Someone please tell me my kid will eventually sleep on his own. I feel like we've tried everything to get this kid to sleep without being held and all of it has been an epic failure.
We've tried swaddling with a regular blanket. We bought the "miracle swalddle." We've put him down when he's dead asleep. We've put him down when he's drowsy. We've used the pack n play. We've used his bouncy seat. We've warmed both up. We've warmed the whole room up. We've put shirts I've worn that smell like me down under him. We've given him a pacifier. I've laid there with my hand on top of him so he knows I'm there. I've tried laying down next to him with our bodies touching and that still won't do it - he will not sleep for more than 30 minutes unless he's held.
I don't know what else to do. Zeke is almost 5 weeks and I've spent almost all of those 5 weeks in the recliner in our living room. I just want to lay in bed while my child sleeps.
Does anyone with a super attached child have any tips? Is there something else I can do? Or do I just have to wait it out and keep trying? Honestly, the attempts make the nights more exhausting than just sleeping in the recliner with him - Zeke gets as many as 5 hours of sleep at night when I hold him, so I'm able to get about 4... Part of me just wants to keep sleeping in the recliner since then I actually get sleep, but I want Zeke to be able to sleep on his own since that's better for him (and safer).
Lie to me if you have to, but please tell me this will get better. Any tips you can offer would be great.
Re: Lie to me if you have to
We have also found that we need to keep him nice and warm, we started putting a onsie on under his sleeper, and then swaddle.
I am guessing you have tried this, but the noise machine was a life saver for us, especially after finding that he really likes thr crashing waves setting.
Good luck, he will sleep by himself eventually
I try every night but it's sometimes easier just to have her sleep on me so we can both get some sleep!
We haven't tried his actual crib yet since that's not in our room but maybe we need to
At night, he sleeps un his glider. We will be transitioning to the crib at night time soon.
Best of luck to you!
Good luck.
Our seat only bounces. I'll have to try vibration.
My first slept on my chest for 6 weeks. We finally got him to sleep swaddled on the boppy between us and then at 4 months he switched to the pack n play.
@kwaldy - Zeke likes being super warm too. Maybe I'm not getting it warm enough for him and need to go warmer
@wulfpackgirl - will try. We just got the miracle swaddle yesterday and will try that again tonight
I hadn't heard of the 6 week thing. That makes me nervous! My little guy is only 2 and a half weeks.
I like what someone said on another thread and have just been reminding myself; everything is just a phase.
Could he just maybe still be too young to be ok with being apart from me? Am I forcing this too much?
Also you probably tried this but his body against yours produces a lot of heat. He may like it very warm. Try another layer on him.
Another layer may help. I'm afraid of getting him too warm since he's in a fleece sleeper under the swaddle. But maybe if I wrap him a second time, he won't get as much of my body heat when I'm trying to get him to fall asleep
The last 2 nights we have woke her up to feed at 12 am, changed her and then put a sleepsack on her. Put the vibration on the bassinet and then laid her down. She does fuss for a few minutes but then she seems to fall back asleep.
As a mother of 3 ... it will get better. If you find a way that works take what you can get
DS2: EDD- 09.08.17
We're currently going on almost an hour and 45 minutes into his afternoon nap. I put him on his belly and that seems to be working. Apparently I have a belly sleeper. So of course I've been sitting here his whole nap watching him to make sure he's ok. So far so good lol. Not sure I'm ok with him sleeping on his belly all night yet when I can't watch him... We have his month old pediatrician appt tomorrow so I guess I'll ask the doc what we should do.
DS likes his belly some times too. We cosleep half the night and sometimes I let him sleep next to me on his belly.