Good afternoon ladies,
I had to take a step back because you ladies were moving right along and I felt stuck. But we're making progress now and I'm glad to be back. So, mini intro, to say the least ivf is our only option because I have scar tissue encasing my ovaries. I know I gotta be difficult and all. I'm also type 1 diabetic on a insulin pump. DH is extremely supportive in the tell me where to be and what I gotta do type way. Well, we finally signed out consent form this morning. I started by yesterday, and was told this morning that our mock embryo transfer will be the 28th, as well as, our shot class. I'm extremely nervous and excited. It's like it took forever to get this far and now it seems to be moving so fast. From what I was told, I will start stim the first week of January, we're doing icsiwith a 5 day transfer. So, this is our first ivf cycle. Any suggestions? How did you stay relaxed? Is anyone else going through the same cycle?
Re: Back
Started TTC April 2011
Me: 32, DH: 32
Diagnosis: Endometriosis
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I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
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