February 2016 Moms

Third Trimester Ultrasound

I didn't see a thread for regular old fashioned ultrasounds for this trimester, so here one is! I know not everyone will have these later ultrasounds, but here's a spot to share if you do :)

Re: Third Trimester Ultrasound

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    We just had an US on Friday to see if my low placenta was, well, no longer low. It isn't! All is good, baby's head is past the placenta so we are very happy! Pictures didn't come out as great as the 20 week, but we can still see his little face which is great and he's healthy which is what matters!
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    @Kimbarbour08 ours didn't as well! I figured they would come out better, but nope.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise BFP! 06/08/15
    Nadine GraceMarie  02/10/16
    Diagnosed with placenta increta post delivery: emergency partial hysterectomy - cervix and ovaries still intact 
    Gestational surrogacy or adoption TBD

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    @egraves4 I think ours was a little my fault . . . I didn't realize they wanted me to have a full bladder so I had JUST used the bathroom before going in . . . oops! Oh well, they were still able to get what we needed for info.
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    Had a growth scan due to GD. He's actually measure small which is weird, so we will have another one in January to check growth again.

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    Our baby boy! U/S done 2 weeks ago at 29 weeks. He has been a stubborn little guy and it took three ultrasounds to get a good view of his heart. They also checked measurements at this appt and he was measuring two weeks ahead.

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    I just had one last Thursday at 31w2d.  I actually didn't get any new pictures, but the doctor was really happy that my placenta looks like it's behaving properly and #3 is growing right on track.  He said baby is about 3lbs 10oz right now.  So i'm so happy about that and no more US.  
    My Baby Penguins
    DD1: 9/19/11
    DS: 1/1/14
    DD2: 1/31/16

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    @DrillSergeantCat probably the most handsome 3D/4d I've ever seen!!
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    Hahahaa that's what I'm used to seeing
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    Growth ultrasound last week at 29 weeks due to GD. He measured 2.5 lbs...another in 4 weeks and then once a week until d-day.
    Praying this is our take home baby. STICK TURKEY Mommy will miss you everyday my beautiful angel. We love you Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers M/C on 1/05/11 at 11 weeks.
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    They are all so beautiful!! 
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    Done at 29 weeks. I'll have another at 34 weeks and then possibly another at 38. He's measuring really large already so they're keeping an eye on it.

    Wow!! I've never seen such a clear 3D image at 29 weeks... Gorgeous!
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    31 weeks and 4 days.  Per my visit yesterday - he is already 5.6 lbs and is head down and I still have so many weeks to go! The doctors attribute some of it to GD - but I've measuring a couple weeks ahead since I was 17 weeks. I'm pretty sure there is going to be c-section unless he slows down. 
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    @bumpadmin, can we have this pinned and the second tri ultrasound one unpinned?
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    @VMonte my coworker's son was born at 32w (water broke) and was 5lb 7oz! She didn't have GD, and is an average build person. My DD was 37w and 6lbs. It's always interesting to see the variations in birth weights.



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    pbtoastpbtoast member
    edited December 2015
    Little one at about 29 weeks (elective 3D ultrasound). :)
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