Trouble TTC

TTTC Checkin: 12/14/2015

GoldenKeysGoldenKeys admin
edited December 2015 in Trouble TTC

Good morning all.. it's checkin time!  Congratulations to any BFP's this week and hugs to anybody who needs one.

CONGRATULATIONS @Aera11 for your BFP!  :-D  I'm so happy for you!

Welcome to newcomer: @kwetsell

How is everybody doing?


stac12679: dx: Bilateral tubal blockage  treatment: mini IVF
tripplek1988: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid
KidShrink: dx:Immature follies, thin lining   treatment: Femara/Ovidrel/Prometrieum
krbjoy: dx: unexplained, low AMH, fibroids  treatment:Lupron, Follistim, Menopur + trigger
AdorkablePixie: dx: Hpyothalmic amenorrhea   treatment: Menopur, Ovidrel, IUI
kistra: dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid, Ovidrel, IUI
mylienc: dx:low follicle count  treatment: Clomid + Novarel
CopperLane:  dx: PCOS  treatment: natural BFP before taking Clomid
Alyeena dx: PCOS + MFI  treatment: modified IVF + ISCI
AL_TwinCities: dx: Unknown  treatment: continued temping
riveridgional: dx: Unexplained, hypothyroidism, suspected ovulatory dysfunction  treatment: injectibles
Aera11: dx:mild PCOS treatment: Clomid


@kristylang ; dx:Low counts/quality  treatment: Clomid+IUI
@starlitfae dx:Unexplained, thyroid  treatment: Synthroid, femara, trigger+IUI
@mandasand: dx: low AMH  treatment:IVF
@jnissa: dx: DOR   treatment: IVF
@J_k4ever05 ;  dx: PCOS + MFI (morph)   treatment: benched/getting healthy
@BlissfulWifey: dx: Anovulatory: Progesterone + trigger
@SandyBrook: dx: irregular bleeding  treatment: testing phase
@AndieB83: dx:unexplained  treatment: Clomid/IUI
@Cupcakegal930: dx: MFI: count and motility  treatment: IVF+ISCI
@graphicgranite: dx: Possible PCOS treatment: Clomid + testing
@eekers: Unexplained treatment:Femara, Ovidrel, Prometrium
@amazeballz: DX: pcos treatment: TBD
@mmkipper: dx: MFI/motility treatment: Clomid + IUI
@ACleanLife24: dx: PCOS, MCTD and IBS:  treatment: testing phase
@Mando15: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@Inge Molon: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole + Ovidrel
@AshleySchulte87: dx: PCOS, Premature ovarian failure   treatment:Clomid
@clt2pwm11: dx:anovulatory PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@linne23 dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + trigger
@ceclarlinetlo: DX: septate uterus and PCOS   Treatment: hysteroscopic resection; low carb diet, exercise, myo inositol
@babyexpress: dx: unexplained  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@GoatSnakeMouse: dx: MFI  treatment:waiting for RE
@Osteoblastic: dx:Irregular cycles, unofficial pCOS  treatment: Getting healthy
@smfeuro:  dx: Unexplained and RPL  treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel
@Drove2u: dx:unexplained  treatment: IUI
@LauraNick2010: dx:unexplained  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@yellingbanana: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, metformin, trigger, TI
@twomommiestobe:  dx: annovulatory/pcos and DW-endometriosis treatment: reciprocal IVF
@turtle148: dx: LPD  treatment: Clomid + progesterone
@kaitlink33: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, dexamethasone, and injectable meds+ provera
@Whiggrrl65: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole and Ovidrel + IUI
@gardeniagirlknits: dx: hypothyroidism & thyroid cancer  dx: synthroid, thyroidectomy
@roosh1982: dx: Unexplained infertility  treatment: Femara, estrace + trigger
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR treatment: IUI
@jclaire2: dx: Unexplained Infertility & hypothyroid  treatment:  Letrozole, trigger shot, IUI and progesterone
@tiffany929: dx: Endo treatment: Lupron injects
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI
@mackenzie07: dx: Endo + PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@lily55d:  dx: Endo + PCOS treatment: metformin, Femara and progesterone.
@calfherder: dx: MFI treatment: IUI then IVF
@Tawnie2929: dx: testing
@lablover78: dx: unexplained/irregular cycles/PCOS  treatment: acupuncture & herbs
@erica0901: dx: Unexplained  treatment:Letrozole, Ovidrel, IUI and progesterone suppositories.
@agriffin92013: dx: Unexplained treatment: IUI+femara
@JamieL31210: dx: unexplained treatment: clomid
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: IUI, then IVF if no luck
@vssbrm: dx: Minor Vercosis, morphology, high prolactin  treatment: Clomid + IUI + ovidrel + prolactin meds
@Praying4ayear dx: unknown  treatment: OPKs and temping
@mackenzie07 dx: PCOS and Endo  treatment: Clomid
@TryingforaTRbaby dx: Hughes Syndrome, immature eggs  dx: Clomid + novarel
@LauraNick2010 dx: not tested treatment: Clomid
@benten24 dx: irregular cycles, not tested yet
@ahende04 dx: anovulatory, treatment: in testing
@emgem819 dx: PCOS, treatment: provera, femara + Bravelle
@amyac15 dx: Increased prolactin, treatment: Parlodel
@wifeinraleigh28 dx: MFI  treatment: IUI + follistim
@WA85: dx: Endo + Fibroids  treatment: Clomid
@MrsB627: dx PCOS+kidney disease treatment: Clomid
@Plainjanie: dx: in testing
@katehutsen: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid, IUI with DS
@Soon2bemissG: dx: PCOS  treatment: Metformin + provera
@taragust dx: MFI  treatment: IUI
@iloverocksalot dx: high FSH, MFI  treatment: DHEA+ Clomid+IUI
@BrightenMySky dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid+IUI
@severmilli12 dx: in testing phase
@ErinJoshua2011 dx: anovulation/amenorrhea treatment: clomid + prometrium
@nberth dx: PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@kerismatic dx: PCOS treatment:  Metformin
@Curry78 dx: PCOs w/anovulation  treatment:  Letrozole, Dexamethasone, Menopur, and Ovidrel
@Linsay ; dx: Unexplained treatment: clomid
@MrsAlyssaT dx: One tubal blockage, low motility and Graves disease (hyperthyroidism)  treatment: thyroid medication, IF testing
@vnegron87: dx PCOS  treatment: Clomid, trigger, donor sperm
@MorganL925: dx  possible MFI treatment: Clomid for DH, + IF testing
@xtceyzz: dx: LPD  treatment: Clomid
@MrsB627: dx: PCOS + Kidney Disease treatment: Clomid (going into testing)
@kwetsell dx: anovulation, very low progesterone, endometriosis and adenomyosis  treatment: Clomid


To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2.  What is your diagnosis?

3.  What is your current treatment plan?

Question of the Week:  How did you meet your spouse or significant other?

Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc


Re: TTTC Checkin: 12/14/2015

  • Well I'm pretty frustrated - last week I did my pre-op interview over the phone with the surgery center and they decided to make me jump through a bunch of last minute hoops to clear me for anasthesia - so I have an appointment with a different doctor today at 3:45 and they decide whether or not I get to have my surgery on Wednesday or not. I know that the people at the surgery center are just doing their jobs to keep me safe but (I'm omitting a pretty long story here) this is pretty much completely going over the top and just adding unnecessary stress to the situation.

    DH and I met in middle school - but we didn't start dating until 10th grade.
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • ShallowSeasShallowSeas member
    edited December 2015
    Currently WTO.  This is DH and I's last cycle before we start tx with the RE.  DH's SA came back perfect so we're waiting until my next AF to start my testing.  I will have blood work done on CD 3 and then an HSG soon after and depending on the outcome of the HSG I will either start medication or prepare for IVF or laparoscopy :\

    QOTW:  DH and I met our Freshman year in college.  We sat next to each in Biology and were lab partners all semester. We didn't start dating until 6 years later.
    Me: 31 | H: 32
    Married September 2014
    TTC #1 December 2014
    RE appt 12/2015
    CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility
    February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6
    BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16
    It's a girl!
    Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S
    TFAS March 2018
    RE consultation 8/2/18
    Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19
    It's a girl!
    Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
  • Loading the player...
  • Had follicle scan this morning.  Have 3 measuring 23, 18 and 15.  She went ahead had gave me trigger shot and will have TI for next 3 days.

    QOTW: Met DH on
  • Currently on CD3 and starting IVF treatments this month, with a transfer in January.  I'm really excited to try something new this cycle and praying this time it works. 

    QOTW: Met hubby randomly through mutual friends.  He was actually set up to meet my BFF, so I'm glad I ended up going out that night.

    Married: 8/29/2009
    TTC- since we got married (off and on)
    TTC with focus: Since July 2015
    Currently had 2 rounds of failed IUIs, failed TI monitored cycle
    December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
    January 2016: Retrieval
    March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
    April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.

  • @agriffin92013 FX this is your cycle!!

    @babyexpress FX your IVF cycle goes smoothly!
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • I'm on cd2 after completing my 42 day natural cycle. Getting back on meds this month and feeling a little more hopeful than usual. I'm final finished with nursing school and now wait to take my nclex so my stress level has taken a nose dive.

    Qotw: I met dh at my cousin Ricky's wedding (who was his bf). I was only suppose to be in town the night of the wedding but extended my trip because of meeting dh. We had a long distance relationship for quite a while before he moved to my city to be with me.
  • @BrightenMySky that's great news!! congrats!! FX for a great beta test!
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • vnegron87vnegron87 member
    edited December 2015
    @BrightenMySky that's awesome! Congrats! I'm on CD23, having follicle scan tomorrow and hoping to see some mature follies. I've been having a ton of hot flashes and have some severe nausea going on today (I had it last cycle too around this time but I thought it was because of the trigger and since I haven't triggered I guess it's from the increased Clomid). Hoping to change up meds next cycle if this cycle isn't it. 

     QOTW: We met freshman year of high school and started dating after graduation. 

     Edited b/c i forgot QOTW.
    ME: 28  Wife: 28
    Together since June 2005 - Married May 2015 - TTC since July 2015
    Dx: PCOS and Donor Sperm

    **Trigger Warning**
    08/2015 at home IUI = BFN
    IUI #1 - 11/2015 - 50MG Clomid + 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #2 - 12/2015 - 100MG Clomid + 150MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFP (Miscarried @ 13w3d)
    IUI #3 - 07/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #4 - 08/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = ???

  • Frustrated - So I called the reproductive endocrinologist office to see what I should do since I finally got a positive ovulation and they're like well go follow up with your doctor and I told him he's not following up on anything hes just giving me the medication so now I need to check in if I'm pregnant and then I can cancel the appointment but if not I still have to go to the endocrinologist because my doctors not doing any follow up at all and he should be. I had bloodwork done once three months ago before I started Clomid and that's it. I'm really getting frustrated and I think it's time for the RE and a new gyno honestly.

    QotW - The hubby and I met his friends house by chance. I was supposed to be meeting his friends cousin who cancelled last minute and my hubby was hanging too.

    @GoldenKeys you accidently have me as a welcome but I've been here lol :wink:
    DS born 2016
  • edited December 2015
    Congrats again to @BrightenMySky!!  H&H 9 months!!!

    Today is CD7 for me, and we are doing the au naturel TTC thing this cycle and hoping for one lucky little swimmer.  I'm not temping, just using OPKs this month to try to get the timing right.  We are meeting with a urologist on Thursday to see what he has to say about DH's low count and ways we can increase it.  The plan is to do IUI #2 next cycle with the same med protocol as last time (follistim 125 iu + trigger).

    QOTW: Like @agriffin92013, my DH and I met on :)

    Edited to add a few details.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Congrats @BrightenMySky thats great news to start the week!

    @riveridgional congrats to you too! I'm behind on the posts and just saw yours from last week.  So happy for you.

    Married: 8/29/2009
    TTC- since we got married (off and on)
    TTC with focus: Since July 2015
    Currently had 2 rounds of failed IUIs, failed TI monitored cycle
    December 2015: Starting 1st IVF cycle
    January 2016: Retrieval
    March 2016: Pending Transfer (I have 3 PGS tested embryos waiting for a womb)
    April 2016: BFP, the old fashioned way.

  • Thanks for all the well wishes.  I have to keep reminding myself, feel like I can't quite let it feel real yet.

    FX across the board here!
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • Congrats @BrightenMySky ! Very exciting news!

    I officially got my BFN from first IUI cycle. Quit taking the progesterone yesterday and am now waiting for AF so we can start IUI#2.
    I only had one mature follicle last cycle and since DH has okay numbers but low morphology, I am hoping they will let me up my follistim dosage so we can get another follicle or two.

    QOTW DH and I met at work. He was my boss. I decided to get another job shortly after we moved in together.
    Me: 29 DH: 44
    DX: PCOS
    IUI #1, Nov 2016 - BFN
    IUI #2, Jan 2017 - BFN
    IVF #1, Feb 2017 - 22 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized, 14 Day-5 blasts to freeze
    FET #1, Feb 2018 - 
  • Just got home from the appointment and this new doctor cleared me. I'm simultaneously so happy to still have the surgery scheduled and so incredibly annoyed that this was even an issue at all. I also feel a little more justified in my annoyance because I had a chat with the nurse at this appointment, and apparently the doctor who caused all of this nonsense (a cardiologist) is known for suggesting tests and procedures that patients don't need. It Sucks that I had to pay a $50 copay to see this doctor today (an electrophysiologist) just to be told I'm fine when I already knew it but I guess all that really matters at this point is I get to have my surgery.
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • Thank you @GoldenKeys and everyone for the well wishes!  FX for this one to stick :) 

    Congrats @BrightenMySky!

    Thinking of you all and hoping for lots of good things for each of you!  I'll lurk around for a bit longer until my 8 week check up next Tuesday.  
  • @ceclarlineto I am glad that the headache of that appointment is behind you and you are cleared.  GL with surgery!
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @BrightenMySky Congratulations!!
    DS born 2016
  • @BrightenMySky Yaaaay congratulations!!! 

    @ceclarinetlo Good luck with your surgery!

    I'm just hanging around. Waiting for February.

    QOTW: We met on yahoo! personals.
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • @BrightenMySky congrats! How exciting!

    I had my blood test yesterday and it was negative as expected so officially first Femara cycle didn't work. Today is my last day with progesterone so now I wait until AF arrives and I will not be doing anything this month because we are traveling so I won't make the mid cycle appointments and I honestly don't want the stress. I am very disappointed and sad :(

    QOTW- I met my husband when I was in school and he was a teacher. We became really good friends and I even worked for him for a while. Years after that we started going out.
    *BFP warning*
    *Child mentioned*
    TTC #2. Daughter born July 17th of 2013. 
    PCOS, Endo, Insulin Resitance. 

    HSG done Sep 17- tubes unblocked! SA done- came back good! Hysteroscopy done Nov7- No uterus issues 

    On 2550mg a day Metformin. 
    Round 1 of Clomid- 100mg CD3-7  BFN- Clomid left a huge cyst, AF arrived after 40 day cycle- BFN
    Round 1 of Femara- 10mg CD2-6 Mid cycle scan showed two follies (31mm and 27mm), trigger shot- BFN
    Benched out December- BFN
    Round 2 of Femara- BFP!!! First beta at 10dpo- 28 Second beta at 12 dpo- ? 
  • @lily55d  I'm so sorry about your negative.  Hopefully AF will show up quickly so that you can get started with your next cycle.

    Went in for u/s this morning and have a 19 and 17 (one on each side).  Triggering tonight and IUIs tomorrow and Thursday.  :-D
    ME: 28  Wife: 28
    Together since June 2005 - Married May 2015 - TTC since July 2015
    Dx: PCOS and Donor Sperm

    **Trigger Warning**
    08/2015 at home IUI = BFN
    IUI #1 - 11/2015 - 50MG Clomid + 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #2 - 12/2015 - 100MG Clomid + 150MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFP (Miscarried @ 13w3d)
    IUI #3 - 07/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #4 - 08/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = ???

  • @calfherder if all goes well tomorrow we'll both be back to ttc around the same time. FX February is both of our month!

    @lily55d sorry for your BFN. :( *big hugs*

    @vnegron87 FX for those follies!
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • I am benched. I made my appointment with the specialist, but the earliest appointment at present is the end of March. At least this takes some pressure off of me for a few months, and I can really enjoy the holidays by themselves without fretting over my cycle.
    P.S. I am so glad I have you ladies to check in with. It makes the journey a little more tolerable.

    And I met my husband on an airplane. . . hence my SN :)
    DX PCOS + mild male factor
    TTC since Dec. 2015
    Current Treatment: Metformin, Provera, Letrozole, Trigger, IUI
    Past Treatment: Clomid + Metformin x 3 BFN
    Letrozole 5 mg + Trigger shot + IUI = BFP!
    Beta confirmed 8/22
    EDD 5/1/17
  • @Goldenkeys I have an update. Met with a RE yesterday. Started provera today to induce a cycle. He gave me metformin to take one pill for 7 days then 2 for the remainder so I will be at 2000 mg. DH husband goes january 5th to get his counts checked. If he checks out then we can try different methods for myself. If his counts are low then the option at that point with be IVF. After my provera induces a cycle the RE wants me on one month of BC pills until we figure out what the best plan of attack will be.
    Married for 3 years
    Me: 28 DH: 33
    Together for a total of 6 years
    Fur mommy to two rescue dogs
    DX: PCOS and Insulin Resistance

    Irregular Cycles
    2010: Laproscopy with Hystroscopy ablation. Tubes were clear.
    1/5/2016 : DH sperm analysis is excellent.
    February: Switched to a new RE
    Two failed clomid rounds
    March 2016: New HSG and found tubes are open
    April 2016: Round one Letrozole 2.5 mg. Ultrasounds day 13 &16. No follicle grouth
    May 2016: Had to take a month off
    June 9th 2016: Started Letrozole again but at 5mg
    July 5th: bfp beta 31
    July 7th: Beta 97
    July 9th: Beta 231
    July 11th: Beta 500
    July 13: Beta 1400
    Beautiful son born 3/16/17 @ 1:38pm

  • Congrats!! @BrightenMySky!!!

    First month of clomid (50mg 3-7 ) and first month temping. I have had ewcm for the last 5 days (cd 12-16) and high readings on advanced opk. I don't know what to make of it and haven't been referred to RE yet (have a total of 3 months to try with OB first). I can't make sense of any of it and really need someone to help me understand my chart, if anyone is up for the challenge, let me know!!

    I wish everyone luck on their next week's adventure.

    QOTW: DH and I met online in 2009
  • @BrightenMySky congrats! That's so exciting! It gives me some hope as DH has MFI issues.

    Not sure if everyone remembers my frustration from last week, but it was because we got DH's SA results from 11/27 and they were missing all the important categories. We had his urology f/up appt last evening and the urologist was also frustrated and said that this specific clinic is known for not completing the test if the count is below 5 mill. It says his was - his other tests have both been above at 5.3 and 13 mill. While the Clomid helped his T levels drastically, it doesn't appear to have helped his counts so the urologist told him to stop. He doesn't know if it hurt the count or if something else was the cause. Has anyone heard of Clomid decreasing counts? The only other change was he stopped taking a Vitamin E/Selenium combo vitamin because I'd read some things about strokes. Could that be it? I'm thinking about ordering some more for him to start. 

    I had CD3 blood work yesterday and my HSG scheduled for Monday (12/21). We asked the urologist to write a script for another SA that DH can get done in the next couple of weeks at a different clinic so that we can have actual numbers and he wrote a second script for him to do one in three months to see the levels after stopping the Clomid. I wanted to have another count to give my RE, but we'll see where that stands. The RE had been thinking IUI based on previous counts and the fact that I don't currently have any issues, but not sure how she'll feel now. I'm really, really hoping it's just a fluke test. We were both disappointed and I think DH may have been close to tears which is really unusual for him. Staying positive but it's hard. Especially since I have literally no one IRL who has any experience with this or has been a good listener. It seems like everyone just tries to "help" with suggestions that really are stupid - there's no other way to say it - but I can't say that or else I'm a b1tch. So I've just been keeping it to myself. I'm about to say something on FB because I feel like out of all my college "friends" who now have kids...someone, at least one, has to have struggled with IF.

    Sorry that was so long!

    QOTW: We met at a mutual friend's 4th of July party the summer I graduated HS. He was a year older. He was best friends with my friend's (having the party) boyfriend. We'd never met because he'd been hiking out west for several months. We met that night and hung out just about every day the rest of the summer. I left for college and we decided to try and make it we are 9.5 years later.
    Me: 31
    DH: 32

    Married: Sep 2012
    TTC #1: Jan 2015
    Baby A (via IUI due to MFI): Sep 2016 born at 35+6

    Surprise but very welcome + on 5/16/2019, EDD 1/25/2020
  • @MorganL925 - I'm sorry you're going through this.  I hope you get some answers at the new clinic.  My clinic doesn't do full testing either if counts are low... they say they will only do morphology testing if you have at least 10 million sperm per ml (concentration).  We've been just below that each time.  So we know we're dealing with low count but have no clue about the morphology.  This stuff can get so frustrating!!  I have heard of clomid increasing sperm count but not decreasing it.  I guess everyone responds differently...  It's good you're working with a urologist.  I'm hoping we will get some answers at our first urologist appointment tomorrow morning.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • @wifeinraleigh28 - 10 mill seems high! That's so frustrating. I'm really, really hoping it was just a fluke. The urologist said that in his 12 years prescribing it, he's only seen it lower counts in one person. He's not convinced it's the Clomid, and while it helped his T level, it didn't help his count, which was the purpose, so he recommended stopping it. I just ordered $50 worth of vitamins on Amazon to add to his regimen, adding back in a lower dose of Vit E and Selenium +  L-carnitine. Is your DH on any vitamins? The urologist said he doesn't prescribe them but hasn't seen any harm. His counts really improved three months after taking them, so I don't think they're hurting things. I'm hopeful the urologist will help y'all. He was disappointed last night when he had to tell us that unfortunately at this point, there's really nothing he can do. DH doesn't need to have any veins repaired from his perspective so he just wants to repeat the SAs, work with the RE, and then come back to him if the RE recommends trying Clomid again. 
    Me: 31
    DH: 32

    Married: Sep 2012
    TTC #1: Jan 2015
    Baby A (via IUI due to MFI): Sep 2016 born at 35+6

    Surprise but very welcome + on 5/16/2019, EDD 1/25/2020
  • I finished my first dosage of Clomid, ovulated on day 15 and I'm now in the TWW. I got a positive OPK for the first time in my life this cycle, so that is exciting. I am doubtful that we will get KU on the first month I ovulated tho. Trying to keep my expectations low since I don't want to be disappointed again. I have an appointment for blood work tomorrow to check my levels. 

    I had lots of bloating and heaviness from the clomid and then terrible cramps on the day I actually ovulated. Didn't really make me feel like BD, but I did it anyway. Has this happened to any of you?

    My husband was the boy next door. We were friends growing up and started dating in high school. 

    ----trigger warning----
    Married 11 years, DD born 9/2009, MC 1/2013
    TTC #2 since 2014, dx: unexplained annovulation,
    2 cycles of Clomid, MC 1/2016, BFP June 4
  • @MorganL925 I'm sorry that sounds so frustrating! I hope you get answers soon! 

    AFM today is CD1. AF came regardless of me taking progesterone, at 18DPO, so late but better than last time where I had a 40 day cycle and AF came like 10 days after stopping progesterone. So I guess I am pleased with that. This month our follicle check would end up Dec25 so because of the difficulty all these dates mean, we are not doing femara and just benching out until next month. I should ovulate with the metformin but I am honestly not keeping any hope. I just want january to start now. 

    *BFP warning*
    *Child mentioned*
    TTC #2. Daughter born July 17th of 2013. 
    PCOS, Endo, Insulin Resitance. 

    HSG done Sep 17- tubes unblocked! SA done- came back good! Hysteroscopy done Nov7- No uterus issues 

    On 2550mg a day Metformin. 
    Round 1 of Clomid- 100mg CD3-7  BFN- Clomid left a huge cyst, AF arrived after 40 day cycle- BFN
    Round 1 of Femara- 10mg CD2-6 Mid cycle scan showed two follies (31mm and 27mm), trigger shot- BFN
    Benched out December- BFN
    Round 2 of Femara- BFP!!! First beta at 10dpo- 28 Second beta at 12 dpo- ? 
  • good luck @babyexpress!!!
    Married for 4 years. TTC for 3.
    Me: 38 DH: 39
    DX: Unexplained Infertility; found a few fibroids this time around during SIS

    March 2012: Clomid for 3 cycles  3 BFNs
    Sept. 2013: started injectables (Follistim, Ovidrel Trigger) IUI BFN

    May 2015: New RE. Going IVF. Tests, Tests, Tests 
    July 2015: Microdose Lupron 20u am & pm, Follistim 150iu 75iu am, Menapur 150iu 75iu pm
    Triggered 8/4 ER 8/6 ET 8/11 2 beautiful blastocysts; 2WW
    8/19 hpt BFP! Beta 8/25: 482
    2nd Beta 9/1......3707
    U/S 9/21: 1 beautiful little gummy bear

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • erica0901erica0901 member
    edited December 2015
    I had an eventful couple of days. Yesterday went for a scan and bloodwork on CD 12. Scan showed two follicles- 19 and 13. The bloodwork showed that all my levels were rising so the RE wanted me back in today. Today the follicles grew to 21 and 16, the bloodwork showed that I am not surging on my own so tonight I take the Ovidrel and go for the IUI on Friday! FX for everyone!!

    QOTW: DH and I met online :)

    ETA QOTW because I always forget!
    Me 32 DH 34
    Married 9/2012 

    TTC #2 starting 9/2019
    BFP 7/13/2020!
    Due 3/18/2021

    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
    IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs
    Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016  Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
    Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016

  • Newbie here!
    Been TTC almost 7 months with many setbacks.

    No current DX, unexplained issues as of now, but I am being seen today by an RE to see if I have Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. My OB referred me to him after blood work showing progesterone issues.

    I am currently on Metformin. No PCOS or diabetes tough.

    DH and I met playing catch at a mutual friends NFL kickoff party!

    Me: 23   DH: 30

    TTC since May 2015

    DX: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia causing


    BFP on 9/8/16 after cycle #9 of 16 months TTC!! 1st US 10/3

    .Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker 
    Currently: Very anxious!!
  • @MorganL925 - We haven't tried any vitamins yet... we are pretty early in our infertility journey but it's something we will consider especially after talking to the urologist tomorrow.  I thought 10 million per ml was pretty high too, maybe they just don't want to use their resources on morphology testing?!  I don't know.  The lab tech even told me that morphology isn't really that big of a deal anyway and that I shouldn't worry about it too much.  Ugh!

    I'm really hoping to avoid IVF but I'm glad it is there as an option for us if we can't get pregnant other ways.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • @kwetsell I also had heaviness/bloating on Clomid, and then pretty bad cramps when I ovulated (typically trigger shot at night, crampy all next day, then IUI the next morning and some residual cramping).  One time I had to wear a suit the day after my trigger, and it was a little tight and felt like my ovaries would explode.  Yeah, I went shopping after that.
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @mackenzie07 Let me know how your metformin goes. I'm currently on 500, and they wanted to up my dosage, but it made me sick as a dog. I'm going to maintain the 500 until I see the RE and see what she says.
    DX PCOS + mild male factor
    TTC since Dec. 2015
    Current Treatment: Metformin, Provera, Letrozole, Trigger, IUI
    Past Treatment: Clomid + Metformin x 3 BFN
    Letrozole 5 mg + Trigger shot + IUI = BFP!
    Beta confirmed 8/22
    EDD 5/1/17
  • @GoldenKeys - New update: my treatment plan is changing completely.  DH and I met with a urologist this morning and he is having DH stop his testosterone gel and is putting him on 50 mg of Clomid to increase natural testosterone and hopefully increase sperm count.  We think it will be a waste of time and money to do more IUIs right now since the Clomid could take anywhere from 1-6 months to have effects.  If the Clomid increases his sperm count and we end up with no other issues we're hoping that we will be able to conceive with temping and well-timed sex.  IUIs are on hold for now until we see if this plan will work.  DH goes back to the lab for another semen analysis and blood work to check his T levels on 1/28.  Keeping my fingers crossed for some improvements but I know it could take longer than that!

    DH is extremely anxious about changing his hormones around, and I am too.  I thought he was going to have a panic attack at the urologist's office.  I told him I really don't want him doing anything that he isn't ready for or uncomfortable with, but I think that most of his anxiety is coming from him knowing that this is what he has to do if we want to get pregnant.  I feel awful for him.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Hi! Late to the party this week. Did my 3rd and final round of clomid this cycle. Currently cd18. Found out hubby has low count and low morph soooo we're likely looking at iui after the new year. Got a positive opk on tues. I stopped temping on the clomid bc the days I took it made my temp soooo high, I couldn't get a clear shift so I just stuck to opks. Looking at testing around new years, just for fun since we were told it's not going to happen naturally.
    I met my husband thru another guy I was dating, who went to college with dh. Kind of a long story but it all worked out!
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