July 2016 Moms

Anxiety and the dreaded dentist

So I'm 11w5d. I cracked a tooth eating today.  Not sure on what or even how but anyways. I go to a sedation dentist . Usually take my anxiety meds prior then get laughing gas. Now that I'm pregnant I know I can't use either not have I. So my question is if anyone has any ideas on what I could do to help relieve my stress and anxiety at the dentist before/after so myself and baby are both safe and somewhat stress free. 
Thanks !
First Pregnancy
BabyFetus Ticker
Me: 27
Fiance: 29 
Step kids: 9&7

Re: Anxiety and the dreaded dentist

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    Oh i feel your pain!! I HATE the dentist!! They have to stick a needle in my arm just to clean my teeth. I'd call your dentist and explain the situation and see what his recommendations are and then call your OB and clear that with him/her. Surely they've got something they can use that will be safe for you and baby and help you get through it!!!
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    I think that you should visualize a happy place where you feel extraordinarily relaxed. If that doesn't work, then you can call to see if there something that you can take… But work on the visualization for a while. Doesn't come easily, but it definitely does work.
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    I always find a focal point on the ceiling and focus on just breathing. I've had so many fillings that my anxiety at the dentist is not as bad as it used to be, simply because I've gotten used to it, but if I let myself think about all the fingers in my mouth and the potential hurty things, I do start to panic. So ceiling and breathing. And if I get bored, I try to decide what the dentist's facial expression is under his mask. 
    Married 6/1/13
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    Does your dentist have headphones you can listen to while they work on you? I know some of the sedation dentists near me do that and it can help to listen to calm music instead of hearing their tools.

    I know exactly how you feel - I'm due for a checkup and I'm terrified. I usually get the laughing gas because I can't handle anything without it, but obviously that's out. 
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    I need some dental work done and have high anxiety while there as well. I am 10 weeks. My OB approved me to use laughing gas during my procedure ( I have to get a crown :# ), as long as it was in my second trimester. So it might be worth asking about. Good luck! 
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    My sedation dentist has awesome reclining dental chairs that I think massage and there is a tv but you have to bring your own headphones. I'll have to make a call and see what they recommend. Thanks! Just thinking about the dentist and my nervousness goes through the roof
    First Pregnancy
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 27
    Fiance: 29 
    Step kids: 9&7
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    I was just in the dentist chair last week (after 3 years and one baby). They discussed the potential of me having to have a cavity filled, and it seemed in line with what @LDSJM123 said - they should be able to perform most procedures after the first trimester. Obviously, though, you'll want to consult both your dentist and your OB! Good luck!
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    So glad someone asked this. I am terrified of the dentist but need a cleaning and a cavity filled.... it's been a long time. :-/
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    Ask if you can pop a Benadryl beforehand (my go to trick for flying since i usually pop a Xanax)
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    Whelp... Found out because prior dentist who filled tooth (filling/tooth cracked) I now need a root canal. I'm so cranky and emotional since I got home bc I have to wait about 2.5 weeks to get my tooth fixed. On the positive my dentists office is amazing. I forgot the chairs are massage/heated and there are tvs with noise canceling headphones.

    @PinkLady2015 I can take Benadryl. It's on my list of meds I am allowed to take! I never thought of that !
    First Pregnancy
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 27
    Fiance: 29 
    Step kids: 9&7
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    Hugs from me. I was just at the dentist for a filing this morning and it was like they barely used novacaine, I felt a lot.
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    Well I have 3 days until I finally get my tooth fixed. Dreaded root canal! I've never had one and now I can't even use the laughing gas or anxiety meds :unamused: my dads going to be taking me since he finally retired and so I won't be there alone but still slightly nerve wracking.
    First Pregnancy
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 27
    Fiance: 29 
    Step kids: 9&7
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    I had a root canal over the summer and it really wasn't that bad. The worst was how long it took, everything else was pretty easy, IMO. Good luck!
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    I also hate the dentist and I was lucky enough to have a root canal at 37 weeks when I was pregnant with my daughter. My dentist was way more cautious than my OB on anesthesia which sucked because I wanted the gas. It does take a while I took sunglasses and headphones to get through it. I even went by myself which sucked but DH was saving his vacation for when baby was born. I actually has to go back after she was born to have the permanent crown put on. Honestly I don't think I'll have another one, even though it wasn't that bad. I'd rather they would have just pulled it.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Personally, I've had a root canal prior to being pregnant, and it wasn't bad at all. I think it was less "traumatizing" than some regular fillings I've had. My dentist did inform me when I was about 8 weeks that I had a tiny cavity that needed tending to, but said it wasn't detrimental and that I could wait until after I had the baby; which is what I'm doing. I like getting laughing gas... ;)
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    Well i lived through my root canal without any sedation just the normal Lidocaine. BUT it probably helped that the office is spa like (massage dental chair with heat, tv with noise canceling headphones :#

    First Pregnancy
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 27
    Fiance: 29 
    Step kids: 9&7
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    I work in a dental office as a dental assistant (nurse). Root canals are nothing. People tend to freak out because of the stigma behind them from years and years ago. The worse part is leaving them and not treating them! Glad it's over with @babycompton15
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