I posted this on the July due dates board first, but thought it might be better suited here.
I could really use some encouraging words right now. I just found out we are having triplets after an IUI. All three have strong heartbeats and I'm so grateful but also so f***ing scared. My doctors are in disbelief that all three follicles released eggs that were fertilized. They're throwing selective reduction around and telling me I'll be lucky to make it to 32 weeks. Any words of wisdom to help me stop bawling my eyes out?
Re: Just Found Out - Triplets
You can do this! I said I had no idea how I'd be able to handle twins and a 3 year old. But you can, and you do. It becomes normal. You adapt and become super mom! You will do amazing. The amount of love and joy you get from those 3 babies will overfill you. It's totally worth it when they give you that first smile, when they first giggle at you, when you hear them say mama for the first time, when they roll over, every mile marker is just so amazing. My twins are hitting everything within days of each other, and it's so exciting! Everyone said I wouldn't make it to full term. I had a planned c-section at 38w2d. I made it with no signs of labor, and I worked 40 hours a week on my feet all day long up until exactly 38 weeks. I took 2 days off before to enjoy our son before the girls came. Best of luck to you! Keep us posted!
It took about three weeks after I found out to start sinking in. And after that I was a mess for a few weeks, absolutely horribly afraid and upset, crying all the time about how I didn't want three babies at once. It passed.
Selective reduction was not an option as it is against our beliefs.
I have one baby home from the nicu and two coming home tomorrow. Yes, it will be overwhelming. Insane. Exhausting. And I can't wait.
There are plenty of triplets that make it 34 weeks plus. My MFM said average 32. I went 30w and dilated randomly to 5, without contractions. My cervix could not hold ten pounds of baby anymore, even with a cerclage.
My babies are healthy. My boy spent 26 days in nicu, my girls will have spent 35 days, only to feed and grow.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!
Join multiple groups online and research research research!
Two years, two losses and three IUIs...
We are having TRIPLETS!
EDD 1/26/16
GGB born November 2015!
Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!
I have a family member who became pregnant with triplets after fertility treatments. In the end they decided against selective reduction. She did have a challenging pregnancy, and was on hospital bedrest for a couple of months. If I remember right, they were born at about 32 weeks. They were in the NICU for a while, but today are happy healthy kindergarteners.
I'll be hoping the best for you!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!