July 2016 Moms

STM: What's the best advice for pregnancy you can give?

As a FTM, I got a couple of pieces of advice that I couldn't have done without, so I want to pass them along.

STM, what is some pregnancy advice you'd pass along?

Re: STM: What's the best advice for pregnancy you can give?

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    1. I felt so sick after taking my prenatal vitamin.  My mom suggested I take it at the beginning of the meal, rather than at the end like I'd always been told to do.  No more nausea.

    2. Save drinking / fluids for non-meal times.  As my belly got bigger and heartburn got REAL, I found it helpful to drink minimal amounts during meals, and get my fluids in in-between my meals and snacks.  Helped with heartburn significantly.

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    If you don't have a regular housekeeper, try to set aside some money in the budget to have someone come do a deep clean of your house shortly before your due date, and a few weeks after baby is born. It was the best gift I gave myself! 

    Prepare yourself for all possible birth outcomes. I took a labour and delivery class but just assumed I'd be able to handle it so didn't do any of the prep they suggested in terms of practicing breathing, etc., and I didn't prepare myself for or research about a c-section at all, which I ended up needing.

    Buy some BIG underwear and a pair of baggy sweat pants that you can pull up around your belly button, if you end up needing a c-section you won't want any pants that rub along your incision line.
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    Your life is about to change so much, you don't even know. Do your best to go with it, but make sure to get time to yourself. 

    If breastfeeding is your goal and it doesn't go perfectly, that is normal and happens all the time. Supplementing isn't bad and can help you while your build your supply. No matter what, don't let it send you to the loony bin if it doesn't work out. It's not your fault. 

    And most importantly, listen to yourself and your doctor first, everyone else last.
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    I know this seems silly but really soak up your first pregnancy! Try to enjoy it and nap often if you can. :) Pamper yourself. The second pregnancy, while it is still lovely, it so different especially when you have a toddler to chase after.

    It is good to have a plan of your birth and what you want to do after the baby is born but don't get so stuck on it that if something has to change you are distraught over it. Try to go with the flow because in the end the only thing that matters is that you have your baby!

    Lastly, remember opinions are like butts - everyone has one! Don't let people make you feel wrong or bad about your decisions. Listen to the opinions and if you like them use them and if not throw them out!
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    I agree with everything. During your first do things like prenatal yoga and other things just for you because running after a toddler means less you time
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    1.  i know not everyone gains a lot of weight during pregnancy, but i did, and I ended up unintentionally torturing myself by wearing a bra band that was two sizes too small for most of my last trimester.  I thought i had heartburn but I was really just bruising my ribs. Along the same lines, budget now to buy a second set of maternity clothes for the last trimester.  You're going to want to be comfortable and not feel like a beached whale in too-small spandex.

    2  bring big stretchy clothes to wear home from the hospital.  you won't be much smaller than you were pre-birth.  it takes weeks for your uterus to shrink back down to size.  plus, if you get a c-section you'll want something that you can pull up over your scar.

    3. don't beat yourself up if you have trouble nursing.  i went to a breastfeeding class and the teacher made it sound like if I even supplemented once I'd lose my supply and never be able to make it work.  I stubbornly kept trying to bf at the hospital and my LO kept losing weight.  It was terrifying and heartbreaking.  We ended up supplementing but I wish I had done it sooner. I never did bf successfully but I did pump almost exclusively for a year.

    4. If you do end up bf and/or pumping, look into renting a hospital grade pump from the hospital.  Yes, I know that insurance companies will pay for pumps that often claim to be hospital grade, but if your pump isn't the size of a small microwave it's not the real deal!  There was such a difference between my free pump and the one I rented

    5. I second @mandyjulie 's velcro swaddle suggestion.  I never got the hang of swaddling (the nurses in the hospital will make it look so simple!!!), but these were awesome.

    6. yes, your life will change completely. if you can afford it, go on a babymoon before you're too pregnant, or at least go and see as many movies as you can. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    Something that I found reassuring after bringing the baby home was the reminder that nobody is perfect and everyone has to figure out what works for her baby and her family. I had major mommy guilt that I wasn't the perfect Pinterest mom. Try not to stress and enjoy your baby!
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    I agree with sooooo much here!!

    Pregnancy pillow- a must!!!! Enjoy all the moments, the good ones and the bad ones. Even when you're puking your guts up. The first one is so different......it's just you and your little peanut. With any after it gets pretty crazy.

    Find a group of moms that don't judge. You have to do what's best for you and your LO. Los of people give advice and tell you how. Listen with a grain of salt and do what you think is best.

    Stand firm in what you want. For instance, I chose not to use a pacifier. I had to repeatedly tell the nurses that I didn't want one, but in the end it was the best decision for DD.

    Don't be afraid to speak up. If you feel like something is not right, say it!!! If someone/something makes you uncomfortable, tell someone!! You are your own advocate.

    Above all else, remember that this too shall pass. When LO hits about a week and that first growth spurt and you are nursing(if you choose) every 20 minutes and you think there's something wrong........remember, this too shall pass.
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    Trust your instincts and stick up for yourself and your baby! Lots of people will tell you what is best, you have to decide what is best for your little family.
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    For pregnancy - I tried to get a little exercise everyday with the last pregnancy (nothing strenuous, usually just going for a 1/2 hour walk but I was really religious about always doing it) and I think it really helped me feel good throughout the pregnancy and made my c-section recovery easier.

    For once baby comes - I'd say just follow your instincts about things like breastfeeding and other medical stuff and don't feel bad making the right decision for you. I struggled majorly with breastfeeding and got a lot of conflicting advice that I should have ignored.

    Also, I always felt like I needed to be doing something with baby, reading him a book, putting him on his activity mat, trying to stimulate him in some way. I realize now that for the first few months the whole world is stimulating and just loving and taking care of them is enough. Do that stuff if you want to but not because it feels like you should. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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    The first few weeks and months are hard with a new baby, you will sleep again!

    Accept help when offered! My mil offered many times to come over and watch ds in the first month and I always turned her down bc I wanted to seem like I had everything together, but I was exhausted!

    Don't be upset if your birth plan doesn't go as you wanted. I was a labor and delivery nurse and helped moms deliver hundreds of babies. I thought I would go natural, and stay at home as long as possible labouring. Instead I was induced for 4 days with 4 rounds of cytotec, a foley balloon, and pitocin. I got an epidural after 3 days bc I couldn't take it anymore! I was able to have a vaginal delivery but I was only 30 mins away from being a c section due to a failed induction.

    Like all ppers said bfing is tough. You nipples hurt and are bleeding, you never know if baby is getting enough. Ds was 3.5 weeks early and he ended up in the nicu for low blood sugars bc I couldn't get him to nurse. It was then even harder for the 2 of us to figure it out since he had monitors and wires all over him. I pumped and supplemented while he was in the nicu for a few days and then we figured out bfing when we got home. Learning how to bf in bed on your side was the best! Latch baby and back to sleep for mommy!

    Most of all your heart will swell with love more than you ever thought possible and that little baby will be the best thing you've ever done!
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    MamaOlive said:

    Suck it up and buy the darn pregnancy pillow. Once third tri insomnia hits you won't regret it.

    Pack an entire bag of snacks for the hospital. You won't be able to eat during labor but you'll be starving when it's over and hospital food is the worst. People kept bringing me food and I still wish I would have had tons of snacks.

    Take pictures. Be in those pictures. You might not like how you look always but you'll wish you had more pictures of yourself with your newborn if you don't have any. Every time someone comes to visit make them take a picture of YOU with your baby.

    Is a pregnancy pillow different than a body pillow? I have one of those and use it between my knees every night.
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    Agree 100% with @MamaOlive on the pregnancy pillow. A Must Have! It will become your BFF during the later stages of pregnancy.

    @Lindsayleigh1989 They are kind of different; the pregnancy pillow is curved to support your back to sleep comfortable sideways, while being able to wrap your legs around it. Look up 'Snoogle'. They run about $60 but well worth it. I highly recommend getting one!
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    I know it's not anything anyone wants to think about, but purchase one preemie outfit to carry with you in a plastic Baggie in your purse. No one wants to plan for an early delivery but it happens and if it does, you will wish you had at least one thing to put baby in.
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    MrsRo731MrsRo731 member
    edited December 2015
    Lots of really great advice from PP - here are some of mine. Most of mine are baby related, though.

    • Try not to worry about the birth (pain, length, etc.) because before you know it, it's over and you have this little person! Just take it one moment at a time and you'll get through it. 
    • Get sleep in the hospital/birth center and have SO/DH help. I was in so much pain after the birth and DH did all diaper changes which was a huge help for me. I concentrated on BF and resting when I could.
    • Document things -  I didn't with my first and I almost forgot what pregnancy was like with her. I wish I would've kept a journal or something to just jot down feelings/symptoms etc.
    After Baby:
    • Communicate with your SO/DH. I did ALL the night feedings for the first 6 or 7 months and it about broke me. After I went back to work around 12 weeks, DD was waking up about 3 times a night and I felt like a zombie every day. I wish I would've pushed DH to give her a bottle so I could sleep. I was hell bent on BF as much as I could since I was missing out on the daytime BF. Also, it put so much more pressure on me than I needed at the time.
    • Don't compare yourself/guilt yourself. Easier said than done, right? Honestly though, I felt like a terrible mother going back to work and I judged myself for it. I would read these articles on FB and people would make comments like 'why have children if you're not going to raise them' and I would cry and cry. Once I stopped reading those articles and judging myself, I was a much better and happier mama. Do what's best for you and your family and don't worry about anyone else! 
    • Someone touched on this already but it was a big one for me - LO needs very little in the beginning as far as stimulation. I was obsessed with doing activities like reading, playing with toys, being on the mat in the first few months. I wish I would've just calmed down and rested while LO was in swing, bouncer, being worn or wherever. One thing to note, do practice tummy time even though your baby may hate it.
    • Get out of the house at least once a day - even if it's a short walk around the block. DD was a winter baby and I hardly left the house. I started to go stir crazy. I wish I would've made an effort to take her out more when I was home with her. I was afraid of BF in public which contributed to my anxiety. 
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    1- There is no such thing as "normal"....no normal pregnancy, no normal baby, no normal delivery. Everyone is different...don't go crazy comparing

    2- Trust your instincts and your doctor. When someone gives you advice you don't like say "uh huh" and keep on truckin'

    3- Take in the moment(s)!!! Pregnancy is amazing. You're growing a human!!! And you're going to push it out!! And raise it!! It's literally insane.
    TTC since June 2011
    DH: perfect SA
    Me: 30, moderate endo, unexplained infertility
    IUI or IVF in December

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    @LindsayLeigh1989 the Snoogle also is good for fitting under your belly when your bump starts to get bigger, which will do your back wonders. I found that regular pillows or our body pillow were too bulky, while the Snoogle made the perfect little pillow nest for me and my bump.
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    For those looking for a snoogle - Burlington Coat Factory has them for $35-40 sometimes. Cheapest I've seen!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Take a birthing class WITH your SO... It's really important and helps them understand what to expect and how to help you during and after birth. It also will teach you alot about the birthing process which was scary to learn but eased my mind to know what would happen.
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    Learn how to swaddle good and tight! Swaddling my newborn fixed almost everything.. And a tight swaddle helped her sleep! A zipadee zip swaddle sack is definitely worth the purchase when your LO starts breaking out of a swaddle around 3-4 months.
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    When you push, it's not a reverse kegel but literally the same motion as pooping. You're welcome for the hour of your life I just gave you. ;)
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    For those of faith: pray! My first pregnancy, I prayed like I usually did before and it was fine. With my second, I did a lot more surrendering and I turned my focus completely to God. It made a huge difference and completely changed my relationship with God and with my husband.
    Also stay involved in church, people will amaze you with how much they help. I had just moved to a new town and got so much needed support once we found a church at 6mo pregnant.

    Others: still same advice but do what works for you: positive affirmations, meditation, etc. Find a community of friends, family, or anyone that you can depend on.
    TTGP December Siggy Challenge: Favourite Holiday Movie Moment

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    Yes @MamaBish! My daughter was full term and unfortunately very small, I am so glad I had one premie thing to at least bring her home in.

    And dido to @bealskri give it all you literally and physically have, you know all the movies where the mom to be is blue in the face, ya like that. Take a massive breath and push like you have a 7...8... Or 9 pound poo! And for the love of everything, when they tell you to stop and hold it, STOP, they are trying to save your future sex life! And the number of sitz baths you will have to take.
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