3rd Trimester


I'm 37 weeks as of tomorrow. This going to be my first kid. My body hurts all over. It hurts to walk or even get out of my bed. I haven't gotten a good night sleep in weeks. I'm having contractions that are getting more painfull each time I have one but the timings aren't regular. I am 1cm dilated. I have no idea what to do about all the pain I'm having. Its in my back, hips, legs, feet and belly. Along with the contraction pains.

Re: pain!!!!

  • This is actually pretty normal but if you feel like you can't take it the only advice I can give would be to talk to your doctor or midwife.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
  • Thank you. I'll push through this. I have through the whole thing already. Whats a few more weeks if that.
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  • Warm bath.  Heating pad.  Massage from SO.  Lots of water.  Rest.  Patience.  I promise it won't last forever.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
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    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

  • Just throwing this out there, is there a possibility you might have caught a virus like a cold or flu? They can cause really bad muscle aches all over x
  • Or your baby has dropped and these pains are unfortunately all normal. Most of us are feeling the same way at this point, momma! Hang in there and listen to pp.. Call doc if concerned, but baths, heating pads and massages are wonderful and you can take Tylenol if needed! Also unisom sleep tabs are your friend in the end!
  • I have found that warm baths help for this (though I'm only 34 weeks). I just have a small apartment one but definitely helpful. Good luck and stay strong Mama, the end is in sight

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My baby has been dropped for weeks now. Some of the pains were already there and just intensified and some are new. My doc said I could take benadryl to help me sleep. But other than that he has said that everything is going great. So I guess I have to trust his word because I've never done this before.
  • At my last appointment I was also told that my blood pressure was a little high and when I stepped on the scale I had gained 10 pounds in the two weeks since last time I saw the doctor. Should I be worried about this??? High blood pressure runs in my family. And I don't know how I gained that much.
  • ababy1893 said:

    At my last appointment I was also told that my blood pressure was a little high and when I stepped on the scale I had gained 10 pounds in the two weeks since last time I saw the doctor. Should I be worried about this??? High blood pressure runs in my family. And I don't know how I gained that much.

    Those are questions for your doctor. Did they say they would monitor it or seem unconcerned?
  • They didn't say anything about it. But my sister in law was actually induced for high blood pressure and a 12 pound gain in a week and was at risk of having an emergency c-section.
  • You need to be having better conversations with your doctor. These are questions that none of us are qualified to give you answers for.
  • ababy1893 said:

    At my last appointment I was also told that my blood pressure was a little high and when I stepped on the scale I had gained 10 pounds in the two weeks since last time I saw the doctor. Should I be worried about this??? High blood pressure runs in my family. And I don't know how I gained that much.

    Ask your doctor???? Even if we told you to be concerned, what are you gonna do with that information?
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