I am now working downstairs from a great RE and decided to switch to him. Nothing wrong with the first guy, just a longer drive and super inconvenient.
I sat down with him, bringing all bloodwork, SA, HSG results. He wants me to get updated bloodwork after I've lost 20lbs (my suggestion and his agreement).
I discussed DH's issues with ejaculation and ED. He suggested he see a fertility urologist and gave me a name.
We discussed my recent surge of PCOS symptoms and agreed it was most likely related to eating poorly and gaining weight.
I asked about taking all the herbals and adding DIM to my mix. He said don't take anything but Metformin and my PNV's.
So, after talking to DH at home, our plan is to help each other lose weight over the next 3 months. I will call in March on CD1 and get bloodwork. April, we are doing one IUI. He does not want to go to the fertility urologist, though I already made the appointment. I'm going to let it sit a few days and ask again before I cancel the appointment. I sometimes feel like pushing anything with him can result in him changing his mind about the IUI. It's taken so much to get this far!
I'm so relieved to have this one final plan.
**child mentioned**
Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid DH(43)Low T/ED
MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012 TTC #2 since 04/2014
BFP 8/26/2016
Re: New RE and plan
I'm sorry your DH doesn't want to go to the specialist it sounds like it is a really important part of moving forward. I hope he changes his mind!
Good luck!!!