
Getting through the holidays...

Is any one else really fearful of family gatherings this year? I have been having a lot of anxiety regarding them. We go to my husbands family this year and though a few people on that side know of our struggles, I do not think most do - they are a very private family when it comes to things like this, which is the complete opposite of my side - everyone knows what is going on. Yesterday all I could think about is how I would react when some one inevitably asks when we are going to have kids or when someone announces they are having another one. I am trying to have a script, but right now I can not think about it with out tearing up. Basically I am scared, and do not want to embarrass myself or anyone else. Any one else in this boat and/or have some advice? This is our 4th Christmas season while struggling with this infertility thing and it only seems to be getting harder.
Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
       Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
Trying to conceive since November 2012

Re: Getting through the holidays...

  • @vssbrm - I know how you feel. DHs family is super nosey and I've already got my answers ready for the inevitable "when are you two going to have kids" question. First plan is deflection, just totally change the subject and then if they don't get the hint I'll use the "when we figure out how to" line on them. (I got that from one of the articles on TB). I'm sorry that you two have been dealing with this for so long. I hope you're able to relax and enjoy the holidays!

  • oxinfreeoxinfree member
    edited December 2015
    @vssbrm - I'm so fearful I'm just avoiding entirely. My sister in law is due Dec 26... I'm supposed to go out in Jan to visit but I just don't think I can. I want to keep my focus on our own cycle. Then of course theres the dreaded facebook with all the new families beginning holiday traditions... seems like an influx of happiness that I can't relate to this time of year. Big hugs to you. I know how it is! xx

    @vssbrm - "not for lack of trying" or "when we should be so blessed" are two other 'subtle' ways to respond... or not so subtle depending how they're said ;)

    I'm very open and all our extended family knows our situation which for me, with coming up 5 years in march, was necessary. Hard at first, and required a lot of vulnerability and open honesty... but therapeutic. Not for everyone, but I know I'm in all my family and friends' thoughts and prayers this holiday for that reason. 

    May 2016 bring all our wishes to fruition!!!
    Started TTC April 2011
    Me: 32, DH: 32
    Diagnosis: Endometriosis

    • 2012 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    • 2013 - 1 Fresh IVF with 2 day 3 embryos - BFN
    • 2014 - 1 Frozen IVF with 2 day 5 embryos - BFN
    • Took a long break, continuing trying naturally
    • Feb 2016 - Biopsy = Endo, DH sperm improved from 1% to 6% morphology
    • March 2016 - Fresh IVF cycle with acupuncture & intralipids: 20 eggs retrieved (17 mature), 7 ICSI'd fertilized, 9 naturally fertilized. 16 total embryos!
    • April 8th - 2 embryos (1ICSI and 1 Natural) transferred. (7 blastocysts frozen), April 18th - Beta = BFN
    • Sept 23rd - Lupron Depot Injection for Endo control
    • Nov 15th 2016 - Started daily Lupron Injections for upcoming FET
    • Nov 22 - Baseline US/BW - Intralipid Infusion - Start Meds for FET with immune protocol
    • Dec 16th FET transfer of 3 embryos (1 - AA, 2 - BB)
    • TW below
    • Dec 22nd - first ever bfp (very faint lines FRER & cheapie)
    • Dec 27th Beta = 192, Dec 29th Beta = 379
    • EDD - Sept 5th 2017

    - - -
    I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
    Follow along at
    Instagram @liv4todayvlog 

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  • I'm nervous about it, too. Neither my nor DH's family knows we are struggling to conceive, and neither family is especially nosy, but I'm just worried about how I'm going to react. We have 3 babies less than a year old in the family, and of course I love them very much and I'm excited to see them on their first Christmas. But since we're fresh off an unsuccessful cycle (AF starting any time now), I think I'm probably going to feel pretty melancholy. Basically I don't want to break down in tears at a family event and like you said @vssbrm embarrass myself or other people!
    Me: 33, PCOS with anovulation
    DH: 36, No known issues
    TTC since 11/2014
    1000mg Metformin daily

    Oct-Dec 2015: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI = BFN x 2
    Feb-May 2016: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN x 3
    August 2016: Clomid 100mg no response, Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN

  • AlyeenaAlyeena member
    edited December 2015
    I am so sorry about your unsuccessful cycle! I know exactly how you feel, all my close family knows about our struggles, that we have been trying for four years and we did IVF and had a miscarriage, we just had an frozen embryo transfer and the only person I told was my brother.

    My brother who just had told me his wife is pregnant with their second child, it hurts because they started trying for the first one after we did... it took three months the first time and only one this time. I am really dreading the big family dinner with our uncles and everything on the 26th, because that is the day I will test, and when they announce it to the rest of the family, after the congrats and all everyone will ask "What about you two, when are you having kids?"

    So I am just going to pretend to be sick and go upstairs, I can;t really not go because it is at my mother's house, and we are staying there for a few days. But really, if I could, I would just stay home. But I do want to see my family. But at least I won't have to answer the questions, and I told my brother to not tell anyone, and that I would only say anything if it is good news, after we hear a heartbeat.

    So I am sorry that the only thing I can suggest is to hide or not go. Other than that all I can think of is making a big announcement about our infertility to everyone and telling them to stop asking, but I don't want to ruin the mood and seem envious and petty (even tho I am). I used to say things along the lines of "We are working on it" but it has been years now, you think people would get the hint...
    35 years old, TTC #1 Dec 28, 2011
    PCOS, Hypothyroidism.
    First IVF cycle June 5th 2015 --- BFP
    Miscarriage at 8 weeks
    FET December 15th 2015--- BFP!
    First saw  at 6w4d
    It's a boy!

    Luciano Alessandro Maximiliano was born on September 3rd 2016


  • I am really struggling with the holidays this year too. I seem to be bombarded with announcements and babies. My whole family knows about what my husband and I are going through, and take care not to ask unless I bring it up, but I still dread having to watch everyone fawn over the babies in the family while I feel broken and barren. The best piece of advice I have is to have a place to escape to if you feel overwhelmed. I hope everyone gets through the holidays without too many tears! <3
    Me: 29 DH: 28
    Together since 2008, married Sept 2013
    ttc #1 since July 2014
    DX: unexplained infertility
    Sept, Oct, Nov Clomid 50 mg: BFN
    Feb 2016 IUI w/ 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel, Prometrium: BFN
    March 2016 IUI w/ 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel, Prometrium: BFN
    June 2016 IVF: BFP 6/28!!! beta #1: 358, beta #2: 1428, beta #3: 3742

    Pregnancy Ticker
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