
breaking suction

Not sure if this has been asked recently, the search function wasn't too helpful. Does anyone's LO constantly break suction when nursing? I feel like it's part of the reason she's gassy and don't know how to help her not lose suction. The lactation consultant told me she was and wasn't sure why and we couldn't get her to stop. After every suck she loses suction and its a bit uncomfortable for me. LO is 2 weeks, any suggestions to help?

Re: breaking suction

  • SmrBrd2012SmrBrd2012 member
    edited December 2015
    Does she have a lip or tongue tie? Maybe she is still learning how to sufficiently suck. My LO wouldn't do this with every suck but he would do it fairly often per nursing session. Does she seem uncomfortable? Maybe try a different position?
  • She might have a lip tie, I was going to ask the Dr about it at her appt. She seems perfectly content and is eating enough (going by wet and poopy diapers). I'll see if a different position helps, she does it with both breasts
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  • Do you have an overactive letdown? My have oversupply and a fast flow and my LO will sometimes break suction when she first starts feeding because of the letdown. She coughs sometimes as well. I also find she lets go when she needs to burp.
  • Join the tongue tie support group on Facebook and get assessed by a preferred provider. If there's a lip tie there's usually a tongue tie, which prevents them from forming a vacuum that's necessary to pull milk from the breast. Did you guys ever have painful latch issues? Have you done weighted feeds to make sure she's eating enough?
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