
New Girl in town

Well I thought maybe I should move from the trouble trying to get pregnant board over to this board. DH and I have been trying for about two years now to have a family. In 2010 I had a laproscopy done which showed that I have PCOS and some level of endometroisis. Fast forward I did two Clomid cycles with  OB then I switched to  RE. I met with Dr Shamma at IVF Michigan and he was wonderful and so was his staff. I had all sorts of blood work done after he went over my file. He did say that I can ovulate and that my tubes were open so that he was not going to have to re check that again. We will be getting my husband's counts checked on January 5th of next year and then we go back on the 11th to discuss our action plan. Currently he has me on a prenatal and a folic acid vitamen, as well as metformin which I wills tart tonight. He is having me take that once per night for the first week then move to two pills a day for a total of 2000mg daily. He also had me start Provera today to induce a cycle. Then once my cycle starts he mentioned something about one month of birth control pills so that he can control what my body is doing and that it will buy time until we can find out about my husbands counts. I just wanted to introduce myself instead of just being a lurker all the time. If my husbands counts come back normal ( hoping they will) then we will be able to do more aggressive ovulation medicine. If his counts are down then we will most likely have to choose IVF. Hoping that we don't due to finances. Any women out there taken metformin before? They told me it can have some side affects. Hoping they are not going to be to bad!
Married for 3 years
Me: 28 DH: 33
Together for a total of 6 years
Fur mommy to two rescue dogs
DX: PCOS and Insulin Resistance

Irregular Cycles
2010: Laproscopy with Hystroscopy ablation. Tubes were clear.
1/5/2016 : DH sperm analysis is excellent.
February: Switched to a new RE
Two failed clomid rounds
March 2016: New HSG and found tubes are open
April 2016: Round one Letrozole 2.5 mg. Ultrasounds day 13 &16. No follicle grouth
May 2016: Had to take a month off
June 9th 2016: Started Letrozole again but at 5mg
July 5th: bfp beta 31
July 7th: Beta 97
July 9th: Beta 231
July 11th: Beta 500
July 13: Beta 1400
Beautiful son born 3/16/17 @ 1:38pm

Re: New Girl in town

  • @mackenzie07 Welcome to this board, I wish you didn't have to be here, but you will find loads of information and support here. I'm a MI girl myself, I've lived in Texas for the past 7.5 years tho. The one thing about working with a RE, you will get all the information  you need in order to make a decision on whether to proceed with IVF. I hope DH's counts come back normal and you area able to do a more aggressive ovulation med and it works. But if you have to move to IVF just know that a lot of women on here with PCOS has gotten great egg retreival numbers and also gone on to BFPs. 

    FX crossed for you!

    *** Pregnancy & Miscarriage Mentioned***
    ME: 34/DH: 33
    TTC (On & Off) Since 2008
    Diagnosed DOR August 2013 
    2009-2013 6 Clomid Rounds which resulted in 3 Cysts/Had to take some time off from TTC
    10/2014 ~ BFP (Natural Pregnancy) after 3 months Acupuncture/Miscarriage at 10 wks
    7/2015 ~ Med Protocol#1: Failed Cycle/Only 1 Egg/Unable to convert to IUI because thin uterus lining
    08/2015 ~ Med Protocol #2: Started stims 09/13
    ER 10/9 with 6 Eggs Retrieved/3 SNOWFLAKES!!

    10/22/15 ~ AF Showed up, waiting for Fibroid removal.
    10/28/15 ~ Saline Ultrasound - Fibroids were gone. FET scheduled for December 3rd!
    12/08/15 ~ FET of one hatching Embaby

    12/21/15 ~ 13dp5dfet Beta 755! I'M PREGNANT!!!/ 
    12/23/15 ~15dp5dfet Beta 1539!

    01/05/16 ~ 1st Ultrasound - 2 little beans and 2 Heartbeats (120 & 125 bpm)

    My Fur Baby: Diva Celeste McClendon

  • Hello and welcome here, so sorry for all you are going through.
    I am currently taking metformin, I have PCOS as well. I personally do not have any side effects anymore, at first it seemed like it made me very tired but it only took a week or two and it was fine. It may make you nauseous at first, that is why they start on a lower dose at first, it was the same for me.

    I hope your husband sperm analysis comes back good. It is a lot harder to deal with both male and female factor infertily, we are in that same situation and we had to do IVF. But yes It is a pretty big strain on finances, we paid 16,000$ so far in total. But just this December Canada starting offering coverage for one IVF cycles for couples who need it, a few months too late for us xD
    Where do you live? Do you have any insurance coverage?
    35 years old, TTC #1 Dec 28, 2011
    PCOS, Hypothyroidism.
    First IVF cycle June 5th 2015 --- BFP
    Miscarriage at 8 weeks
    FET December 15th 2015--- BFP!
    First saw  at 6w4d
    It's a boy!

    Luciano Alessandro Maximiliano was born on September 3rd 2016


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  • @Alyeena We live in Michigan. My insurance will cover some injectable meds and half of a iui. That's why I hope his counts come back good. We have some debt from dh having surgery so I hope it's just me.
    Married for 3 years
    Me: 28 DH: 33
    Together for a total of 6 years
    Fur mommy to two rescue dogs
    DX: PCOS and Insulin Resistance

    Irregular Cycles
    2010: Laproscopy with Hystroscopy ablation. Tubes were clear.
    1/5/2016 : DH sperm analysis is excellent.
    February: Switched to a new RE
    Two failed clomid rounds
    March 2016: New HSG and found tubes are open
    April 2016: Round one Letrozole 2.5 mg. Ultrasounds day 13 &16. No follicle grouth
    May 2016: Had to take a month off
    June 9th 2016: Started Letrozole again but at 5mg
    July 5th: bfp beta 31
    July 7th: Beta 97
    July 9th: Beta 231
    July 11th: Beta 500
    July 13: Beta 1400
    Beautiful son born 3/16/17 @ 1:38pm

  • I take metformin and I had a bit of a rumbly tummy the first week or two, but after that it's nothing. I really hope his counts come back good! My hubby's were middle of the road and I made him take vitamins and they've been improving every month! I was a lurker on here for MONTHS till I sucked it up and joined. There's a lot of good people on here who understand. Welcome welcome welcome @mackenzie07

    *BFP and Loss Warning*

    Married 10/01/11 to my partner in crime
    TTC #1 since 01/15 
    Me: PCOS 
    3 cycles of Clomid + TI - BFN
    IUI #1 Femara + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    MC 07/15
    IUI #2-4 Femara + Ovidrel +Crinone - BFFN >:(
    IUI #5-6 Follistim + Ovidrel + Crinone - BFFN!
      IUI #7 Follistim + Ganirelix + Ovidrel + Prometrium + Baby Aspirin - BFP! PLEASE STICK!!!
    1/25 Beta #1: 389, #2: 940! IT'S TWINS! 
      Pregnancy Ticker
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