My marriage has been rocky since August but we have been trying to work it out. Today he told me he actually doesn't want to be married anymore but wants to be part of the baby's life. He wants to be single he said. I'm 38+1 right now so this baby is coming any time now. I have no idea how to go about being a single mom. I have somewhere to stay, but I'm thinking about not leaving yet until the baby is born since the place I would stay at is a 24 hour drive away. Does it get easier? He won't be there when the baby is born and now I don't have anyone I feel comfortable with to be there. So now I'm birthing alone. I have my midwife and doula but it's not what I imagine. I just feel like I'm going to throw up. He totally screwed us over and he gets what he wants while I have to learn to be a single mother. Does anyone have any advice?
Re: Need advice. About to be a single mom
I'm going to be a single mommy too, we should just move in together and raise our babies as BFFs!
You're so lucky to have midwife. You don't need him there at the birth. And I would stay where you are and just try to be calm and take care of yourself and baby.
My best advice for being a single parent is to just keep swimming. You will be all this child needs and more. Hopefully he can give you some financial support, and try to move to where you have emotional support. Hugs to you. It will be ok. It really will.
Best of luck mama. You will get through this.
You are not alone & ur child will make u stronger. Lots of hugs.
Do you live on or near a military base? You'll still have privileges and there will be someone you can talk to for advice and to find out what your legal rights are, and your child's regarding things like Tricare.
I don't have any advice myself other than to echo what PPs have said... take one day at a time. You can do this. Sending thoughts and hugs your way.
DD - January 2016
When it comes to figuring how how to be a single mother... One step at a time. Right now just focus on the birth & securing stable housung that isn't dependent on him. You can't trust him to have you or the babys best interest at heart. His actions shown that he's only looking out for himself so you have to look out for you and the baby. I forget whats the name of the organization through the base that assists with domestic issues but you need to contact them about resources. Make sure that you have your military dependent ID always on you in a safe place & MAKE COPIES. Keep copies in your car, in extra purses, etc. Don't depend on him to tell you about tricare etc. go on base & ask whatever questions you have so that you are prepared for getting your child's ID etc. Put your marriage certificate in a safe place. Be very cunning as talk & interact with him. Save all the emotions about the marriage for later, this is about survival. Be about your business.
Also, I don't understand if he wants to be in baby's life then why can he not be there for the birth? He might not want to be there for you, but he should want to be there for his son/daughter.
I am in the same boat- about to be a single mother. It's heartbreaking and not what I wanted for my little one, but it had to be done. @babybluu
Married DH: 2013
DD: Dec 2015
BFP 8/14/17 --> Due 4/27/2018
I used to work in the court system, and it's better to get this groundwork laid sooner than later!
Good luck. You can do this.
And how to not be stressed out about the divorce process. This is so hard
Best wishes are with you! Head up and stay strong momma! Stress can push you right into labor!
If I was in your shoes, that's what I would do.
If it was me, I would basically get rid of everything else I could that has his involvement and focus on baby.
When I had my DD I was going to be a single mom. Her dad didn't want to help me at all and granted I get it's not the same situation, but this is what I did.
Take each day as they come.
You should have friends and family around you to support you as well as help you through this. I had friends and family help me, even while having my DD.
Talk to any friends that are local about what is going on so you can have your person that you trust and that supports you come with you to hospital and for L&D. My good friend that lived 4 hours away was my birth coach and you know what...she helped me more than my own mom who's a doctor did.
I am glad you have a doula and a midwife because they are excellent people to advocate for you as well as really help you!
See a therapist so you can give yourself some coping tools and so you have someone to talk to. I go to therapy every week because I have anxiety and other issues. I'm a nurse. It helps me keep myself in check and to also cope with life in general while having all these hormones on board in my body.
You are not alone and you can do this! You are an amazing strong woman!
DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Please realize that there are quite a few legalities in this circumstance that you may not be considering, depending on the law where you live. One, you may want/need to petition the court to be appointed the custodial parent before any divorce proceeding is initiated. You can request child support at that time. Two, the non-custodial parent may be able to prevent the custodial parent from moving far away by getting the court to issue an order saying so, before the move happens. There may be some groundwork you need to lay now, to help protect your rights/plans after the baby is born. If husband plans to be in this child's life, he may not agree to your plans, and if he's savvy enough, he can beat you to the punch and petition the court for certain rights before you do. I would also hate for him to try to manipulate you into certain things, without you being fully informed. Please consult with an attorney ASAP. I'm not a lawyer, and you are in the midst of an emotional cyclone at the moment, so I'm sure it is hard to think out every detail of your plans. Please seek professional advice. Some local Bar Associations (check your current county and/or your dad's county), to see if there is a referral service that comes with a free consultation. Or randomly call any family law attorney in your area (or your dad's), who may give you a short consult on the phone at no cost as well. You may qualify for low cost lawyer services through the military, but I know absolutely nothing about those services, or whether there would be a bias towards you as the civilian, so I can't recommend going that route. Maybe someone else versed in military situations can comment on that.
I contacted a kick ass lawyer that I will use in the event the divorce cannot be uncontested. She isn't taking new clients till the new year though so I'm going to have to wait to even get a phone consult from her. But in our state, the whole divorce can be uncontested if we agree on everything. Even custody. And it seems like we agree on custody as well. He know it's best for me to have her the majority of the time and once she starts school she can start going to him for weekends, breaks and holidays. I still don't know how everything works but I'm learning more and more each day and feeling more confident in everything. For now it's just me trying to hold my self together emotionally. Went to the store today to get food and I have to leave after 10 minutes because I couldn't stop crying in the aisles. I'm ready for that to be over with
And know this, as much as you want to yell and scream at him and chew him out, his senior chief definetly did that, and that was to support you. Keep asking for help when you need it. Support comes in many ways.
"He said I can stay in the house as long as I want, he is paying for my food and gas, he is also paying for me to move back to my dads"
Why even put yourself in a position where he can put you out the house & stop paying for your food & gas.... You may be looking at these promises from him as a ray of hope that he will want to reconcile the longer your remain in the home & in his vicinity however you are putting your stability at risk.
I'm also concerned that he's spoken to council already while you haven't & you've postponed it & are following along with the advice of his council & following his lead when it comes to dividing belongings all without council of your own that has your best interest in mind. You don't need paperwork allowing you to travel out of state with your child. You are being manipulated. You don't need his permission, but that seems what he wants you to believe. As long as you rely of him to pay for travel back to your father then he's controlling your ability to travel. How can two people fairly negotiate dividing property when one person is dependent on the other for house, food & gas. The dependent individual won't feel as comfortable communicating their views & rights about the division of property because they will be on fear of the person who provides their shelter, food, gas may revoke that support therefore you may choose to be more compliant with what he says because he's in the position of power. You are pregnant, hormonal & within days of giving birth, it is in no way fair for him to be even presenting the option of dividing property at this time.
Don't agree to anything until you speak to council.
I can't leave right now because 1, I can't fly this far along, and 2, I'm definitely not about to ride in a car for 2-3 days at 39 weeks pregnant. Plus I already have my midwife and doulas support. I'm also not leaving because with him being military, he is obligated to take care of me while we are married. I'm not going to leave right now and inconvenience myself when he's the one who screwed me over. He moved out and is living in his new apartment with his friend. My family is coming in right after the baby is born to help me move my things and drive with me to Colorado. But it's a 3 day drive at least with a newborn. My husband will be paying for me to move and has already agreed to it. He realizes that he's the one who screwed up so he's going to be paying for it. He's also paying for my food and gas because he decided to tell me he wanted a divorce a few days after I had started maternity leave, and left me with no money. I'm not going to let my pride get in the way of making sure I'm provided for. Believe me, I want to be out of here asap. I hate living in the house we made together. I hate that he has to support me. But at the same time I need it and it's not my families job to support me at this moment. Sure they would if I asked them to, and they have already offered. But my husband agrees that he is still responsible for making sure I have a roof over my head and food in my belly, especially while I'm carrying his baby. Once I'm out of the house though (2 weeks after baby is born) I'm not going to need him for anything, but he agrees he will be sending me child support starting in February. It will really help me take care of my daughter until I return back to work later that month. I really don't even want his child support either, but I can't take care of my daughter on my own at the moment. But my ultimate goal is to make enough to provide for her on my own. As far as property goes, we have already divided it amongst us with no arguments. I need to sell things asap so that I can leave asap. The state we live in is a community property state, so everything in the house is equally both of ours and that's how we divided everything. I got everything I asked for out of the house without any arguments. It was my idea to divide property right now. There's no way I can leave right now without him providing me with anything, and also divide property at a better time. Everything needs to be out of the house by February because he deploys right after that and we both don't want him to be paying for a house he won't be in for 6 months.