July 2015 Moms

Inconsolable crying in the evening! Please help!

My lo has always been the sweetest thing ever but the past two weeks she screams as if un terrible pain in the afternoon (last bottle and bath time) nothing changed with her feeding or daily schedule. She is also not teething, well not that I can see, and does not have a fever. She would cry untill she has no breath, and when she eventually stops, she looks like a zombie. Just staring in front of her with no expression. Any help or advice is appreciated!

Re: Inconsolable crying in the evening! Please help!

  • You might want to try some baby Tylenol just in case it is teething. My LO started teething and then stopped for two week. We didn't see any visible signs of teething until 3 days before it popped. With her third tooth I didn't see any signs until it already popped.
  • She may have acid reflux all of a sudden - I would tell your dr and try Zantac for her. I had a friend who's baby did this and with the medicine their baby is back to his happy self!!
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  • Oh and also Nexium, that's another one for acid reflux if it is that.
  • My girl has also gone from sweet, happy and never crying to a fussy, crying and not sleeping hot mess!!  This has been going on now for about 2 weeks.  I am desperate.  
  • Sounds like my girl when she's overly tired. Babies require extra sleep during growth spurts, so that could be what's going on. If you're not sure if LO is teething, try feeling her gums. If a tooth is coming in, you will definitely be able to feel it. It's like a hard, raised lump.
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  • This is exactly what our little girl does. It's the most heart breaking pain filled cry. Took her to our pediatrician and it turns out she is teething. No fever, no signs at all. He just said they are making their way down into her gums. Pain relief and cuddles work for us :)
  • My little guy had this problem too. I took him to the doctors and they diagnosed an ear infection. I felt terrible that I waited to so long to take him in. 
  • Thank you for the replies. My lo actually do have silent reflux and I thought she was doing great, so I stopped using nexium to see how it goes. (I hate giving medication to small babies)
    she's back on nexium and doing much better, but I also suspect some teething now, the symptoms are there!
  • My baby had the same issue took her to her Dr and he said its evening colic. Not much we could do but it slowly goes away. Put her on a sleep schedule and its been so much better.
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