She turns 5m today! She can sit up by herself but is still a little wobbly. She is getting more active with her toys. She can roll over both ways but can't really seem to do stomach to back very often. We've been doing rice cereal and started peas yesterday. She absolutely hated it. She is breastfeed so idk if she can hold a bottle.
My LO is not quite 5 months yet but he can hold a bottle, roll both ways, he loves almost all of his toys. He can sit up for a few wobbly seconds if I help him up. Also his current favorite thing to do is make farting noises.
My LO can sit up-ish, hold her own bottle, hold her own spoon (until she throws it), roll from tummy to back, and roll from back to side. She's more into her toys now and is liking her jumper more and more every day. Her favorite "toy" is our dog, Gonzo. She has eaten cereal, carrots, peas, and squash. She's liked them all - but peas were her least favorite.
Re: 5 month old baby