #2-

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    Nothing new to report here, just waiting as usual. TWW started yesterday and if no bfp then I start tx with the RE in January. 

    QOTW: DH plays at our church's Christmas Eve Service then afterwards we are coming home, lighting a fire in the fireplace and baking Christmas cookies while watching Christmas movies :)  On Christmas morning we are going to celebrate with my family and on Christmas evening my IL's are coming over and I am cooking them a big dinner and doing Christmas with them. 
    Me: 31 | H: 32
    Married September 2014
    TTC #1 December 2014
    RE appt 12/2015
    CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility
    February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6
    BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16
    It's a girl!
    Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S
    TFAS March 2018
    RE consultation 8/2/18
    Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19
    It's a girl!
    Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
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    Had my third iui/fourth medicated cycle this morning. DH had over 200 million sperm and 90% motility. He always has these numbers though and I have no issues either and we STILL can't get pregnant. Sigh. So in the TWW now. Beta on Jan 4th but will be testing days before. It lessens the blow for me a lot.

    QOTW: spending Christmas with my family in jersey, going to mountain house for a few days with DH and then Connecticut for New Years to a friends house. I know it's ok to drink during TWW and I have been but this time I'm going to try real hard not to. Lol and it is hard during Christmas and New Years. After New Years we are going to Seattle and will see a bunch of friends. If it's a bfn I will be partying it up there since I think we will have to take January off then since I won't be able to get in for my baseline appt while in Seattle.
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    Not too much new with me. I had my 3rd IUI last Friday. So today is 3 DPO and I started endometrin today. I hope this TWW goes by quickly. My beta is New Years Day! GL and FX to everyone!

    QOTW: I'm Jewish so we celebrate Christmas by going out to a movie and eating chinese food :) Since my beta is New Years Day DH and I are staying home and having a low key NYE. 
    Me 32 DH 34
    Married 9/2012 

    TTC #2 starting 9/2019
    BFP 7/13/2020!
    Due 3/18/2021

    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
    IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs
    Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016  Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
    Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016

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    So we had our visit with the RE today, and we since DH's counts have been too low for IUI to be effective we are being referred for IVF!  (@GoldenKeys can you update my treatment stuff on the list?)  I am so excited.  DH is doing bloodwork tomorrow, and I am doing bloodwork and testing next cycle.  So now we get to figure out how to finance it and everything, but it finally feels like we are getting something done!

    QotW - my sister is getting into town in a few hours, so we get to spend the holidays together (@wifeinraleigh28 we are Jewish also, but we always did Christmas...  my mom grew up feeling left out, and she didn't want us to feel that way)

    TTC since 2011

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    turtle148turtle148 member
    edited December 2015
    I'm just sitting around waiting to ovulate. I really wish they would let me use a trigger shot this cycle. Heck I really wish I could get anything else ahead of next year since I've met my deductible and it's fixing to reset. Not much else going on here.

    @BrightenMySky Congrats!

    Qotw: We are actually having Christmas tomorrow. Dh goes back to work on Thursday for the next five nights so we decided earlier was better. I would never be able to cook Christmas dinner between when he wakes up and leaves for work. News years I will also be alone because dh is working that night as well.

    @Plainjanie My mom's birthday is on Christmas day.
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    @Plainjanie - Good luck at the urologist tomorrow!  I understand how difficult MFI can be.  It seems like they've got all the treatments worked out pretty good to help women with fertility and when it comes to the men it can seem so hopeless.  There are treatments though, and if there are some that are right for your husband, the urologist will know what to do.  I kind of feel like we wasted a bit of time working with the RE and doing a medicated IUI last cycle.  I didn't really understand until after the fact that because of low sperm count we had less than a 10% chance of it being successful.  So now we're just planning to work with the urologist for awhile and see if we can be successful doing other things.  Keep us posted on how your appointment goes!

    @Drove2u - Those are fantastic numbers!!  That gives you the best chances of success of anyone, so hopefully this will be it for you.  Keeping my fingers crossed!  I truly believe that decreasing stress as much as possible can help with conception so I hope for a very stress-free 2ww for you!

    @erica0901 - Good luck with your 2ww!!  We will probably have Chinese food on Christmas too.  One of our local Chinese restaurants actually donates a bunch of money every Christmas to our local JCC as a thank you for giving them so much business on Christmas :smiley: 

    @starlitfae - Congrats on moving forward with IVF!  It really does give you your best chances when you're struggling with sperm issues so I hope that this new plan will give you your little miracle(s).  I personally know 3 couples who had success this way, and all of them have perfectly healthy twins! :)
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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    jbal918jbal918 member
    edited December 2015
    Hi ladies! Currently in my TWW at 9DPO. Had an appt with my gyno before I see the RE next Monday and he took a blood pregnancy test yet again. I feel out this month even though we BD'd every other day before and three days after and every other day again for a few days. Not really sure what to do anymore but I'm glad I put my foot down with my gyno about an RE referral. I've been getting kidney pain and I'm paying its not from the Clomid so I've been drinking tons of water. Going to call my kidney dr at the RE appt depending on his recommendation because with my kidney disease, I get pain all the time anyways but this seems more than normal.

    *Update - BFN but onwards we go to keep trying!

    Hope everyone has a great holiday and new year! Here's to all of us getting BFP's in 2016!!

    *Edited for update
    DS born 2016
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    Had follicle scan and trigger shot on the 14th.  I will test on Dec 30th.

    Stepdaughter will be with us Chrismas eve/Christmas morning this year so we will open gifts first thing.  Then going to spend the rest of the weekend relaxing.
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    @Goldenkeys That is a perfect Christmas candle wish!

    Good luck to everyone in their TWW.

    We're just waiting. I plan on watching movies and eating lasagna for Christmas.
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
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    DH and I have unexplained fertility.....we have been ttc for about 1 1/2 years....plan is letrozole with ovidrel trigger and IUI

    Celebrating Christmas with family.....Hosting NYC house party with friends and their kiddos!
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    Morning, ladies!

    Sending well wishes to everyone. Holidays can be tough. I'm starting in a new department at my company in the new year, leaving my team of 3+ years. I think coming in to a sweet card signed by my boss and coworkers plus other stuff is making me a little blue this morning. It doesn't help that it's going to be 80 degrees here today and tomorrow so it totally doesn't feel like Christmas. 

    @Plainjanie let us know how the appointment goes. We're dealing with MFI and unfortunately, after Clomid, DH's numbers dropped below 5mil. and the stupid clinic that did the testing doesn't so any further counts if the total is below 5mil. We don't even know the actual count. So his urologist stopped the Clomid since it's not working for the purpose he intended (it did help his T level a lot) and he's going to retest at another clinic next month.

    @wifeinraleigh28 I didn't know your DH was on androgel. I bet you guys are successful once he gets it totally out of his system. I think I've read it can take up to a year but most everyone reverts to normal fertility numbers afterward. I think it's great that he's feeling good on the Clomid. Although it hugely increased DH's T count (it went from mid 250s to around 1,100) he never really felt any different. Which was a bummer.

    I had bloodwork last week...which reminds me I need to call my Dr to make sure they sent the results. And I had my HSG yesterday. As suspected, they saw nothing unusual, my uterus and everything else looks exactly as it should. I have to admit it was pretty painful for the 30 seconds the dye was administered but luckily I had no cramping afterward. I have the follow up with our RE next week on the 30th, which is nice because DH is actually off work next week and can attend the appointment with me. We did get a new puppy over the weekend, so that's been a great distraction.

    I haven't done any medicated cycles, nor done much research on medications. I know the RE said she'd want to do medicated just to increase chances when doing IUI. Does any one have any advice on questions I should ask or things I should research? I really trust the RE and our center is famous for the first US IVF baby, so it's a good center, I just want to know as much as possible. I know that Clomid has a max amount for women? Like 6 doses or something? 
    Me: 31
    DH: 32

    Married: Sep 2012
    TTC #1: Jan 2015
    Baby A (via IUI due to MFI): Sep 2016 born at 35+6

    Surprise but very welcome + on 5/16/2019, EDD 1/25/2020
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    @turtle148 Does your mom enjoy sharing Christmas day with her birthday? My FIL hates it. So this year, because it's a big one, we are just doing a birthday party. No Christmas involved.

    @wifeinraleigh28 @morganL925 The appointment went well I think. The doctor was very friendly. A really loud talker though. I'm sure I jumped every time he started a new sentence! lol. But he asked me to step out of the room and felt DH up a bit. DH said he 'squeezed his tubes'. He wrote a requisition for blood work to check his hormone levels and also a requisition for another SA in February. He did say that his count is not horribly low and he has seen a lot of couples get pregnant with those numbers. So that did  make me feel a little better (whether he was just being nice or not.)

    He did write a script for Clomid but was very up in the air about it. Said it doesn't really work, no one really knows. He also didn't know a whole lot of info about  the actual medication. The doctor said any side effect you got, no matter the size, just stop. Clomid essentially so ineffective for men that it wouldn't be worth continuing to take it.  But I connected with my Pharmacy friend this morning and after talking to DH we decided to hold off until at least the new year. It costs an arm and a leg for 1 months supply. My pharmacy friend is going to do some research for us and we will revisit come January.

    Still up in the air...but I feel like we are moving forward.

    Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Years. And I hope those who don't celebrate Christmas have a wonderful season full of family love and friends!

    Me: 30 DH: 33

    Married: February 15, 2013

    TCC: October 2013

    MFI- low count/morphology

    May / June 2016- Monitored cycle and TI- BFN

    June / July 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #1- BFN

    August 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #2-

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    @Plainjanie I think that's a good plan to wait and see on the Clomid. What was your DH's count from his first SA?I'm sure the doctor was being honest, not just nice :). Has your DH had his T-levels tested before? DH's was so low and that's why it was prescribed to him. And it worked for his T-level, but his counts went down, although the doctor doesn't think it was the Clomid, but like yours, said to just stop because it wasn't worth it. The only risk our urologist was aware of, and seen one time in 12 years, was DVT. He's seen one other patient with lowered counts and can't tell yet if DH will be his second. Our pharmacy called when the Rx was called in to see if we wanted to fill it "because it's a very expensive medication" and I asked how much and he hadn't run it yet...after he ran it, it ended up being like $12 for a three month supply. So make sure your friend actually runs it with your insurance to see the cost. I expect it will be a lot more on my insurance if it's prescribed for me.
    Me: 31
    DH: 32

    Married: Sep 2012
    TTC #1: Jan 2015
    Baby A (via IUI due to MFI): Sep 2016 born at 35+6

    Surprise but very welcome + on 5/16/2019, EDD 1/25/2020
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    @MorganL925 - Yeah, I'm hoping getting DH off the androgel will do the trick.  Our urologist said that's the reason he's prescribing clomid... not to increase sperm count but as an alternative medication for increasing T so that we don't get infertility side effects from androgel.  He said that there's a 95% chance of clomid increasing T, but as far as increasing sperm count it only sometimes works for that.  I really hope it's just the androgel that's making it low!  If this works we will try to conceive naturally for awhile.  Otherwise we'll go back and do another 2 IUIs (our insurance covers 3) and then if those don't work, we will do IVF.  Right now I'm trying to decide how long I want to try naturally for before going back to the RE... I know it can take up to a year like any normal, healthy couple, but the thought of waiting another year makes me want to scream!

    As far as doing medicated cycles, it is definitely recommended when you're dealing with MFI of any kind.  My RE put me right on injectables (follistim) for our IUI cycle because he said they are twice as effective as the orals, and don't have the negative side effects that clomid does (thinned uterine lining).  I would just make sure you ask your RE what he/she is recommending as far as medications and their reasoning behind it.  I found myself very confused for awhile because I didn't ask those questions, but it made perfect sense once my RE explained why.  Unfortunately we weren't successful with our IUI even with 4+ mature follicles.  But I'm guessing our chances were much higher than they would have been otherwise with only 7 million motile sperm (post wash).

    @Plainjanie - I hope you are able to get pregnant with your numbers!  Our urologist had me leave the room so he could feel up my DH too!  I guess he was doing a testicle check.  Then he had DH do blood work.  And yeah, clomid really hasn't been researched much for its effects on men, and it only seems to increase sperm count in a select few.  I think it's only real benefit they know of currently is increasing T levels, but if that's not the issue you're dealing with I can certainly understand why the urologist doesn't want to prescribe it.  Right now we're pretty happy with the recommendation for clomid because it's completely free for us through our insurance.  I wonder if it will be different if your friend checks what your insurance covers?  It sounds like you might not need anything though, which is awesome!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Options
    @MorganL925 I think you'll find that REs have different philosophies about what drugs to use.  Mine seems to be a fan of Clomid as long as I was a good responder (we have MFI--morphology issue).  I did not ask that many questions at the beginning, and then I did a follow up consult in the TWW after IUI #3 to ask about the game plan: how many cycles of Clomid could I do (and why/what was the risk)?  I had heard that Clomid could thin lining, if I hadn't experienced that to date, was I likely to over time?  Why not other stim drugs, like injectables?  Other things to ask at the beginning: how will we know if I respond well to whatever meds I am taking?  How much monitoring will you do, and what will you be looking for?  How many cycles of IUI do you recommend before moving to IVF (and it might be worth checking any insurance coverage on this one as well)?  
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • Options
    Good morning all!

    I'm new to this thread but wanted to share my story as well. DH and I have been trying to conceive for almost 1.5 years now. I have PCOS since I was young and have been on BC until about 2 years ago. I've been on clomid for about 7 months with no results and recently moved on to IUIs. I've been taking bravelle and most recently switched to gonal + metformin. Going in for my third IUI today so FX! It's been very stressful emotionally and I'm trying to relax because I know stress can affect me as well.

    QOTW - were Jewish so our Christmas Eve was an outing to the movies. Last night on Christmas we ordered Chinese food and watched home alone movies :)

    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • Options
    GL @Tulips29!  FX :smile: We're Jewish too and went out for Chinese and to the movies yesterday.  It seemed like most of Raleigh was doing that too though so I guess it's no longer just a Jewish tradition!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Options

       Morning ladies,

    I'm a little late on this post, busy week!

    It is now cycle day 50, last 2 periods in Oct. & Nov. were provera induced with no ovulations.

    The 16th I had my first RE appointment. I am very happy with him. He determined I in fact do NOT ovulate on my own, even when a period is forced with medication like provera. We had an hour long consult and he had labs drawn in the office. I am still waiting on my AMH result to come back, very nervous about that. Did get my 17-Hydroxy Progesterone result, it is still over 450. (Normal is less than 70, so, that's just great). He has decided he does not want to treat me alone, and has referred me to a Medical Endocrinologist as well as a Genetic Counselor to determine treatment and severity. He also says he does not want to prescribe me Clomid without approval from the M.E. Basically, I will need to take steroid shots before and during the use of clomid if I want to get pregnant. If I don't use the steroids I can pass these issues on to my child if she is a girl, or a boy would simply be a carrier. However, if my husband is a carrier and we were to have a girl without using steroids to keep my levels in check, then she could basically come out with ambiguous genitalia. That's a very severe and rare possibility, but not one I am willing to chance, obviously.     Still on Metformin, and now on Provera to get used to having periods and prevent build up in my uterus.

    SO, now we wait on future appointments with an M.E. and a G.C.  Feeling like all we are doing is waiting...

    FX for better news in 2016 for everyone!!

    QOTW: We had 6 Christmas parties, not including work ones! Other than Christmas, I surprised my mom by getting tickets to go see Wicked on New Years Eve! Looking forward to that!


    Me: 23   DH: 30

    TTC since May 2015

    DX: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia causing


    BFP on 9/8/16 after cycle #9 of 16 months TTC!! 1st US 10/3

    .Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker 
    Currently: Very anxious!!
  • Options
    GoldenKeysGoldenKeys admin
    edited December 2015
    @SummerBrooke13   I am so glad that you're happy with your new RE.  That is really important in my opinion, and it sounds like you are in great hands.  My fingers are crossed that you will have an excellent AMH, and good luck on your new treatment plan!

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

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