August 2016 Moms


DH and I are thinking about going on a vacation this spring. Our LO just turned 20 months and I feel ready to leave him with grandma for a week. I also feel like if we don't do it now we'll be stuck at home for the next 3 years. I'm thinking Hawaii!

Anyone else planning a Babymoon?

Re: Babymoon

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    We're thinking of going to Hawaii in April or May, but we'll be taking dd with us (she'll be around 22/23 months).
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    I really want to do something. I never leave my daughter and she turns 3 on Tuesday! I think it would be very healthy especially since once the baby comes she will have to stay with her Nana and papa anyways (at our house) I don't think we could go far like Hawaii. But I would be open to a baby moon if I can convince hubby. I'm afraid to travel late in pregnancy though. I had preterm labor at 30 weeks but they stopped it thankfully
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    We are going to Anguilla in March! :)  
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    Hawaii is amazing! You with both love it. We went this past February.

    We're going to California in February. My husband needs to go there for work, so I'm tagging along. Going to count it as a baby moon. :)
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    We need one really badly
    BFP 5/22/12, MC 6/6/12 (cp) BFP 10/16/13, EDD June 28, 2014 - baby J arrived 6/19/14! ** #2-- BFP 12/5/15, EDD August 17, 2016 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    We did our big vacation before trying.  We wanted kids but wanted to make sure we could at least see part of the world before that time.  So it was kind of a early babymoon in a sense!
    Me: 26 & DH: 25
    Married: August 2014
    TTC since November 2015
    BFP #1 12/17/15 - MC 1/28/16
    BFP #2 4/22/16 - EDD 12/30/16
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    Itsally1011Itsally1011 member
    edited December 2015
    Do it! We are leaving out two year old with grandparents in April while we go to Cabo! Like you said. It will be a while before we can do this again!
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    Yes. I've never left my daughter for more than 4 hours. We NEED to get away. Tentatively planning on something in March or April. Nothing too elaborate.
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    Even before we found out we had been planning a small trip in the spring (we were expecting to need to do IUIs or IVF so we were holding off booking anything), so we'll probably go to Montreal or Ottawa - someplace driveable. I'd love to go to Lake Placid, but DH is allergic to nature so that probably won't happen. Montreal sounds nice, though!
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    Between all the weddings, bridal showers, bachelorette parties (has anyone attended bachelorette parties while pregnant?), and baby showers I feel like my weekends are already filling up!! Hopefully I can steal DH away for a long weekend in cape cod or something.
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    @caitlinj187 I'm curious if anyone has as well! I'm standing up in a wedding in October, and I think she was to have one over the summer. Depending on what is planned, I may just talk to her about not going.
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    I'm not sure if we will do a babymoon or not.  When I was pregnant with dd, we didn't.  DH went on a fishing trip the month before I was due.  I think he will probably go again this time, to get a little break.  He is a stay at home dad, so his work load will be doubling.  He deserves a break!

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    @DressageDarling yea, I think it will depend on the location and event type. I certainly would enjoy the dinners, girls night type stuff, but I can't see myself at 8 months pregnant in the crazy bar scene. 
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    My family (mom and her boyfriend, sister and her husband and her 1.5 yr old bg twins, my uncle, and my husband and I) are going to Puerta Vallarta the second week of January! I'll be 10-11 weeks. My sister is also pregnant so it'll be nice to have someone who can't drink or do certain things just like me :)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We went to the FL keys for the last one. But we just took a big trip to Colorado (which is when we would have conceived this LO haha) to see a Broncos game so unless DH's job picks up a lot I think our vacation money is all spent for now.  Our anniversary is Aug 1 so we might have a 'staycation' and send DD to grandmas house for a night or two before this one comes.
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    caitlinj187 I went to a bachelorette party in Vegas when I was just over 6 months pregnant with DD. My dr. was fine with me flying and being away. The group wasn't too wild so I was able to do most things. On nights that they stayed up late, I just excused myself around midnight to go to bed. That was tough for me (normal bed time was 9 or so), but I had fun and loved that I could share that memory with her. 

    Y'all are inspiring me to plan something! A beach vacation would be amazing. We didn't do a babymoon for our DD, so would really like something this go round.

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    we're heading back to my hometown in inner mongolia at 21 weeks, so that i can introduce my man to my grandparents for the first time.  it'll be rough flying 13 hours into china and taking domestic flights and trains into my little rural town, but i'm looking forward to it because i miss my family and it'll be a wildly new cultural experience for him.
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    Yup! We're going to go to Niagara Falls. It's only about three to four hours away, I figure we'll go aroung 6 months. I admit - it may be more than that to get there since I now have to pee every five minutes.  

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