Baby Names

Lydia or Violet?

Hi all - this is my first time posting here. We are expecting our first baby (a girl) in March and I'm having the hardest time with her name! I've always loved names and I can be super critical/picky. I really like classic and not over-done or trendy. DH is on the same page, thankfully! 

I've always LOVED Violet, but I'm worried about the popularity. I've been hearing it a lot more lately and I'm afraid that it will be become the next Lily. Still a classic, beautiful name - but now it's in the top 10! Give it to me straight, what do you think about Violet's likelihood to keep rising on the charts? Would this be a turn off to you?

The other option is Lydia... and I really do like that one, too. I think I'm just partial to VioletLydia is one of those names that every knows, but seems to be pretty under used - at least in the area I'm in. I like that. We like the nn Lydie, as well.

Middle name will be a virtue name. Last name is one syllable and starts with an S. Our options are:

Violet Mercy
Lydia Shalom 

What do you think?

Re: Lydia or Violet?

  • Violet is one of my favorite names and is still on my short list. But I'm also feeling the over popular thing... so we probably won't use it. Lydia is a beautiful name. I'd probably go with
  • Lydia NMS. Prefer violet. I think it's used more lately but I don't predict it will be top 10. Not that I have any reason to predict. :) I'd go with Violet.
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  • Both were on my short list. Violet does seem to be on the rise, but definitely look specifically at your area. Some names are popular nationally, but can be less popular in certain areas. Both are solid names.
  • I also have to name a baby girl in March so I've been doing a lot of thinking about the popularity of girls names right now too.  I personally think that Lydia will become more popular than Violet.  Violet is beautiful but it doesn't have any cutesy nicknames, and I feel like a lot of the girl names that have become super popular have cutesy nicknames.  But I doubt either of them will become Sophies or Emmas.  That being said, for you I'd go with Violet since you LOVE it.
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  • I love them both, however, they are both popular in my area. I agree that Lydia will be more popular than Violet.
  • Lydia is NMS but I would be a little worried about Violet gaining in popularity. However...according to Behind the Name, Lydia is #84 and Violet is #67 and they're both becoming more popular so maybe it's not a big deal. I'd go with Violet.
  • I love Violet. It's one of my favorites. I wouldn't worry about using a name in the 60s, not really popular at all. I think it may rise a little higher, but I don't see it ever being a top 20 name. Those are the ones that seem overdone.
  • Both are great, but if you truly love Violet, go with it.  FWIW, I don't know anyone named Violet.
    Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!)
    Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
    Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • holoceneholocene member
    edited December 2015
    I love Violet. It is on the rise, but no one can really say how much so. 

    I had the same struggle with naming our girl. We narrowed our list to three combinations but ended up crossing off one (Isla), due to a major spike in popularity. Violet is our second choice if our daughter doesn't suit the name we have chosen for her. I do understand your hesitation because I have also noticed a lot of new little Violet's around. Honestly though, it's a great name. And I think a lot of names become popular because they are so great. From your post, I can see that Violet has captured your heart. I wouldn't let the numbers deter you from your favourite. 

    Oh, and we think Lottie is the sweetest nickname for Violet. :)

  • Lydia was our pick of we had a girl when we had DS1. After having him we met 4-5 Lydia's and that turned us off that name. Ironically, Violet is DD3 middle name. I would have never chosen the name of it didnt have a lot of meaning to us but after using it I love it. And if nn are important to you, Vi (vie) is cute.
  • kerstirae said:
    Hi all - this is my first time posting here. We are expecting our first baby (a girl) in March and I'm having the hardest time with her name! I've always loved names and I can be super critical/picky. I really like classic and not over-done or trendy. DH is on the same page, thankfully! 

    I've always LOVED Violet, but I'm worried about the popularity. I've been hearing it a lot more lately and I'm afraid that it will be become the next Lily. Still a classic, beautiful name - but now it's in the top 10! Give it to me straight, what do you think about Violet's likelihood to keep rising on the charts? Would this be a turn off to you?

    The other option is Lydia... and I really do like that one, too. I think I'm just partial to VioletLydia is one of those names that every knows, but seems to be pretty under used - at least in the area I'm in. I like that. We like the nn Lydie, as well.

    Middle name will be a virtue name. Last name is one syllable and starts with an S. Our options are:

    Violet Mercy
    Lydia Shalom 

    What do you think?

    I vote for Violet Mercy
    Me:27 | DH: 26
    Married: 7/26/14
    NTNP since: September '15
    TTC #1: October '15
  • Violet is much more popular than Lydia. 

    Both names are lovely. If you are worried about rising popularity then Lydia is the better option. 
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  • They're both great names. I'm a big believer in going in with a short list and meeting the baby first. With DD1 I looked at her, called her by my #1 name, and it didn't feel right at all. So glad I kept an open mind!
  • Lydia, but if you really love Violet you should use the name, and in the end you won't care if it's popular at all. 
  • Violet. Beautiful name, and too close in popularity to Lydia to justify settling for a name you don't love.


  • I think Violet is a much, much prettier name than Lydia. I would 100% pick Violet.
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